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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo's New Fit Game (Ring Fit Adventure™)


Interest Level?

Getting at launch! 9 24.32%
Might pick it up eventually 11 29.73%
Leaning towards no 3 8.11%
Not a chance! 13 35.14%
Other 1 2.70%

This kinda reminds me of Starlink in that it feels like a game out of its time; something that could've been a megaton hit had it released on Wii in 2010.

It's like if the US Navy announced today that they were going to build a new class of Battleship; they'd probably be the best ones ever made, but they'd be launching into a world where their time had long since passed.

This is the app that could make me jump in to Switch. I was a Wii Fit user. I can say that it kept my weight stable and helped me fixing back pain.

Jumpin said:

For slow readers: the TL;DR version: JUST GIVE US SWITCH FIT ALREADY, NINTENDO!

And a central tracking system (could come with Switch Fit).

This is the second app (Fitness Boxing being the first) where Nintendo has done something good, but came far from the "compelling software" mark that they could hit by simply releasing a sequel to a product they already make.

Just like boxing, I like the looks of it, but it is too limited compared to something like Switch Fit.
But why does Nintendo keep giving us these vertical slices without some sort of central tracking system?

What I really want is a predictable goal-based application full of exercise routines updated for the Switch. While the adventure mode seems like it will be fun, I can't see it having longevity (I still play Wii Fit on Wii U at least 4 or 5 times a month, and maybe weigh in on it most days) due to the lack of predictability and customizability of the routines and experience. It looks like the progress based gameplay is not global (like Wii Fit U) but limited to the adventure mode which, to be fair, looks like something I wouldn't play more than a month (although I need to see more).

One thing I REALLY like about this is the Quiet Mode. I can clearly remember 1-4am nights where I spent a few minutes playing Wii Fit and then from the kid's room "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" -- That is a HUGE positive for me.

All in all, I like that they're finally putting more fitness applications on the Switch, but it feels like a step down from Wii Fit.

What I was REALLY hoping for with the Switch was a universal Fitness center (the central tracking system I discussed above) that collects activity using data from all of the apps and walking (since the Switch is mobile and presumably has some active processes in sleep mode). At the very least, a mobile app that allows data to be synced with the Switch. Nothing like that has come out, and it seems so obvious, especially over the last few years where fitness apps have been popular. As well, these sort of Wii Fit vertical slice apps would be much more appealing (as well as motion-based games in general). But that wouldn't mean I wouldn't want a more robust Switch Fit app as well. I'd love something to tell me how many calories I've burned, the level of light vs. heavy exercise, the number of people in games I have punched and how that translates to calorie burning, etc...

In short:

* Switch Health and Activity Center - collects data from all motion and fitness apps, including everything listed below:
* Switch Fit - customizable exercise routines updated for the Switch and more robust than the last Wii Fit U.
* Vertical Slice fitness apps - like Fitness Boxing and this Adventure Ring Experience.
* Motion games - like ARMS, Wario Ware, Wii Sports, Rock Band, Just Dance.

Agree. I also will miss the balance board weight scale function. It just felt great to do sign in to Wii Fit and get my weight progress checked and then jump to the exercises.

Jumpin said:
Barkley said:

I really wouldn't describe Wii Fit as a "Party Style Game". It was a game simply about exercising, weighing yourself and tracking your progress.

I think the fantasy elements and story will be a turn off to a large amount of people that Wii Fit appealed to. While to more traditional gamers it will be more appealing than Wii Fit was.

Wii Fit captured a large crowd of non-gamers and I'm sure they'd much rather have a Wii Fit style game that's just focused on the actual exercises than having some goblins or whatever running around.

This isn't going to be even remotely close to a 20m seller like Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus because it's got a much more limited market

Wii Fit was very much a game, but a lot of the skill and progress was linked to physical improvement, as well as the connection between mind and body - particularly some of the balance games. I probably have 1000+ hours of Wii Fit stacked together over the years (I should check, I think Wii and Wii U record time spent on an app) and I'd say what I find less appealing about this game is that it looks like a smaller and less customizable package than Wii Fit. I would LOVE more game elements in exercising without losing the customizability and content variety.

