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There is nothing wrong with your concept beyond it being generally vague. You are most definitely in the right price range. A good rule of thumb is that a dollar per hour is break even. So if the game is strong enough to give players closer to twenty hours they will be very satisfied. The volume you are looking at should satisfy that easily ten maps with perhaps eight modes should entertain easily between ten and twenty hours.

I think you should also look towards Star Wars Battlefront for inspiration. The single player game basically use the maps that were explicitly built for online play. So you can have a single player component in your game. Not that it is necessary, but it would definitely help for little extra work. I am actually amazed that more developers do not do this. They give you an arena to play in online, but play you on rails in a single player mode. Playing in an arena gives players more freedom to be crafty.

Beyond that this is what would be innovative. Give players the weapons they crave. Give them flame throwers, killer grenades, proximity mines, and a weapon that can shoot through terrain to nail those campers. Go old school with the levels. I think players are getting tired with these asymmetrical maps. I think it would be wonderful to get back to those simpler symmetrical maps that were much easier to understand, and actually had points of contention. Finally it would be wonderful to play sans lobby. Nobody likes the lobby its a horrendous time sink. Let me get into a party and stay there through five or six matches. Do that and online players will beat a path to your game.