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S.T.A.G.E. said:
All of the call of duties sold on the Wii dont even amount to one sold on one of the HD twins. Thats how badly COD sells on a Nintendo platform with a majorly casual community. Monster Hunter is made for that audience, think Pokemon...just more mature. Your standards for sales are low for Resident Evil, especially on a platform that sold 100 million. The original Playstation sold a little over that over the Wii in Sonys first year in gaming and the first Resident Evil sold more than all of the Resident Evil games released on the Wii.

The audience was comprised of mostly non-gamers. The true gamers were extremely minor. This is what people found out about the Wii.

You're right about COD, I agree. You're wrong about Resident Evil. Resident Evil 4 sold 2.15M on 100M Wii against 3.62M on 150M PS2. That is comparable. And the two Chronicles were spinoffs of the main series. To be more, they were rail-shooters with way smaller budget than RE5 or RE6. For that they sold impressive.

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