Mnementh on 10 December 2021
Machina said: -- More clues: #23 - The doors between some levels in this game look delicious, being made out of things like Watermelons and Lemons.
- It's an origin story of sorts, and features locations from previous entries in the series.
- Despite the origin nature of the game it's actually the fourth mainline entry in its series, though it isn't numbered.
- It's a colourful and lively platformer.
- The final level is a sprint through the land of the living dead.
#21 - Getting to use the sword is a novelty, and often tricky.
- Shooting laser beams at your opponent is also fun.
- It's the second entry in a series that's still going strong to this day.
- One thing I loved about the game was the little cut scene vignettes you unlock when you complete the single player part of the game with each different character.
- You also unlock extra playable characters by completing the game with a character that each one is connected to in some way.
#19 - Back on the PS3 when PSN was just for smaller games, not full downloads of major releases, this was one of the biggest games on the service and also the best.
- It's a racing game.
#17 - People gush over this series' gibberish lore to make up for the lack of actual story, but I say fuck the lore - it's all about the hellish combat really. This entry makes it more fluid than ever before. And prettier too, much prettier.
- It's the third entry in the series.
#23: Everything matching Rayman Legends, except I don't remember the delicious doors. But the fourth entry is actually Rayman Origins, which I never played, so that one must it be.
3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)
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