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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Forbes: Is Microsoft in trouble?

Sell Microsoft NOW! Game Over - Ballmer Loses

Microsoft needed a great Christmas season. After years of product stagnation, and a big market shift toward mobile devices from PCs, Microsoft’s future relied on the company seeing customers demonstrate they were ready to jump in heavily for Windows8 products – including the new Surface tablet.

But that did not happen.

With the data now coming it, it is clear the market movement away from Microsoft products, toward Apple and Android products, has not changed. On Christmas eve, as people turned on their new devices and launched their first tweet, Surface came in dead last – a mere 2% compared to the number of people tweeting from iPads (Kindle was second, Android third.) Looking at more traditional units shipped information, UBS analysts reported Surface sales were 5% of iPads shipped. And usability reviews continue to run highly negative for Surface and Win8.

PC sales declining

This inability to make a big splash, and mount a serious attack on Apple/Android domination, is horrific for Microsoft primarily because we now know that traditional PC sales are well into decline. Despite the big Win8 launch and promotion, holiday PC sales declined over 3% compared to 2011 as journalists reported customers found “no compelling reason to upgrade.” Ouch!

Looking deeper, for the 4th quarter PC sales declined by almost 5% according to Gartner research, and by almost 6.5% according to IDC. Both groups no longer expect a rebound in PC shipments, as they believe homes will no longer have more than 1 PC due to the mobile device penetration – the market where Surface and Win8 phones have failed to make any significant impact or move beyond a tiny market share. Users increasingly see the complexity of shifting to Win8 as not worth the effort; and if a switch is to be made consumer and businesses now favor iOS and Android.

Microsoft’s monopoly over personal computing has evaporated

From 95% market domination in 2005 share has fallen to just 20% in 2012 (IDC, Goldman Sachs.) Comparing devices, in 2005 there were 55 Windows devices sold for every Apple device; today explosive Apple sales has lowered that multiple to a mere 2! (Asymco). Universally the desire to upgrade Microsoft products has simply disappeared, as XP still has 40% of the Windows market – and even Vista at 5.7% has more users than Win8 which has only achieved a 1.75% Windows market share despite the long wait and launch hoopla. And with all future market growth coming in tablets, which are expected to more than double unit volume sales by 2016, Microsoft is simply not in the game.

These trends mean nothing short of the ruin of Microsoft

Microsoft makes more than 75% of its profits from Windows and Office. Less than 25% comes from its vaunted servers and tools. And Microsoft makes nothing from its xBox/Kinect entertainment division, while losing vast sums in its on-line division (negative $350M-$750M/quarter). No matter how much anyone likes the non-Windows Microsoft products, without the historical Windows/Office sales and profits Microsoft is not sustainable.

What can we expect next at Microsoft?

Ballmer has committed to fight to the death in his effort to defend & extend Windows. So expect death as resources are poured into the unwinnable battle to convert users from iOS and Android.

As resources are poured out of the company in the Quixotic effort to prolong Windows/Office, any hope of future dividends falls to zero.

Expect enormous layoffs over the next 3 years. Something like 50-60%, or more, of employees will go away.

Expect closure of the long-suffering on-line division in order to conserve resources.

The entertainment division will be spun off, sold to someone like Sony or possibly Barnes & Noble, or dramatically reduced in size. Unable to make a profit it will increasingly be seen as a distraction to the battle for saving Windows – and Microsoft leadership has long shown they have no idea how to profitably grow this business unit.

As more and more of the market shifts to competitive cloud infrastructure Apple, Amazon, Samsung and others will grow significantly. Microsoft, losing its user base, will demonstrate its inability to build a new business in the cloud, mimicking its historical failures with Zune (mobile music) and Microsoft mobile phones. Microsoft server and tool sales will suffer, creating a much more difficult profit environment for the sole remaining profitable division.

Missing the market shift to mobile has already forever tarnished the Microsoft brand.

No longer is Microsoft seen as a leader, and instead it is rapidly losing market relevancy as people look to Apple, Google, Amazon, Samsung, Facebook and others for leadership. The declining sales, and lack of customer interest will lead to a tailspin at Microsoft not unlike what happened to RIM. Cash will be burned in what Microsoft will consider an “epic” struggle to save the “core of the company.”

But failure is already inevitable. At this stage, not even a new CEO can save Microsoft. Steve Ballmer played “Bet the Company” on the long-delayed release of Win8, losing the chance to refocus Microsoft on other growing divisions with greater chance of success. Unfortunately, competitors already had enough chips to simply bid Microsoft out of the mobile game – and Microsoft’s ante is now long gone – without holding a hand even remotely able to turn around the product situation.

Game over. Ballmer loses. And if you keep your money invested in Microsoft it will disappear along with the company

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Oh my god...I read this article yesterday and lolled so hard. I actually posted it on Kowen's wall because it was so funny.

Also, this article isn't by Forbes, it's by a blogger. Therefore your title is misleading...

OT: It's a fanboy article which is crammed full of inaccuracy and bullshit. This thread should be locked.

bannedagain said:

i thought the 360 was making a profit :/ although the article states otherwise.. is there any truth to that?

Lol yup MS is down to their last dollor

Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.

"I don't debate, I just give you that work"- Ji99saw

Around the Network

Well I saw this coming from a mile away, considering the lack of interest toward anything related to Microsoft except for Xbox nowadays.

Maybe they'll transition into the living room slightly better but the golden age of Microsoft is long gone. I'd say don't throw the Xbox division away.

As for the current they still have a ton of money though. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

man-bear-pig said:
Oh my god...I read this article yesterday and lolled so hard. I actually posted it on Kowen's wall because it was so funny.

Also, this article isn't by Forbes, it's by a blogger. Therefore your title is misleading...

OT: It's a fanboy article which is crammed full of inaccuracy and bullshit. This thread should be locked.

Care to explain the inaccuracy of this article? this is obviously a blogger who seeks hits, but i'm not seeing anything inaccurate.

This guy seems to think that MS is trying to sprint to the finish line, but MS has always been the tortoise not the hare. Windows 8 and the Surface RT where just step one. Win Phone 8 and Surface Pro are step two. MS is trying to get PC users to get used to a mobile like interface. The general public who buys Dell and HP are all slowing converting to Win 8 and they will get used to it. When they decide to go buy a smart phone of a tablet they will already know how to use a Win Phone 8 and a Surface RT/Pro. Having the exact same interface and apps on all your devices is huge and will be what wins the race.

Oh and Bing is growing slowly as people realize it's better for searching and maps. XboxNext will almost definitely be a Windows RT machine with the desktop locked out so that yet another device that people will already know how to use since they learned Win 8 on their PC after buying a Dell.

It's a slow burn, but that's what MS does and it almost always works for them.

What the fuck did i just read?

"The entertainment division will be spun off, sold to someone like Sony or possibly Barnes & Noble, or dramatically reduced in size. Unable to make a profit it will increasingly be seen as a distraction to the battle for saving Windows – and Microsoft leadership has long shown they have no idea how to profitably grow this business unit"

Nsanity said:

What the fuck did i just read?

"The entertainment division will be spun off, sold to someone like Sony or possibly Barnes & Noble, or dramatically reduced in size. Unable to make a profit it will increasingly be seen as a distraction to the battle for saving Windows – and Microsoft leadership has long shown they have no idea how to profitably grow this business unit"

That won't happen and we all know it. It's true Windows is slowly going to decline but they can't afford to back out in the fight for the living room. Not yet. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)