B6a6es said:
i dont know if you realize, but Stadia has far bigger reach than Xcloud could ever dream of (integrated into Every single Chrome Browser excluding iOS, as well as every Android Phone, not to mention being Made by Google, the face of the internet itself) and it still a laughing stock in the industry, unless the internet becomes so incredibly fast that you literally stream the game files at HDD speed at the very least (unlike streaming a laggy video signal with even laggier input) then i dont see it becoming a thing, 10 years isnt wishful thinking, its about how ridiculously early Cloud Gaming are, the industry were talking about mobile gaming being a bigger impact since 2000 and yet it only started taking off when the iPhone Appstore launched in 2008 Oh and if your worried too much for Sony, they already got PSNow which literally uses the same Cloud Services as Xcloud (Microsoft Azure).
Because Exclusives is what Drives Platforms, Not Services, or Devaluing Games in a subscription Services, even Apple Arcade doesn’t make a dent to the Switch Performace |
You are obviously spoiled by the game industry, thinking that a product not successful in the first ten seconds has failed. But game industry in large parts is ridiculously front loaded. But that statement isn't even true. Only parts of the game industry is ridiculously frontloaded. Indie games can take off and reach millions of users years after their release. Mobile games usually aren't front loaded as much. And if we look in the past - video games also didn't tended to be that front loaded. The success or failure on release is an exception, not the rule for markets.
Technically cloud gaming is there. Look reviews of even sceptical gamers that tried some cloud service, and the common theme is how surprised they are how well it works. Sure, it is dependent on good internet connection. But as I said, to change the market cloud service don't need to dominate, they only need to win over a 10-20 million customers. And there are enough fast internet connections to achieve that.
Google made some blunders with Stadia, but they weren't connected to technical issues. The problem is the lack of first party games, Google acquired studios and founded some themself, but have so far nothing to show, yet still released. First party Google games will come in the future. For the moment Stadia is fine, it has a stable userbase. In April the app was going past 1 million downloads. Remember, they offered the Pro tier free for a limited time back then, but started the real free tier Base at a later point. So users may be bigger by now. Stadia also receives regular 3rd-party games ( still no first-party), so it is still rolling. I think Google can sustain this for years, until they decide to invest seriously into enticing first-party offerings. To be precise, they must have first party games in development, they ust release at some point. But to make it clear that the current state of Stadia is all Googgles fault: apparently currently 26 people work for Stadia. 26! If they get a million customers with 26 employees, what can Stadia do if Google decides to invest in the platform for serious?
Now, inhowfar xcloud and Luna avoid the same mistakes is yet to see. But that between the three of them 10-20 million customers can be assembled in two years, that seems quite possible.
And I think these offerings are in competition to Switch too. As I repeatedly tell here, all this stuff isn't taking much customers away *right now*, but in two to three years I expect them to make a dent into console sales.