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phil said:

So you've just admitted that it doesn't actually work the way you said. Half the time you do that, you die. On the ones where you live, you lose half of your health in less than a minute on the easiest fight in the game. Congratulations.

Edit: Oops, replied to the wrong post. My point still stands: you lost half your health in under a minute on the easiest fight in the game. I'm willing to bet I could accomplish the same in most other 3d platformers.

 I guess you could look at it like that, but Heavenly isn't really a tough game per say.  By design or not, good or bad.  If you attack the game "helps" you by facing your character appropriately.  Also, when that sequence of fighting is over, your health is fully restored.  Now, do I agree with that?  Not really.  I like games here you bust open pots, find potions, use life leaching skills or whatever to raise your health.  (Or dare I say it, like Conan where you pick up the pot and drink it.)  It forces you to be conservative with your health and your actions.  I think HS is more like an interactive movie rather than a game, or heading in that direction.  It's an art piece more than a challenge and was designed around the story rather than the game. I also prefer to be in control more.  I have always hated restricted games like when I was younger and bought Mystic Quest (figuring Final Fantasy can't go wrong!) and found out it had a world map on rails equivalent to a Mario game.  I want to be able to walk around and choose my path.

I will however disagree with everyone comparing it to God of War though.  I can't draw the comparison besides the weapon choice, fantasy realm and the "sole hero."

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

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