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Forums - Sony Discussion - So here's what I think of the PS3

What was the white packaged thing in your fridge?!

Please say gyro!



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twesterm: "I am only pressing two buttons the entire video. I never once press the analog sticks."

Ok. Did you spot that combo system in HS is based on two buttons? This is first stage of the second chapter IIRC, you've kicked mini-boss out. Only the easiest opponents of the whole game left and you are disappointed with fact you are able to beat them. All games of this genre have easy combo system. Fact that you can execute an effective combo with square, square, triangle, triangle doesn't mean it's wrong. Check GoW, NGS or DMC. Would you be more satisfied with combos a'la

d, df, f, uf, u, triangle ub, b, db, d, square ?

Seriously, cut the crap and go back to Cruisin on your belowed Wii.

@ Montana

C'mon pal, you've locked this shit once. Finish this dumb fest once again. 

Tetsuo, I know you're angry, but don't be immature.



MontanaHatchet said:
Tetsuo, I know you're angry, but don't be immature.

 I'm 16 yo and I have a damn right to be immature ! !

Tetsuo Shima said:

twesterm: "I am only pressing two buttons the entire video. I never once press the analog sticks."

Ok. Did you spot that combo system in HS is based on two buttons? This is first stage of the second chapter IIRC, you've kicked mini-boss out. Only the easiest opponents of the whole game left and you are disappointed with fact you are able to beat them. All games of this genre have easy combo system. Fact that you can execute an effective combo with square, square, triangle, triangle doesn't mean it's wrong. Check GoW, NGS or DMC. Would you be more satisfied with combos a'la

d, df, f, uf, u, triangle ub, b, db, d, square ?

Seriously, cut the crap and go back to Cruisin on your belowed Wii.

@ Montana

C'mon pal, you've locked this shit once. Finish this dumb fest once again.

 Seriously grow up and be reasonable, the way your acting damages your point of view to be honest. =\

Also why would he go back to cruis'n when it hasnt even been released yet? 

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Tetsuo, play a game like Gauntlet Legends or Dark Legacy, which has a similar two-button combo system, and see how well you do by randomly pressing buttons while not looking at the screen, and not aiming with the control stick. I'd wager you'd do much worse than that video showed.

Entroper said:
Tetsuo, play a game like Gauntlet Legends or Dark Legacy, which has a similar two-button combo system, and see how well you do by randomly pressing buttons while not looking at the screen, and not aiming with the control stick. I'd wager you'd do much worse than that video showed.

Sure but you do realize he picked out the smallest arena in the whole game. Opponents are so close to him that it would be strange if he doesn't hit them. For me this video is just lame and proves nothing. Pure BS. Say what you will. This game is really cool. It has an obvious flaws like framedrop, screen tearing, some collision detection problems etc. but definitely combo system is really good there.

twesterm said:
phil said:

"The SIXAXIS controls for the walking across logs wasn’t bad, but I had to wave the controller about wildly to get myself to fall off the log."

Then you weren't doing it right. Small tilts are plenty. When are you going to point out the game's shortcomings rather than your own?

If you pay attention that was a shortcoming. If the gag is a balancing bit then if I wave the controller about wildly I should fall. Instead, the player character continues to wobble. You shouldn't have to try to make yourself fall.

As for the pressing the right buttons thing, on the first time you press X you only have to press it once even though the button animates. The rest of the times you have to keep pressing X even though the button is animated button is doing the same exact thing.


As you can plainly see, I clear the whole fight with ease and Nariko is rolling about, moving around the platform, jumping up in the air, and doing finishing moves and I am only pressing two buttons the entire video. I never once press the analog sticks.