Absolutely, I hope this thing has something like that too. Some exercises were quite challenging and fun because of that.

God bless You.

My Total Sales prediction for PS4 by the end of 2021: 110m+

When PS4 will hit 100m consoles sold: Before Christmas 2019

There were three ravens sat on a tree / They were as blacke as they might be / The one of them said to his mate, Where shall we our breakfast take?

It will be interesting to see to what degree Nintendo pushes this in terms of advertising; whether it gets extensive plugs on primetime TV and such.

The kind of audience they seem to be courting aren't going to be following Nintendo's Youtube channel or Twitter and won't see it there.

curl-6 said:

It will be interesting to see to what degree Nintendo pushes this in terms of advertising; whether it gets extensive plugs on primetime TV and such.

The kind of audience they seem to be courting aren't going to be following Nintendo's Youtube channel or Twitter and won't see it there.

I could imagine a lot of views happening on Facebook.

It is an interesting question.  If Nintendo soft plays this concept and allows it to organically grow then when it does reach a certain saturation point it might seem natural to push it more on national TV.  But if they just go gang busters out of the gate it could really turn off large sections of the population who think Nintendo just lost their minds.  I really hope they don't have a ton of expectations for the title and that they give it room to breathe and catch on.

Not sure if it was mentioned here already but the name of the game and ring are up on the UK website at least.


If you wanna update the OP the game name is Ring Fit Adventure™

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

HylianSwordsman said:
Casual folk aren't as afraid of common video game tropes as some of you think. I mean have you seen some of the popular shit on mobile phones? Or how about Pokemon Go? I could see this appealing to a wide audience. This looks way more fun than Wii Fit. I may actually get this. And not because it provides a hardcore experience, because it definitely does NOT. It just looks like it makes exercise, something I hate, into something a hell of a lot more engaging. I think this is what became of Nintendo's Quality of Life project.


Most people wouldn't "run" stepping on their room carpet, but with Wii Fit, many did as well as they do using iPhone apps for that. However Wii Fit was much more fun. There was a snow game on Wii Fit for training your abs that was absolutely brilliant. Much fun than doing abs boring drills.

curl-6 said:
Jumpin said:

Boxing and jogging are the only ones which caused you to break a sweat? The running, rows, squats, pushups, lunges, planks, jackknifes, Those are both moderate exercises, the

Wii Fit games were never intended for heavy workouts. More around strengthening certain muscles that standard workouts tend to miss that really help with form and balance; also, and this can’t be understated, there is a significant mind/concentration portion to the routines. It’s something you can do every day. It’s also a lot of fun, and it will compliment your other workouts. It’s also (and this might just be me) one of the more fun video games of the past 20 years.

If you’re looking for simple aerobics, yes Just Dance is probably one of the greatest things ever when it comes to that... and that’s a major reason why I would love to see an integrated tracker for all applications. I’d love to see all the different sorts of games integrated.

Also, I’d like to see a weight training game. I am a big fan of the free weights, and I think they’d work well for a game... I realize the potential for damage that might open them to being sued, though. That’s my guess as to why this never happened.

Wii Fit and Just Dance are probably the two games I thought were the best use of the accelerometer controls on Wii (as opposed to the gyroscopic and IR motion controls: RE4, Scarface, and Godfather did the IR aiming the best, and it was probably the golf games that used the gyroscopic controls best, I didn’t really get too much into the precision motion gaming).

I think I'd go with Red Steel 2, Skyward Sword, and Wii Sports Resort as the best use of motion controls on Wii myself.

I also played a fair bit of Wii Fit back in 2009/2010 after we bought it for my Mum, and I have to say some of the minigames were actually pretty fun. people may love to hang shit on it, but Wii Fit was a quality product that deserved its success.

HylianSwordsman said:
Casual folk aren't as afraid of common video game tropes as some of you think. I mean have you seen some of the popular shit on mobile phones? Or how about Pokemon Go? I could see this appealing to a wide audience. This looks way more fun than Wii Fit. I may actually get this. And not because it provides a hardcore experience, because it definitely does NOT. It just looks like it makes exercise, something I hate, into something a hell of a lot more engaging. I think this is what became of Nintendo's Quality of Life project.

