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Forums - Sony Discussion - So here's what I think of the PS3

Entroper said:

ROFL @ embedded video. You really put your money where your mouth is, twesterm. :)

EDIT: The remote thing is just a complaint. He's not making it out to be the end of the world like "OMG TEH REMOTE IS BLEUTHOOTH IM RETURNIGN THSI SYSTEM!!!" It's just another niggling disappointment. I'm sure if you spent $100 or more on a universal remote to get rid of your 6 other remotes, you too would be disappointed that it doesn't work with your Blu-ray player.

And honestly, Bluetooth is better than IR, but is it better in any tangible way that matters for a remote control? How hard is it exactly to point your remote at the TV? My guess is, the PS3 already had a Bluetooth interface, so they used that for the remote instead of adding IR. That makes sense to me. I'm sure if the Wii had DVD playback, they too would use the built-in Bluetooth (probably just use the Wii Remote, honestly) instead of adding another interface.

Exactly, the remote thing is only a complaint. Like I said, I enjoy just having one remote and hate the fact I now have to have an extra remote. I live in a pretty open space and I can't think of a time when the Blue Tooth features would come in handy. I can't even think of a situation when I lived in a closed space and the Blue Tooth features would come in handy. And if I had a Blue Tooth headset I wouldn't complain because that would actually make sense.
Tetsuo Shima said:
Entroper said:
Tetsuo, play a game like Gauntlet Legends or Dark Legacy, which has a similar two-button combo system, and see how well you do by randomly pressing buttons while not looking at the screen, and not aiming with the control stick. I'd wager you'd do much worse than that video showed.

Sure but you do realize he picked out the smallest arena in the whole game. Opponents are so close to him that it would be strange if he doesn't hit them. For me this video is just lame and proves nothing. Pure BS. Say what you will. This game is really cool. It has an obvious flaws like framedrop, screen tearing, some collision detection problems etc. but definitely combo system is really good there.

The thing is though with God of War, if I just sit there and randomly tap two buttons and nothing else, I'll die. God of War doesn't play for you, Heavenly Sword does. In that video I am just pressing random buttons and Nariko is moving all over the platform and performing finishing combos. All this with just randomly pressing two buttons. To make things even worse, I was doing pretty good. And yes, I know I was in the smallest area of the demo but that's because I really didn't want to take the effort to get further. As I said in my original post, the game bores me to tears and even that 2 1/2 minute video was pretty excruciating to make. If you watch the end of the video you'll notice that I keep fighting after I kill everything because I'm just simply not paying attention, I was reading a magazine while making that. -edit- Also, I'm going to assume that a bigger area wouldn't make things harder, just easier since I would be backed into a corner most of the time.

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@ Twestern

You don't owe those clowns any explanations. It's your thought - and there's no need to defend it. They'll get over it ...

Andir said:
twesterm said:
phil said:

"The SIXAXIS controls for the walking across logs wasn’t bad, but I had to wave the controller about wildly to get myself to fall off the log."

Then you weren't doing it right. Small tilts are plenty. When are you going to point out the game's shortcomings rather than your own?

If you pay attention that was a shortcoming. If the gag is a balancing bit then if I wave the controller about wildly I should fall. Instead, the player character continues to wobble. You shouldn't have to try to make yourself fall.

As for the pressing the right buttons thing, on the first time you press X you only have to press it once even though the button animates. The rest of the times you have to keep pressing X even though the button is animated button is doing the same exact thing.


As you can plainly see, I clear the whole fight with ease and Nariko is rolling about, moving around the platform, jumping up in the air, and doing finishing moves and I am only pressing two buttons the entire video. I never once press the analog sticks.

I actually recorded a video on my phone when I first ran through that same section in the demo (I still haven't bought the game) doing the two button test and I died. Ran out of health. I deleted it and made another just to continue testing and I lived. I noticed one thing though. When doing the simple two button combos and not killing the mobs quickly, the enemies seemed easier. What I found interesting is that when I actually tried, using multiple combos and such, it was easier to die (harder to stay alive) because they attack you in multiples and don't hold back as much. Now, either I'm doing something totally wrong in trying, or the game is smart enough to know when I'm really sucking (AKA, not killing fast/only pressing two buttons) and it doesn't send that next pack of enemies. I'd need one of the devs to straighten that out for me, but I'm guessing by my first trial, and subsequent tests that it was either a strange coincidence or an oversight on the development of the game. (Seriously, how many Q/A people will try to only use two buttons? Maybe it was intentional to make it fun for some little kid who got the game for Christmas?) Also, those two buttons make up a tremendous amount of combos. Maybe if they had fewer you might do worse? I don't know.

Also, I'd like a few reports on how many Wii owners totally fail when they swing their controller around like an idiot.

So you've just admitted that it doesn't actually work the way you said. Half the time you do that, you die. On the ones where you live, you lose half of your health in less than a minute on the easiest fight in the game. Congratulations.

 Edit: Oops, replied to the wrong post.  My point still stands: you lost half your health in under a minute on the easiest fight in the game.  I'm willing to bet I could accomplish the same in most other 3d platformers.

madskillz said:
@ Twestern

You don't owe those clowns any explanations. It's your thought - and there's no need to defend it. They'll get over it ...

You're right.  Noone has to back their opinions up with reason.  Now, if you'd like to be taken at all seriously, that's another matter.

phil said:
Andir said:
twesterm said:
phil said:

"The SIXAXIS controls for the walking across logs wasn’t bad, but I had to wave the controller about wildly to get myself to fall off the log."

