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phil said:
Andir said:
twesterm said:
phil said:

"The SIXAXIS controls for the walking across logs wasn’t bad, but I had to wave the controller about wildly to get myself to fall off the log."

Then you weren't doing it right. Small tilts are plenty. When are you going to point out the game's shortcomings rather than your own?

If you pay attention that was a shortcoming. If the gag is a balancing bit then if I wave the controller about wildly I should fall. Instead, the player character continues to wobble. You shouldn't have to try to make yourself fall.

As for the pressing the right buttons thing, on the first time you press X you only have to press it once even though the button animates. The rest of the times you have to keep pressing X even though the button is animated button is doing the same exact thing.


As you can plainly see, I clear the whole fight with ease and Nariko is rolling about, moving around the platform, jumping up in the air, and doing finishing moves and I am only pressing two buttons the entire video. I never once press the analog sticks.

I actually recorded a video on my phone when I first ran through that same section in the demo (I still haven't bought the game) doing the two button test and I died. Ran out of health. I deleted it and made another just to continue testing and I lived. I noticed one thing though. When doing the simple two button combos and not killing the mobs quickly, the enemies seemed easier. What I found interesting is that when I actually tried, using multiple combos and such, it was easier to die (harder to stay alive) because they attack you in multiples and don't hold back as much. Now, either I'm doing something totally wrong in trying, or the game is smart enough to know when I'm really sucking (AKA, not killing fast/only pressing two buttons) and it doesn't send that next pack of enemies. I'd need one of the devs to straighten that out for me, but I'm guessing by my first trial, and subsequent tests that it was either a strange coincidence or an oversight on the development of the game. (Seriously, how many Q/A people will try to only use two buttons? Maybe it was intentional to make it fun for some little kid who got the game for Christmas?) Also, those two buttons make up a tremendous amount of combos. Maybe if they had fewer you might do worse? I don't know.

Also, I'd like a few reports on how many Wii owners totally fail when they swing their controller around like an idiot.

So you've just admitted that it doesn't actually work the way you said. Half the time you do that, you die. On the ones where you live, you lose half of your health in less than a minute on the easiest fight in the game. Congratulations.

Edit: Oops, replied to the wrong post. My point still stands: you lost half your health in under a minute on the easiest fight in the game. I'm willing to bet I could accomplish the same in most other 3d platformers.

Not really. I said I got up and got a drink which takes at the most 30 seconds and the video I went ahead and just did the whole fight. Also, I would say I never lost a 1/3 of my health and that was just in the initial part. All I did was call your little BS boast and then some and now you're angry you got proven absolutely completely wrong.

And just for grins and giggles, I'll call complete BS on the bolded part in your quote. Video or it can't happen. Lets see you do something like that in any other 3D platformer.