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Democratic Support of UBI and Abortion at the same time is Hypocrisy

Yes 8 26.67%
No 22 73.33%
o_O.Q said:

Democrats in order to justify abortion has used the argument that developing babies in the womb can be thought of as parasites living inside the mother and stealing nutrients in order to live and grow restricting their bodily autonomy

"In fact, the biological definition of "parasite" fits the fetal mode of growth precisely, especially since pregnancy causes a major upset to a woman's body, just like a parasite does to its host. I'm not trying to disparage fetuses with the negative connotations of the word parasite; in fact, parasites and their hosts often enjoy mutually supportive relationships, and this would include most pregnancies. However, the parasitic relationship of a fetus to a woman means that its continued existence requires her consent[13] - if she continues the pregnancy unwillingly, her rights and bodily integrity are violated. "

 “The fetus is merely a wad of cells. A mere wad of cells doesn’t equate to a fully functioning, living human being. A wad of cells cannot make its own cognitive decisions… Comparatively, a fetus is little more than a tapeworm. It is quite common for humans to annihilate parasites with medications or toxins, so why not allow for fetuses to suffer the same fate?”

"Abortion-obsessed Lena Dunham's Girls, airing on HBO, refers to an unborn baby as a "parasite" during an episode called What Will We Do This Time About Adam?

The character of Hannah, played by Dunham, is more than 20 weeks into her pregnancy when her friend Elijah refers to the baby as a "parasite growing inside of you." He makes the reference before offering to find a clinic for Hannah to have the baby aborted."

I think its a fair conclusion to state that unborn babies result in a restriction of freedom and bodily autonomy for mothers

However, these are the same people that have recently put forwards proposals such as

"“I think it’s important because it is another step in mainstreaming the idea of basic income,” said Owen Poindexter, a candidate for state assembly in district 15 who himself is running on UBI, “this is another hand hold on the wall we’re climbing.” Poindexter is hoping that the new party platform will make people more comfortable with basic income as a talking point, “this makes it easier for politicians to point to the platform and start a conversation, and it makes it easier for voters to bring it up when they are asking questions of candidates.”"

"The overview notes that the Green New Deal aims to provide “economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.”

How do you ensure everyone a basic income? you do so by siphoning more resources from the people who are gathering resources to begin with(typically men ironically) restricting their bodily autonomy... seeing the parallels here? Is this not like a baby siphoning resources from a mother? 

Please discuss if its a fair comparison or not below

The whole idea of government and income distribution is parasitic.

And these people need a lesson of biology, parasite is the relationship where only one side benefits from taking from the other. There is another one where one side benefits and the other is neutral and also one where both sides benefit.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

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Only in America can one be in full support of assault weapons, basically no limitations on weaponry ownership, not wanting any background checks and an adamant defender of the death penalty and yet unironically call themselves "Pro-Life".

sethnintendo said:
The whole restrictions past 8 weeks passed by recent state legislatures is bullshit. Most women don't even know they are pregnant till around then.

Pretty sure that's the point of this restriction: To ensure nobody aborts.

I still don't get how a country that supports the legal killing of full grown adults thinks killing a handful of cells is somehow against morals.

Well, I actually do get it, because the people in charge a re a bunch of giant fat hypocrites who fail at basic math and biology. What argument actually remains if you remove the nonsense and hypocritical "pro-life" argument?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
I still don't get how a country that supports the legal killing of full grown adults thinks killing a handful of cells is somehow against morals.

Well, I actually do get it, because the people in charge a re a bunch of giant fat hypocrites who fail at basic math and biology

Stop telling truths about america and american politics!

Last edited by Mnementh - on 20 May 2019

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How many of those countries went full blown socialist? How many have been even partially socialist for a long time if not their entire existence? How many were capitalist before? How much stronger do countries become the more socialism you implement?

If war ever comes to Norway, NZ, or Aus, how well is socialism going to help protect them? How is America easily able to protect itself, as well as much of the rest of the world?

Much better than you'd think. European armies for instance are lowly funded because military in general are not in high esteem there after WW2 and the Cold War. Unless they get blitzed however, they can quickly turn the tide by turning up the war industry (which is already turned up in the US) and would be easy to find volunteers by the metric ton if the country gets attacked, as they would know what they are fighting for (something that's not guaranteed when you join the army otherwise).

