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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Has the bar been set low for Nintendo to steal the show?

Fusioncode said:
Anfebious said:
Fusioncode said:
Isn't it only 30 minutes? I don't see how Nintendo wins anything with that.

Is this true? I have it listed as a one hour event...

This says it's only 30 minutes.

Maybe it's wrong idk. 

Hmmm... weird, well no point in worrying now, I will see for myself in a couple of hours!

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

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I think for people with more ecletic taste, yes. Sony and MS's shows were good but very little of what was shown in gameplay form actually appealed to me apart from Witcher 3, No mans Land and Inside.

Nintendo could steal it IMO if the following occur.
-If Zelda is revealed and looks stunning
-Smash Bros has some cool character announcements
-X gets a 2014 release date
- They announce something unexpected (New Ip/ Metroid prime 4)

I've already decided that the only system I'm buying this fall is a Wii U, picking up Mario Kart, Super Mario World 3D, Smash Bros and Pikmin 3.

I think it is almost impossible for Nintendo to "win" E3. It sounds really awful, but I think that only the true Nintendo fans will be watching the Nintendo conference whilst the rest of the gaming world forgets they exist and argue over Microsoft and Sony's conferences.

Lol looking objectively from a standpoint of share volume of titles Nintendo will never he able to compete considering the exclusive, indie and multiplat titles shown from both Sony and Microsoft

Exclusives such as for Sony lbp and uncharted for ms halo and crackdown

Multiplats such as batman, destiny, the division, rainbow six, the crew etc etc etc

And then the even more numerous indies... I mean seriously there's no contest

I suppose maybe there's the argument that oh a nintendo game is worth 10 ms/Sony games! But that is subjective


And that is definitely an issue nintendo has to iron out to stay competitive garnering support from external developers imo

chriscox1121 said:
There was not any big surprises and most people seemed to be underwhelmed by e3 this year due to mostly "rehashed games" being available on this gen's consoles, lack of exclusives, and nothing really big for this year other than perhaps sunset and LBP. I think Smash tourney will be the highlight of e3, we shall see.

That's my problem with this E3 so far, finally someone gets it.

Until now, Sony is winning to me only because they were the ''less bad'', all that was shown was stuff i already knew about and to me E3 is about surprises. Seriously we get a video of Nathan waking up and walking 10 steps... if you are hyped by that then you a a big f-wordthatisnotfuck -- To put it in context, if this was the announcement of Uncharted 4 it would be totally cool, if we didn't knew already, but that's not the case so to me that was (and it was the less) dissapointing, Sony were ok so they win so far, but back on topic it really would only take a couple of surprises alone, w/o counting anything else for nintendo to ''win'', then again i share the same opinion that a lot of people here, if someone knows how to fuck up great chances is nintendo.

And for the zelda guys, i share the hype but a Zelda CGI won't cut it, it has to be a gameplay trailer, don't care abut a new 3D mario so if it exists they better save that for next E3, show FE X SMT that was teased so long ago, show new games, support the 3DS, talk to me about the future of the Wii U, what's in store for 2015? sadly all of these early releases and pushbacks already spoiled it for the PS4 and XB1 wich is why i am so dissapointed :( -- Realy if all or at least most of the games they (Sony,MS,Ubi,EA) showed wouldn't have been already announced nintendo would have no chance in hell but i guess that's my pov, i want surprises, some people want other things, at least most games look cool

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RolStoppable said:
Kane1389 said:
noname2200 said:

Yes, the logical conclusion is that things would have gone so much better if they had presented the same material, but spread out over 90 minutes instead.

logical conclusion is that they could shown more things in 90 minutes,or at least in more detail, but then again, you'd need actual content and 3rd parties for a 90 minutes show of games only

That's true. So why again were this year's conferences so long again?

Because they had content and 3rd parties

Nintendo has very interesting ideas for this year E3 show.

We'll need to wait a bit more for the games release.