I actually recorded a video on my phone when I first ran through that same section in the demo (I still haven't bought the game) doing the two button test and I died.  Ran out of health.  I deleted it and made another just to continue testing and I lived.  I noticed one thing though.  When doing the simple two button combos and not killing the mobs quickly, the enemies seemed easier.  What I found interesting is that when I actually tried, using multiple combos and such, it was easier to die (harder to stay alive) because they attack you in multiples and don't hold back as much.  Now, either I'm doing something totally wrong in trying, or the game is smart enough to know when I'm really sucking (AKA, not killing fast/only pressing two buttons) and it doesn't send that next pack of enemies.  I'd need one of the devs to straighten that out for me, but I'm guessing by my first trial, and subsequent tests that it was either a strange coincidence or an oversight on the development of the game.  (Seriously, how many Q/A people will try to only use two buttons?  Maybe it was intentional to make it fun for some little kid who got the game for Christmas?)  Also, those two buttons make up a tremendous amount of combos.  Maybe if they had fewer you might do worse?  I don't know.

Also, I'd like a few reports on how many Wii owners totally fail when they swing their controller around like an idiot.

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

Review before posting:

twesterm said:
phil said:
twesterm said:

So I got some HDMI cables and some optic cables so I could do the whole upscale thing which is pretty nice. While picking up those cables I also decided I would pick up the PS3 remote.

Now normally I would have 6 remotes and adding the PS3 remote would make it 7; that's not fun. Lucky for me I have a fancy schmancy universal remote. Overall, it's a pretty good remote (the software is ass but it's easy to overlook) that makes life great.

So anyways, I unwrap my spiffy PS3 remote and find out I have to register it with my PS3. Hmm, well that's a little odd. I read the direction a little and FUCK it uses Blue Tooth. My remote (and assume most universal remotes) doesn't use Blue Tooth.

Way to find another little way to fuck people Sony.

Bluetooth > IR for remotes. You don't get annoying blocks of the signal, nor do you need to aim the remote directly at the unit. They're not trying to screw you, it's genuinely better. In any case, you don't need a remote. You can do everything with the controllers.


  1. I can't remember the last time I needed my remote when I wasn't in the room. Also, as long as I'm facing my TV I've never had a problem with my remote. For every device I have programmed into my remote linked above, the remote can be completely turned around and still work fine and I'm not in a habit of playing things between my and my TV so I don't really care about blockage. So Blue Tooth is good, but it isn't genuinely better.
  2. You missed the point: I like having a single remote do everything. I know the controller can do everything but then that's still something else I have to fiddle with when I want to watch a movie or whatever. The point of having a spiffy universal remote is so that I don't have to keep 7 remote laying around, instead I can have just one do everything.

Look at it this way, you've gone from 6 to 2 controllers.

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

Review before posting:

All I can say is WOW ... being a journalist, I actually read through nearly four pages of rants and the like.

My final synopsis is - it's Twestern's review. Period. He has his own opinion, and for folks to bash him over and over and over again makes absolutely no sense. Why not go to your local Wal-Mart and try to dissuade folks from buying an HD DVD player?

Seriously - he bought the machine and he's not an outsider. He OWNS it and was giving his honest view on it. I don't own one - I'll likely get one soon, but not until I have a compelling reason to buy one. If I get PS3 games sent for review more often, more than likely, I will buy one. For my personal enjoyment? Hell to the no.

And demos - are any of your fanboys old enough to drive? When you go to a car lot, you test drive the vehicle you want to drive. Of course you can't take that puppy on a road trip, but a spin around the block will make or break a deal. I test drove a sick 5 series Beamer - loved the acceleration, the ride was quiet and seriously, she glided. Do I want one? No doubt - but all I needed was the trip around the block. That's what demos are. If you don't like the demo, it's a pretty good chance you WON'T like the retail game.

Ex. Two Worlds. I sooooo wanted to review this game and asked SouthPeak for a copy. Dude kept saying it was coming ... coming ... and nada. Finally, I gave up and moved on to other games. Finally downloaded the demo and nearly hurled. I literally played the demo 5 minutes, dropped my controller, and searched for some Tums. It was HORRIBLE! I am glad that PR rep brushed me off, or I would have to review that POC.

All I am saying is - Twestern bought himself a PS3. He saw more value in it than most folks, even if he had harsh words about it.

Folks don't agree with you all the time. Get over it. That's life. Respect folks' opinions and keep moving. Sheez - bashing him for having an opinion. It's not his fault you paid uber movie for a game-deficient console ...