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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Ultimate Pokemon Competition Gen 7 Edition Round 1 - Match 1

Approved by Cycycychris

Welcome everyone to a new uran10 pokemon competition, which is pretty much a rehash of an old competition only with some new pokemon! This tournament will feature all 827 pokemon (alolan forms are counted as their own) and will crown who is VGC's favourite pokemon of the first 7 generations of pokemon. In Round 1 there will be 25 matches, 23 matches will feature 33 pokemon while the first 2 matches will feature 34. 19 of these Pokemon will advance to the 2nd round and the 20th and 21st place will be given a 2nd chance in a special bonus round.

Even though there are 33/34 Pokemon per round you are only voting for the 10 you think should advance like in the example below:

10p Wartortle

9p Squirtle

8p cyndaquil

7p chimchar

6p turtwig

5p poliwag

4p caterpie

3p Pikachu

2p Ledyba

1p Pichu

The first 34 Pokemon in round 1 are

#201 Unown

#658 Slurpuff

#160 Feraligatr

#422 Shellos

#308 Medicham

#296 Makuhita

#585 Deerling

#290 Nincada

#454 Toxicroak

#80 Slowbro

#395 Starly

#533 Gurdurr

#46 Paras

#122 Mr. Mime

#586 Sawsbuck

#573 Cinccino

#74 Geodude 

#1 Bulbasaur

#490 Manaphy

#311 Plusle

#232 Donphan

#446 Munchlax

#304 Aron

#98 Krabby

#158 Totodile

#216 Teddiursa

#302 Sableye

#93 Haunter

#496 Servine

#698 Amaura

#534 Conkeldurr

#367 Huntail

#410 Shieldon

#322 Numel


Let the first round of competition begin. Remember you are only voting for 10 of the above 34 pokemon you want to advance

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Around the Network

10p Feraligatr
9p Totodile
8p Bulbasaur
7p Haunter
6p Starly
5p Geodude
4p Sableye
3p Servine
2p Teddiursa
1p Toxicroak

This is already hard. Thanks once again for Chris for approving this thread, this entire thing will last around 55 or 56 threads at most so almost 2 months with christmas and possibly new years as breaks.

Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

10p Bulbasaur
9p Cinccino
8p Mr.Mime
7p Plusle
6p Geodude
5p Amaura
4p Slowbro
3p Servine
2p Totodile
1p Krabby


Ka-pi96 said:

10p Amaura
9p Haunter
8p Donphan
7p Bulbasaur
6p Aron
5p Starly
4p Geodude
3p Toxicroak
2p Teddiursa
1p Numel

Any chance we could get a list without the pictures as well for future rounds? There's quite a lot of scrolling needed as is to decide which ones to rank where.

I'll try to find smaller images since the bulbapedia ones are huge. But I'm sure many people don't know some pokemon by name and like some of them by their design so it helps them out. It helped me out while deciding my 10.

Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

10p Numel
9p Paras
8p Krabby
7p Plusle
6p Medicham
5p Aron
4p Bulbasaur
3p Sawsbuck
2p Totodile
1p Geodude

Around the Network
uran10 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

10p Amaura
9p Haunter
8p Donphan
7p Bulbasaur
6p Aron
5p Starly
4p Geodude
3p Toxicroak
2p Teddiursa
1p Numel

Any chance we could get a list without the pictures as well for future rounds? There's quite a lot of scrolling needed as is to decide which ones to rank where.

I'll try to find smaller images since the bulbapedia ones are huge. But I'm sure many people don't know some pokemon by name and like some of them by their design so it helps them out. It helped me out while deciding my 10.

I play Pokemon in german and don't know the english names, but the design is clear.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

10p Servine
9p Deerling
8p Bulbasaur
7p Cinccino
6p Teddiursa
5p Slowbro
4p Manaphy
3p Makuhita
2p Mr.Mime
1p Sawsbuck

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

10p Haunter
9p Feraligatr
8p Bulbasaur
7p Totodile
6p Slowbro
5p Munchlax
4p Geodude
3p Mr Mime
2p Toxicroak
1p Krabby

10p Feraligatr
9p Totodile
8p Donphan
7p Bulbasaur
6p Starly
5p Haunter
4p Aron
3p Slowbro
2p Teddiursa
1p Servine

10p Feraligatr
9p Totodile
8p Plusle
7p Bulbasaur
6p Servine
5p Haunter
4p Teddiursa
3p Donphan
2p Toxicroak
1p Sableye

Last edited by OTBWY - on 05 December 2018