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I 100% just made an account so I could reply to this post. I feel it should be very hard for Nintendo to steal the show. I am a huge Nintendo fan-boy, have only had nintendo systems. Sony and Microsoft's line-ups look great. The fact that no EA games or really any Ubi games are coming other than a late port watchdogs to Wii U is disheartening. Sony and Microsoft had big time exclusives (most every game looks good at E3) and shared games that will never come to Wii U. I love nintendo and will still buy a Wii U, pretty much just for Smash (:. Nintendo also has to split their time and get the 3ds ship cruising fast again, something the other companies don't have to worry about. No Man's Sky absolutely wowed me, kinda is like a starfox/skyrim/rogue squadron type game. Destiny will hopefully be a legend. then all the other games look better and some (crackdown and some others, scaleborn, let it die, phantom dust especially bored me) will ultimately not be as good as E3 first look.
If Ninty gives us a Wii U zelda that has no gimmicks, HD twilight princess graphics, yet innovates, it would probably trump any individual game; however E3 is about the package. if they also give some megatons (metroid didn't move systems, but will help legitimize system) some more co-op development, some good mario games, more HD remakes, and great 3DS software. and hypes our smash love even more of course, they have a "shot", but I don't see it happening