I also suspect this is what their fabled Quality of Life project turned into.

However, I think the kind of customers that propelled Wii Fit to 20 million will largely overlook this, as it just doesn't seem as marketable or accessible. While it may be more engaging to an established gamer, it just doesn't sell itself as a trendy lifestyle/health must-have in the way that Wii Fit did.   

It's fate will be similar to LABO I imagine; it won't be an outright failure but its sales will be relatively modest.

All that said, at least it can't be said that Nintendo don't try new and unusual things, and I appreciate that in this increasingly homogeneous and predictable industry.

Yes, Wii Fit was a high quality fitness app.

I've tried a few of the famous iPhone fitness app and I have a friend that tried and used many of them. Wii Fit on the other hand was much more fun, had that board that helped you doing the right movement and a weight scale function. It was just brilliant. The only thing that stopped friends of mine to buy it was the fact that they wouldnt buy a Wii/Wii U to have that.

Wii Fit was and still is a better product than most fitness apps if not the best, in my opinion.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
sethnintendo said:

Hey now...  There are plenty of fat kids out there.   Don't forget about the fat kids!

Well, I expect more that parents buy it for them than that they buy it for themselves, unless we're talking about late teens (16 years+), which I counted towards adults. But I agree that Ring Fit has a rather wide market for itself.

Yes. Fitness at home was never a fad. People do yoga and exercises at home and if one ends up having a switch for himself or his children, one might just pick up this game.

JWeinCom said:
siebensus4 said:

I also see that it can make 1-2 Switch numbers, although the target audience is not clear with this product. Wii Fit gamers are not very interrested in adventure mode, I think.

Maybe we see another party game which uses the ring-con. That could be fun.

I actually think people are underestimating how attractive that feature will be.  It's not that people necessarily care about the adventure, but I think they'll understand the value of a feature that motivates you to keep playing.  I think the product on its face will be very appealing to casual gamers, I just think the price is the main barrier since this is essentially a 380 dollar investment if you don't have a switch in the home.  

I think the best strategy would've been to market it as a Fit successor, having everything fit had plus the adventure as a new thing.

Soundwave said:
Jumpin said:

Good post! But one thing I think no one points out is that a good many of standard gamers (like myself) are also casual gamers. I play casual games virtually every day (right now my main one is FE Heroes), but I also play games like Dwarf Fortress, Grand Strategy (especially Crusader Kings 2), and always have 1-3 RPGs on the go.

When Wii Fit came out, I was a young father around my mid-twenties, and I found a lot of people in my general group played that game, I am probably the only one left who still does, but come out with a new game and I am sure many will come back, and there'll be a lot of new people as well.

I don't think that will be the case. The people who were excited by Wii Fit 10 years ago 

1.) Probably didn't lose a whole lot of weight on it. 

2.) Are more interested in something else. Fitness fads come and go. 

Releasing a new version of 8 minute abs isn't suddenly going to make that the hot new fitness craze again because people have already been there, done that. 

They did. Wii Fit was used in hospitals to entertain patients, recommended by doctors. Obese people lost weight using that. It works. I know people that use/used and my family and I used. You sweat using that, your muscles get sore, it's the truth.

Fitness apps still exist and many do exercise at home using all sorts of things like videos, apps and such.

curl-6 said:
I'll say this though, I do like that they've made it a new IP instead of just "Switch Fit" featuring the Wii Fit trainer or "Mario Ring Fitness."
Whatever else Nintendo can be accused of, between this and LABO, it certainly can't be said they don't make creative new IPs,

I disagree. For me it'd be simpler as just Switch Fit, with the same content plus the new thing.

God bless You.

My Total Sales prediction for PS4 by the end of 2021: 110m+

When PS4 will hit 100m consoles sold: Before Christmas 2019

There were three ravens sat on a tree / They were as blacke as they might be / The one of them said to his mate, Where shall we our breakfast take?

Ganoncrotch said:

Not sure if it was mentioned here already but the name of the game and ring are up on the UK website at least.


If you wanna update the OP the game name is Ring Fit Adventure™

Woops, typed in the wrong name, will update. Thanks!

