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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Has the bar been set low for Nintendo to steal the show?

Nintendo doesn't have enough games to out due what was shown. They will probably just show what we already know is coming and nothing else. Best thing Nintendo could do would be to go in depth with their big games and get some solid release dates on them. As a fan who has bought their console, that would be best thing Nintendo could offer IMO.

A new Zelda trailer really doesn't mean anything.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

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I thought Microsoft had a good showing - good enough to make me consider buying an Xbone by year's end (if you were to go back a few months ago, I woulda said I'd never buy one)

Sony's show convinced me to wait about another 18 months before picking up a PS4. (still interested, just not the right time for me to jump aboard)

Nintendo would have to pull a 2008 to undershoot my expectations - the fact that they are hyping an E3 more than they ever have before says it all. Should be an awesome presentation, live audience or not.

Both were decent/ mediocre so far. Nintendo could absolutely "win" this round...

...if they do is another beast entirely.

NintendoPie said:
small44 said:
Nintendo fan would say Nintendo conference is the best just because of Mario games

"Sony fan would say Sony conference is the best just because of Uncharted."

"Microsoft fan would say MS conference is the best just because of Halo."

Terrible logic.

Plus there probably won't any Mario games being shown at that conference tomorrow as well. At least not mainline mario games and before anyone says Smash Bros. is mario game, no its not its a game with some mario characters in its roster.  


I 100% just made an account so I could reply to this post. I feel it should be very hard for Nintendo to steal the show. I am a huge Nintendo fan-boy, have only had nintendo systems. Sony and Microsoft's line-ups look great. The fact that no EA games or really any Ubi games are coming other than a late port watchdogs to Wii U is disheartening. Sony and Microsoft had big time exclusives (most every game looks good at E3) and shared games that will never come to Wii U. I love nintendo and will still buy a Wii U, pretty much just for Smash (:. Nintendo also has to split their time and get the 3ds ship cruising fast again, something the other companies don't have to worry about. No Man's Sky absolutely wowed me, kinda is like a starfox/skyrim/rogue squadron type game. Destiny will hopefully be a legend. then all the other games look better and some (crackdown and some others, scaleborn, let it die, phantom dust especially bored me) will ultimately not be as good as E3 first look.
If Ninty gives us a Wii U zelda that has no gimmicks, HD twilight princess graphics, yet innovates, it would probably trump any individual game; however E3 is about the package. if they also give some megatons (metroid didn't move systems, but will help legitimize system) some more co-op development, some good mario games, more HD remakes, and great 3DS software. and hypes our smash love even more of course, they have a "shot", but I don't see it happening

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Dunno, mam they need at least 2 big franchises revival to impress, plus everythiong we alreadly know.

But here's my take on how everything will play out:


But i really expect the nfp game to have central stage on the show, and this get me really worried.

"Hardware design isn’t about making the most powerful thing you can.
Today most hardware design is left to other companies, but when you make hardware without taking into account the needs of the eventual software developers, you end up with bloated hardware full of pointless excess. From the outset one must consider design from both a hardware and software perspective."

Gunpei Yoko

- New Zelda
- Pokken Fighters
- Mario Party 10
- Mario Maker
- HD Gamecube Games
- More footage of already announced games.

If Nintendo does all of that (and it is very realistic that they will), then they will have absolutely destroyed E3 this year. I seriously cannot believe that people are getting pumped for all of the old Halos on one disc, Crackdown 3, TLOU with better graphics, and LBP3. I was hoping for either Sony or Microsoft to really wow me this year and both failed miserably.

if they waited to announce pokemon ruby/saphire remakes in E3, they could win easily.

marley said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:
i can name you 25 third party titles sony and microsoft will get and nintendo dont that say NOP

Can you name me 25 third party titles that will make it worthwhile for me to purchase a ps4 or xbone?

I'm not sure why I should drop $400-500 on a console to play games that will be available on my pc.  I honestly don't understand why anyone would.  For me, it really boils down to first party exclusives, and I have yet to see anything all that exciting.

You just won this thread.


I think Nintendo will surprise us with one unknown exclusive and Zelda will probably look awesome, not to mention X.