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All I can say is WOW ... being a journalist, I actually read through nearly four pages of rants and the like.

My final synopsis is - it's Twestern's review. Period. He has his own opinion, and for folks to bash him over and over and over again makes absolutely no sense. Why not go to your local Wal-Mart and try to dissuade folks from buying an HD DVD player?

Seriously - he bought the machine and he's not an outsider. He OWNS it and was giving his honest view on it. I don't own one - I'll likely get one soon, but not until I have a compelling reason to buy one. If I get PS3 games sent for review more often, more than likely, I will buy one. For my personal enjoyment? Hell to the no.

And demos - are any of your fanboys old enough to drive? When you go to a car lot, you test drive the vehicle you want to drive. Of course you can't take that puppy on a road trip, but a spin around the block will make or break a deal. I test drove a sick 5 series Beamer - loved the acceleration, the ride was quiet and seriously, she glided. Do I want one? No doubt - but all I needed was the trip around the block. That's what demos are. If you don't like the demo, it's a pretty good chance you WON'T like the retail game.

Ex. Two Worlds. I sooooo wanted to review this game and asked SouthPeak for a copy. Dude kept saying it was coming ... coming ... and nada. Finally, I gave up and moved on to other games. Finally downloaded the demo and nearly hurled. I literally played the demo 5 minutes, dropped my controller, and searched for some Tums. It was HORRIBLE! I am glad that PR rep brushed me off, or I would have to review that POC.

All I am saying is - Twestern bought himself a PS3. He saw more value in it than most folks, even if he had harsh words about it.

Folks don't agree with you all the time. Get over it. That's life. Respect folks' opinions and keep moving. Sheez - bashing him for having an opinion. It's not his fault you paid uber movie for a game-deficient console ...