As for the US... Just need to kill a couple American soldiers, and the morale of the US population tanks and want to end the hostilities immediately. The US have the material and the men, but not the morale at home for any casualties at war. And that's all the fault of Bush, both of them, as they promised bloodless carnages, wars without losses, something that's absolutely impossible to achieve. But the people soaked it up like a sponge. The spectre of Vietnam is still in their minds...

Around the Network

It gets to deep parts of me to have some people points.

We first see someone being ok with a baby being aborted because they are a parasite sucking from the mother so she can kill. 0 compassion for the baby.
Then go and defend that a grow adult that is parasite be given resources. Full compassion for a lazy bum.

On the same line of though of "remove the fetus from the womb and let it live for itself" pro abortion defense why don't you also support that these woman also abandon babies and child so they support themselves? Also why not them allow fathers to just not give any alimony since the mother and kids should also be supporting themselves without parasite the father?

It is also disgusting to see someone trying to imply that because the mother is poor the baby will suffer or enter crime. Worse yet consider being killed before given any opportunity or chance a better option than suffering childhood or even crime. Not being born could only be argued to be a better option against very extreme cases of excruciating pain and death shortly after

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Chris Hu said:
So you want to talk about hypocrites most pro lifers are major hypocrites and aren't really that pro life. If all theses pro lifers where really pro life there would be no need for orphanages and a foster care system. Most pro lifers talk a good talk but would never actually adopt a kid or even a unwanted animal

So orphanage and foster houses aren't pro-life maintained and managed in large scale? Isn't church one of the largest institutions that have those and people giving money to church sustaining it?

Or are the abortion clinics the ones that maintain foster house and orphanages? 

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Bofferbrauer2 said:

Only in America can one be in full support of assault weapons, basically no limitations on weaponry ownership, not wanting any background checks and an adamant defender of the death penalty and yet unironically call themselves "Pro-Life".

sethnintendo said:
The whole restrictions past 8 weeks passed by recent state legislatures is bullshit. Most women don't even know they are pregnant till around then.

Pretty sure that's the point of this restriction: To ensure nobody aborts.

Because you are missing easy points.

An adult have a right to defend himself even with heavy weaponry. But if he kills someone (not by self-defense) he is a criminal who choose it, so he can be killed of.

A baby didn't chose anything and shouldn't be killed because parents decided they can't bother.

Bofferbrauer2 said:

How many of those countries went full blown socialist? How many have been even partially socialist for a long time if not their entire existence? How many were capitalist before? How much stronger do countries become the more socialism you implement?

If war ever comes to Norway, NZ, or Aus, how well is socialism going to help protect them? How is America easily able to protect itself, as well as much of the rest of the world?

Much better than you'd think. European armies for instance are lowly funded because military in general are not in high esteem there after WW2 and the Cold War. Unless they get blitzed however, they can quickly turn the tide by turning up the war industry (which is already turned up in the US) and would be easy to find volunteers by the metric ton if the country gets attacked, as they would know what they are fighting for (something that's not guaranteed when you join the army otherwise).

As for the US... Just need to kill a couple American soldiers, and the morale of the US population tanks and want to end the hostilities immediately. The US have the material and the men, but not the morale at home for any casualties at war. And that's all the fault of Bush, both of them, as they promised bloodless carnages, wars without losses, something that's absolutely impossible to achieve. But the people soaked it up like a sponge. The spectre of Vietnam is still in their minds...

Yes sure, If USA invaded France, all these volunteers would be trained in weeks and be proficient, the industry would within weeks adapt to military and have top notch technology on military equipment.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

I am sure this has already been mentioned, but the folks who are so crazy about controlling your body that they don't want you to abort when you are raped/incest,.. these people can sick and borderline evil. I am not a very religious person but I wonder sometimes I used to think that most 'religious' people are bindly doing the devils bidding for him

Well the Catholic church was anti condom for longest time. They better be putting down some of their money for orphanages because they were part of the problem. I think they finally changed their anti condom stance in places like the Philippines which had high birth rates due to them being anti condom in the past