I really hope this becomes enough of a success that SNL does a parody of it with sex positions or something random. It's a skit ready to happen.

super_etecoon said:

I really hope this becomes enough of a success that SNL does a parody of it with sex positions or something random. It's a skit ready to happen.

The thing is, that kinda main stream appearance of the device would be great for Nintendo in the long run, for every 100 people who laugh at it on SNL and think "that's a daft looking ring" there's gonna be 1 who thinks, "that kinda looks awesome" and if say a few million people watch SNL or the Skit uploaded to youtube then that's thousands of sales of the device/game/switch for Nintendo.

Like they say, there's no such thing as bad publicity.... unless your second name is Cosby

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

0D0 said:
HylianSwordsman said:
Casual folk aren't as afraid of common video game tropes as some of you think. I mean have you seen some of the popular shit on mobile phones? Or how about Pokemon Go? I could see this appealing to a wide audience. This looks way more fun than Wii Fit. I may actually get this. And not because it provides a hardcore experience, because it definitely does NOT. It just looks like it makes exercise, something I hate, into something a hell of a lot more engaging. I think this is what became of Nintendo's Quality of Life project.


Most people wouldn't "run" stepping on their room carpet, but with Wii Fit, many did as well as they do using iPhone apps for that. However Wii Fit was much more fun. There was a snow game on Wii Fit for training your abs that was absolutely brilliant. Much fun than doing abs boring drills.

curl-6 said:

I think I'd go with Red Steel 2, Skyward Sword, and Wii Sports Resort as the best use of motion controls on Wii myself.

I also played a fair bit of Wii Fit back in 2009/2010 after we bought it for my Mum, and I have to say some of the minigames were actually pretty fun. people may love to hang shit on it, but Wii Fit was a quality product that deserved its success.

I also suspect this is what their fabled Quality of Life project turned into.

However, I think the kind of customers that propelled Wii Fit to 20 million will largely overlook this, as it just doesn't seem as marketable or accessible. While it may be more engaging to an established gamer, it just doesn't sell itself as a trendy lifestyle/health must-have in the way that Wii Fit did.   

It's fate will be similar to LABO I imagine; it won't be an outright failure but its sales will be relatively modest.

All that said, at least it can't be said that Nintendo don't try new and unusual things, and I appreciate that in this increasingly homogeneous and predictable industry.

JWeinCom said:

I actually think people are underestimating how attractive that feature will be.  It's not that people necessarily care about the adventure, but I think they'll understand the value of a feature that motivates you to keep playing.  I think the product on its face will be very appealing to casual gamers, I just think the price is the main barrier since this is essentially a 380 dollar investment if you don't have a switch in the home.  

I think the best strategy would've been to market it as a Fit successor, having everything fit had plus the adventure as a new thing.

Soundwave said:

I don't think that will be the case. The people who were excited by Wii Fit 10 years ago 

1.) Probably didn't lose a whole lot of weight on it. 

2.) Are more interested in something else. Fitness fads come and go. 

Releasing a new version of 8 minute abs isn't suddenly going to make that the hot new fitness craze again because people have already been there, done that. 

They did. Wii Fit was used in hospitals to entertain patients, recommended by doctors. Obese people lost weight using that. It works. I know people that use/used and my family and I used. You sweat using that, your muscles get sore, it's the truth.

Fitness apps still exist and many do exercise at home using all sorts of things like videos, apps and such.

curl-6 said:
I'll say this though, I do like that they've made it a new IP instead of just "Switch Fit" featuring the Wii Fit trainer or "Mario Ring Fitness."
Whatever else Nintendo can be accused of, between this and LABO, it certainly can't be said they don't make creative new IPs,

I disagree. For me it'd be simpler as just Switch Fit, with the same content plus the new thing.

If they wanted this to have everything Wii Fit has, then they'd really need to have the balance board.  That would hike up the price by 40-50 bucks, making this an even heftier investment to those who didn't have a balance board (assuming they could make it compatible with old ones).  

They may have been able to use the branding. But there are also benefits to making it a new thing.  I think overall I think it's a better marketing decision to make it brand new.  I think it's better that people see it as a new product rather than Wii Fit ++