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How many of those countries went full blown socialist? How many have been even partially socialist for a long time if not their entire existence? How many were capitalist before? How much stronger do countries become the more socialism you implement?

If war ever comes to Norway, NZ, or Aus, how well is socialism going to help protect them? How is America easily able to protect itself, as well as much of the rest of the world?

Much better than you'd think. European armies for instance are lowly funded because military in general are not in high esteem there after WW2 and the Cold War. Unless they get blitzed however, they can quickly turn the tide by turning up the war industry (which is already turned up in the US) and would be easy to find volunteers by the metric ton if the country gets attacked, as they would know what they are fighting for (something that's not guaranteed when you join the army otherwise).

As for the US... Just need to kill a couple American soldiers, and the morale of the US population tanks and want to end the hostilities immediately. The US have the material and the men, but not the morale at home for any casualties at war. And that's all the fault of Bush, both of them, as they promised bloodless carnages, wars without losses, something that's absolutely impossible to achieve. But the people soaked it up like a sponge. The spectre of Vietnam is still in their minds...