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prob not unless it really looked interesting to me

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Don't forget folks, didn't burger king do the Burger sneak game for all of 3.99 or something? I never played it myself, but from what I heard it was actually fairly well received and was even lauded for its borderline creepy quirkiness.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


Words Of Wisdom said:

Probably not. There is a large number of FPS games available for every system minus the Wii. Unless this particular FPS game was able to do something amazing and unique, there'd be little to no point in picking it up at any price IMO. On the other hand, if it did manage to do something amazing, I don't think price would be a concern.

Essentially, sure you could buy a load of horse crap for $10 but you're still buying horse crap. Price doesn't change the final product.

Plus I personally hate the idea of paying for additional downloadable content later on. The sooner it comes out, the more I feel like the developer cheated me out of something that should have been in the base product and not DLC.

Well, that problem could be diverted rather easily if it was Wii-Ware.


So, imo, money is to be made and it's only on Wii-Ware for most small developers. I hear Arcade has a tendency to screw them over, but that's just what I hear around the developer conference hall watercooler. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


There is nothing wrong with your concept beyond it being generally vague. You are most definitely in the right price range. A good rule of thumb is that a dollar per hour is break even. So if the game is strong enough to give players closer to twenty hours they will be very satisfied. The volume you are looking at should satisfy that easily ten maps with perhaps eight modes should entertain easily between ten and twenty hours.

I think you should also look towards Star Wars Battlefront for inspiration. The single player game basically use the maps that were explicitly built for online play. So you can have a single player component in your game. Not that it is necessary, but it would definitely help for little extra work. I am actually amazed that more developers do not do this. They give you an arena to play in online, but play you on rails in a single player mode. Playing in an arena gives players more freedom to be crafty.

Beyond that this is what would be innovative. Give players the weapons they crave. Give them flame throwers, killer grenades, proximity mines, and a weapon that can shoot through terrain to nail those campers. Go old school with the levels. I think players are getting tired with these asymmetrical maps. I think it would be wonderful to get back to those simpler symmetrical maps that were much easier to understand, and actually had points of contention. Finally it would be wonderful to play sans lobby. Nobody likes the lobby its a horrendous time sink. Let me get into a party and stay there through five or six matches. Do that and online players will beat a path to your game.

I would buy it, if the controls are good and if it was fun to play. It would probably need to be innovative as well, or at least something refreshing.

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#1 controls are a must to get spot on...

#2 consider your competition... 360 might be the toughest...

#3 How about making the game free with one map, one multiplayer mode, one skin and just one pistol to get loads of people to play and try your game. (if it's only multiplayer, the idea is to have a large userbase...maybe have an introductory single player level that showcases what else there is in the game (other weapons, skins....) like an academy introductory level?)

 -> then sell the main game pack ( all multiplayer modes (yes all otherwise some will be unpopulated) + 4-5 maps + weapons + skins + classes: Medic, Footman, Engeneer) $10

 -> sell a story mode pack, depending on length you may make it an other $10 (you can even make episodes, but beware, there needs to be value for the price or people won't follow past the first one)

-> sell specialized class packs ( Sniper, demolition, heavy asault) $5

-> sell a mappack $5

-> get Mii support and make a killing amout of $$ (well if Nint ever agrees to get the Miis shooting at each other... you already shoot at them in Wii play though) 

(let the "demo" players be on the same games as the main game players so that if the communoty is soso in the main game maps, the buyers always have the possibility to play against the demo players (who have only a gun and will be easy to kill, thus still giving the player an impression of power and fun).  

#4 give a free update like a new map after a month to the main game pack owners, will bring back the ones that left the game on standby.


I'm a Wii owner and i'd try that game and probably buy the multiplayer if the controls are good and community large. Heck for $10 i'd even be glad to play just the cannon fodder demo players.

Episodes type of releases seem to work, and it lets you reduce your loss in case of failure as well as streamline income.


oh and one thing I love in games is cooperative bots.... might be too much to handle on the Wii but it can make a 16vs16 player game look much more epic.

also I liked the idea up there of 3 teams =)


Wow,some very good responses here, complete with some perspectives that haven't been considered before.

Dodece - I can't say too much on the game without giving away some trade secrets, so, sorry for the vagueness. =) As for weapons, here's just a short glimpse - Molotov cocktails and broken defibrillators are in. I say no more!

Hephaestos - interesting breakdown solution for release/sales. Definitely something to consider. Btw, a free demo is planned. My only concern with WiiWare and addons is trying not to usurp all the Wii memory. I really am hoping that Nintendo does the right thing and puts out a USB hard drive

to all else - thanks for the input/feeback. My years of gaming and being a beta tester have taught me the value of player input, and you have been heard. We're not making games for us, we're making games for you =)

I have to admit, the moltov cocktails style isn't really my thing though the broken defibrillator sounds interesting. It sounds like this is designed so that the weapons you use in the game are found and improvised from whatever arena you happen to be in.
In order to conserve Wii Memory, you may want to have it so you can save any purchased levels to an SD card, but in the game, you can switch those levels into "active" state by moving them into the Wii memory. That way you can switch out levels much like Nintendo has sugested people switch out their virtual channels, except this would provide an in game method of doing that. Of course, any game you buy or that is for free should be redownloadable for no extra charge, but letting people store it on their SD cards means they don't need to use bandwidth every time they want to load a level.
Actually you should probably be able to Have levels active even if they're all saved to your SD card. Super Smash Bros Brawl allows you to save any of your custom stages to an SD and also access them directly from those cards, so it should be doable for extra levels for this FPS as well.
One issue about saving the levels to the SD card is that people would likely try copying the data so they could use those levels on a different system, so it'd probably be necessary to implement a online verification for those levels that aren't free, so that the game can check that you have purchased the levels. Of course, this should technically only require a moment, since it only needs to verify that you own the level and not download the entire level.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


Andres9888 said:
I don't think a FPS would be would be good for 10 dollars. There is a huge number of good ones that are already out and people are willing to spend more then 10 for one. I think for 10 DLC I would go for either unquie artistic/cartoony games or good party games that you can pick up and play.

 I don't follow your logic...

 I enjoy FPS's a lot, but I don't value most games past being worth $25 to actually go out and buy it.  If the game were decent, even as crappy as Goldeneye by today's standards, I'd pay $10 for a shooter-fix than $60 for a spankin' FPS that I may not finish the first 10 hours of play (I never finished Halo 1 campaign, but I certainly played multi out the kazoo... played lots of others, but some I just get distracted for whatever reason).

 Id' be willing to buy an FPS for 10 dollars if it "didn't suck" and had something to offer.  I'm not willing to spend "much more anyway" on $60 shooters.  (Last one I officialy bought as mine was RE4:Wii for $30 (?)).  Room mates have Halo 3, Vegas and Resistance.

 Me:  "Willing to pay 10, but not 25, 50 or 60"   (RE4:Wii is exceptional and more complete to begin with)

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.