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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2016 - Finish Your Lists!!

Ka-pi96 said:
Slarvax said:
Hint #2 - Your rival is the son of the former leader of this mafia group.

Pokemon Gold/Silver!

Silver is Giovanni of Team Rocket`s son

Yup. That'a one thing I loved about the rival in Gen 2. Also, it's HG/SS, but I didn't know how to hint at it without saying "remake"

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic as guessed by Darashiva

Indisputably in second place on the list, is the monumental 'Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic'. How can something be better than 'Super Mario 64'? I don't know, but it happened in this Star Wars game, the quintessential role-playing game that sucks the player into it's rich world and amazing story helped by it's seamless, perfect gameplay.

In fact, the game has a "Star Warsy-story" more "Star Wars" than real Star Wars movies! Besides maybe the original; A New Hope. A classic battle between good and evil, or in Star Wars terms, the light- and the darkside. The hook is that the player decides through a long process of actions during events in the story, choices and conversations with companions and others, whether or not he or she sympathizes with either the light, or the dark. Each side of course has far reaching consequences in the end-game and the pay-off at the end here is grand.

It includes what's probably the greatest gaming twist ever told, and I never even saw it coming. In a cutscene with amazing, revealing screenplay, and I doubt this is still a spoiler to anyone but skip a sentence if it is, it will slowly dawn on you that you are in fact, the Dark Lord of the Sith that the entire Galaxy is afraid of and simultaneously admires for past heroics in war. Your memory wiped and your strings now pulled by your closest companion. I fell off my chair; mind blown. If you play the game more and more times you'll start to notice there actually were plenty of subtle hints to this fact all throughout the game, but you'll just don't realize the shocking fact until it's too late.

The game came after I got turned off of console gaming and I played it on a personal computer instead, further cementing my idea of the home computer's superiority during this era. It was the sheer brilliance and perfection of this game that made me stay away from consoles and rather game on computers for several more years. There was no way a console could offer anything better than this. Even though I have played through it multiple times, I also bought and downloaded it on a tablet. Still a perfect game, and one of the few of which I never want to see the end-credits roll.

And there we are, after this it's over already and let's see who payed attention. Time flew.

#1: L is Real 2401.

BraLoD said:
Darashiva said:

#2 The Legend of Dragoon

The Legend of Dragoon is a game that deserved so much more than it got. The story and characters were memorable, the battle system had a great unique twist to it with the combo system and the graphics were very good for the time. Had it not been for the average at best voice acting and numerous mistakes in the translated script, this would be a near perfect game in my eyes. I have played video games for over 25 years, and only one game has ever surpassed this one. 

And here's a hint for my #1 game of all time:

If you've read my articles recently you know exactly what game this is. If not, its a game that in many ways was intended as an homage for the entire series that came before it. 

Final Fantasy IX

Also... LoD!

That's the one, and LoD indeed. Not quite #1 as I said, but close.

2. Hint: At some point you can pay a guy and his dog to slay enemies.
Hint 2: A named sword is on the boxart of this game in some versions.
Hint 3: Both hint 1 and 2 make appearances in some shape or form in the newest game in the long standing series.

Triple decker hint! bonus points if you give me all the names :).

I'm not putting it as my number one, but, as I've been thinking about this a lot the last few weeks, I've realized that Mario Kart 8 makes a strong argument for best game ever.

It is infinitely re-playable. It is easy to pick up and play, but takes a lot of time and effort to master. It is fun to play from the moment your first race begins. It is absolutely beautiful, visually. Kids love it, and so do adults. In my many hours with it, I can't recall encountering a single significant technical problem.

The only reasons I'm not putting it in the top couple of spots are that Halo: CE had a huge, positive impact on my gaming life (so it must get a top spot), and ........ I'll have to leave it at that until I post my top pick tomorrow.

S.Peelman said:

And there we are, after this it's over already and let's see who payed attention. Time flew.

#1: L is Real 2401.

If there's not a trick, Super Mario 64

Now for the other game at the top.

Super Mario 3D World


I actually don’t have a lot to say about this game, it has the best level design I have seen in a platformer, in any video game even, with new mechanics every level spicing up the game, perfect soundtrack, colorful visuals, some fun boss fights and filled with charm. Is just a really excellent game in terms of design. So what makes it stand out for me to be at the top alongside Symphonia?


Simply put, is a game that makes me smile, giggle just like a kid all over again while I play it, it brings me back to my childhood, something than no other game has made me feel in a long time. That alone is what makes this game so memorable to me, is just the most fun I have had with a videogame in a long time, simple as that. And that is it from me.

Entropio said:
S.Peelman said:

And there we are, after this it's over already and let's see who payed attention. Time flew.

#1: L is Real 2401.

If there's not a trick, Super Mario 64

Muhaha there is a trick. >:)

Super Mario 64 was my #3.

2- Super Mario World

1- Super Mario Galaxy

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---