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Forums - Politics Discussion - Donald Trump: How Do You Feel about Him Now? (Poll)


Last November,

I supported him and I still do - Americas 91 15.77%
I supported him and I now don't - Americas 16 2.77%
I supported him and I still do - Europe 37 6.41%
I supported him and I now don't - Europe 7 1.21%
I supported him and I still do - Asia 6 1.04%
I supported him and I now don't - Asia 1 0.17%
I supported him and I still do - RoW 15 2.60%
I supported him and I now don't - RoW 2 0.35%
I didn't support him and still don't. 373 64.64%
I didn't support him and now do. 29 5.03%
SpokenTruth said:
jason1637 said:

The role of President is to sign laws that benefit your country and to stand up for your country on the world stage. That doesn't mean you can't talk shit.

You'd be surprised by some of the behavior of past Presidents. It's just that with social media it's more obvious. 

You can still do the job and talk shit in twitter.

Also idolizing people because of their position is something I've always found to be dumb. You can look to the President to protect the country and work for you but to look up to then is really weird. They are just people but with an important job.

You have absolutely no idea what a leader is, do you?  Or the concept of leading by example.

Leading by behavior is something Trump is bad at but honestly it does not matter a lot to me cause I feel like changing yourself to fit into someone you're not is worse than just being yourself.  Also I do find it entertaining when Trump talks shit and starts twitter beef.

SpokenTruth said:
jason1637 said:

Leading by behavior is something Trump is bad at but honestly it does not matter a lot to me cause I feel like changing yourself to fit into someone you're not is worse than just being yourself.  Also I do find it entertaining when Trump talks shit and starts twitter beef.

So then it require that he change to be presidential and you like him for his entertainment factor.  Both suggest he should have stayed a TV show host rather than try to become something he is not.

What is considered being Presidential?  Like I said earlier we have had a lot of Presidents who's behavior has been a bit out of line like trump. 

MrWayne said:
Immersiveunreality said:

Bolded one: I both agree with that statement and still believe that there is an overal too much focus on dumb tweets

Bolded second: It would be argueable that there can be a difference in the magnitude of hyperbole considering political views but that is another topic

Bolded third: You took me out of context and you just keep going not understanding the first comment i made so keep it at that or stop argueing about things besides the matter.

Maybe you should clarify the point you made in your first comment, so he can understand it better and to stop talking past each other?

I did and it would also be grand he stopped using my comments to fabricate extreme opinions i did never imply.

"Its crazy how much importance is put into shittalking on twitter by our elected and newsources,next we might find them commenting on youtube under the latest Ben Shapiro video."

This he somehow transformed in this response to me: i can not believe you are trying to say it has no impact like by saying that sentence i must 100 percent ignore everything negative about twitter,i tried to explain him about it in the response i made after but he kept going not derailing from his assumed narrative so the reaction was to make that stop yes.

I get what you are saying but what you ask i tried to do and that first comment is not hard to understand when a person just reads it without implying the unexistent.

jason1637 said:
SpokenTruth said:

So then it require that he change to be presidential and you like him for his entertainment factor.  Both suggest he should have stayed a TV show host rather than try to become something he is not.

What is considered being Presidential?  Like I said earlier we have had a lot of Presidents who's behavior has been a bit out of line like trump. 

If your someone like Trump, follow the 'tutorial' below I guess? He's said to be a worthy actor and entertainer, and some people just can't stand plain vanilla, so.

SpokenTruth said:
jason1637 said:

What is considered being Presidential?  Like I said earlier we have had a lot of Presidents who's behavior has been a bit out of line like trump. 

I'm afraid your youth or inexperience is showing here.  Or you've been ill advised.  I presume you can back up this proclamation with countless examples of Trump-like behavior from multiple past presidents?  Or are you going to suggest one off events?  Single actions?  A statement or two? 

Or do you have access to a secret history of past previous daily behavior equitable to grabbing women by the pussy?  Siding with white supremacists and nationalists? Siding with foreign dictators over 17 internal intelligence agencies? Disparaging foreign nations, foreign citizens, foreign immigrants, and allies? Lying to the public at a rate of 22 verifiable falsehoods per day? Disrespecting his office?  Usurping the separation of powers and disregarding the Constitution?   To say nothing of the plausibility of treason.

Well the access hollywood tape he said they let him grab em by the pussy. But if we look at former Presidents some of the first Presidents owned slaves that they raped, George Bush, Bill Clinton, JFK also come to mind. There are probably a lot more but these are some of the dome.

Don't lump nationalist and white supremacists together. It's annoying when people do that because you can be a nationalist and not be a white supremacist. I'd consider myself a nationalist but I identify more with my Asian heritage. Anyway most of our Presidents have been racist, you can find lots of books and articles on the racist history of our country pretty easily.

I dont think any President besides Trump has gone against the intelligence community. But i dont blame him cause "weapons of mass destruction"

I dont know why sharing your negative opinion on other nations is considered a bad thing. As for immigration just look at the xenophobic policies that President Arthur, Wilson, Collidge, and FDR. There are a few more that opposed Irish immigrants but I can't think of them right now.

Yeah the lying is not cool.

How has he disrespected the office?

Trump has not done anything outside of his powers. And there have been quite a few Presidents that abused their constitutional power. I remember Obama being called out quite a few times for abusing his power and going against the constitution. Also President Jackson, Lincoln and FDR come to mind also.

There are a lot more Presidents i could name if i looked into it but these are some Presidents I could think of at this time.

the-pi-guy said:

It really depends on what you consider "a bit out of line".

One can certainly find examples of bad behavior.  LBJ, while a decent president, had some particularly disgusting attitudes.  He'd show off his penis, to a lot of people.  

jason1637 said:

Don't lump nationalist and white supremacists together. It's annoying when people do that because you can be a nationalist and not be a white supremacist. I'd consider myself a nationalist but I identify more with my Asian heritage. Anyway most of our Presidents have been racist, you can find lots of books and articles on the racist history of our country pretty easily.

And what do you consider "nationalist"?

Nationalism is technically similar to patriotism, but the latter is used more positively, whereas the previous has more negative connotations.  

I consider a nationalist to be someone that loves their nation and cares about their nations interest first before other nations

SpokenTruth said:
jason1637 said:

I consider a nationalist to be someone that loves their nation and cares about their nations interest first before other nations

Then what the hell do you consider a patriot?

I'd say basically the same thing but patriots are more likely to also help other countries even if it might nto be super beneficial for their country imo.

SpokenTruth said:
jason1637 said:

I'd say basically the same thing but patriots are more likely to also help other countries even if it might nto be super beneficial for their country imo.

So one (nationalists) accept what their country does unconditionally while the other (patriots) recognizes when it does wrong.

Not really. If the US were to do something crazy that hurts us like go into a war I would be disappointed but i'd still love my country overall.

SpokenTruth said:
jason1637 said:

And? Even if you are President I don't see why you can't talk shit on twitter. I don't like it when people switch up because they are in higher positions. If He's a shit talker as a regular citizen he should continue to br himself as President. It's more real and less fake. Being President is just a job and as long as you're doing your job I don't see why you can't have fun in twitter. 

I'm afraid we have reached an impasse. Your lack of understanding and mischaracterization of the role of president suggests that we cannot proceed.


If you cannot honor the office you were elected to, you do not deserve to hold said office.

You can't impeach trump for Tweeting unless it involves national security information or something of that realm.

Snoopy said:
SpokenTruth said:

I'm afraid we have reached an impasse. Your lack of understanding and mischaracterization of the role of president suggests that we cannot proceed.


If you cannot honor the office you were elected to, you do not deserve to hold said office.

You can't impeach beloved leader for Tweeting unless it involves national security information or something of that realm.

You mean like that time Beloved Leader Tweeted the locations and identities of Seal Team Five members while they were deployed?  Or would you like to Move the Goalposts to something more specific?