Then you weren't doing it right. Small tilts are plenty. When are you going to point out the game's shortcomings rather than your own?

If you pay attention that was a shortcoming. If the gag is a balancing bit then if I wave the controller about wildly I should fall. Instead, the player character continues to wobble. You shouldn't have to try to make yourself fall.

As for the pressing the right buttons thing, on the first time you press X you only have to press it once even though the button animates. The rest of the times you have to keep pressing X even though the button is animated button is doing the same exact thing.


As you can plainly see, I clear the whole fight with ease and Nariko is rolling about, moving around the platform, jumping up in the air, and doing finishing moves and I am only pressing two buttons the entire video. I never once press the analog sticks.

I actually recorded a video on my phone when I first ran through that same section in the demo (I still haven't bought the game) doing the two button test and I died. Ran out of health. I deleted it and made another just to continue testing and I lived. I noticed one thing though. When doing the simple two button combos and not killing the mobs quickly, the enemies seemed easier. What I found interesting is that when I actually tried, using multiple combos and such, it was easier to die (harder to stay alive) because they attack you in multiples and don't hold back as much. Now, either I'm doing something totally wrong in trying, or the game is smart enough to know when I'm really sucking (AKA, not killing fast/only pressing two buttons) and it doesn't send that next pack of enemies. I'd need one of the devs to straighten that out for me, but I'm guessing by my first trial, and subsequent tests that it was either a strange coincidence or an oversight on the development of the game. (Seriously, how many Q/A people will try to only use two buttons? Maybe it was intentional to make it fun for some little kid who got the game for Christmas?) Also, those two buttons make up a tremendous amount of combos. Maybe if they had fewer you might do worse? I don't know.

Also, I'd like a few reports on how many Wii owners totally fail when they swing their controller around like an idiot.

So you've just admitted that it doesn't actually work the way you said. Half the time you do that, you die. On the ones where you live, you lose half of your health in less than a minute on the easiest fight in the game. Congratulations.

Edit: Oops, replied to the wrong post. My point still stands: you lost half your health in under a minute on the easiest fight in the game. I'm willing to bet I could accomplish the same in most other 3d platformers.

Not really. I said I got up and got a drink which takes at the most 30 seconds and the video I went ahead and just did the whole fight. Also, I would say I never lost a 1/3 of my health and that was just in the initial part. All I did was call your little BS boast and then some and now you're angry you got proven absolutely completely wrong.

And just for grins and giggles, I'll call complete BS on the bolded part in your quote. Video or it can't happen. Lets see you do something like that in any other 3D platformer.

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phil said:

So you've just admitted that it doesn't actually work the way you said. Half the time you do that, you die. On the ones where you live, you lose half of your health in less than a minute on the easiest fight in the game. Congratulations.

Edit: Oops, replied to the wrong post. My point still stands: you lost half your health in under a minute on the easiest fight in the game. I'm willing to bet I could accomplish the same in most other 3d platformers.

 I guess you could look at it like that, but Heavenly isn't really a tough game per say.  By design or not, good or bad.  If you attack the game "helps" you by facing your character appropriately.  Also, when that sequence of fighting is over, your health is fully restored.  Now, do I agree with that?  Not really.  I like games here you bust open pots, find potions, use life leaching skills or whatever to raise your health.  (Or dare I say it, like Conan where you pick up the pot and drink it.)  It forces you to be conservative with your health and your actions.  I think HS is more like an interactive movie rather than a game, or heading in that direction.  It's an art piece more than a challenge and was designed around the story rather than the game. I also prefer to be in control more.  I have always hated restricted games like when I was younger and bought Mystic Quest (figuring Final Fantasy can't go wrong!) and found out it had a world map on rails equivalent to a Mario game.  I want to be able to walk around and choose my path.

I will however disagree with everyone comparing it to God of War though.  I can't draw the comparison besides the weapon choice, fantasy realm and the "sole hero."

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

Review before posting:

I've just got my PS3 in after more than 1 week waiting. Hilarious... the mailman came... asked him.. how much do I owe you? Er... owe me? Nothing! What? Nothing??! But I thought I had to pay taxes... nope... not on the list... so I took 200 Euro in house for nothing *lol*. Oh well, you won't hear me complaining ha ha. And indeed... the box hasn't even been open.

My god that thing is huge! 4 times bigger than my WII! I haven't tested it yet, I'll wait with that for later.

Does anybody have experience with an import console and this handy plug included which you can use for the power socket within your country? The seller said I could use it without problems but somehow I've got a bad feeling about this just plugging it in. With the PS2 I used a step down converter and with the WII its handy since it has an AC Adapter. The Netherlands has 220-240 Volts and the console needs 100Volt.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

*~Onna76~* said:

My god that thing is huge! 4 times bigger than my WII! I haven't tested it yet, I'll wait with that for later.

 Heh, my Wii actually sits right next to my PS3 in my entertainment center and it's amazing how small the PS3 makes it look.  I dare say that it makes my Wii look even cuter.  :shivers:

I thought the PS3 had an auto-switching PS, but check the manual...

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

Review before posting:

On the back of the console it says... 100 volt... then it should have said 100-250volts or not? Also in the manual it says AC 100 Volt 50/60hz, so I assume not a good idea to plug it in my power socket. I thought a full adapter was included, but its not. I think its best to get a step down converter instead before I blow up the entire PS3 or even worse... the entire house!

Indeed TVWesterm, my WII next to my PS3 looks so utterly cute all of the sudden *lol*.

Edit: where's the electrical outlet good for? Do you have that in the US as well and do you need to use that? Never seen it before.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo