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Forums - Sony Discussion - First Four Day Challenge Collaboration

yes i did for a short while lol eventually i got frustrated and left it lol add me: malik7866

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but i also enjoyed the psp3000 release treasure hunt. Home does have some very fun elements in it i suppose :)

I didn't know about the PSP one. Well, I'll give this a few more hours/days and if nothing shows up, well then, perhaps we missed something.

Isn't there some new heavy rain space in home? I might go check that out tonight when I get home.

must be because when i signed up to the heavy rain challenge site, it gave a free home t shirt code and said "you never know what doors it may open for you" or summat in those lines.

It could have been another clue :S

Ithink it is time for me to go get another pack of oreos and a ferrero rocher milk shake :p

Hrm, if you're by a PS3, yeah hop into home and see if there is anything there. I know there was a new Heavy Rain space there or so I read

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crap bags. because i sold my fat andgot a slim, i gotta download home all over again. well at least i have a pack of oreos to give me company lol

i cant see a heavy rain room, but ihave downloaded the access all areas heavy rain skin :) hopefully it will do summat :p

You can cross a freeway blindfolded, jump out of a plane or walk through fire for love. I got the first one first, then the second, haven't got the third yet.

I'm guessing any one of those would be a correct answer to the challenge.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Wait, no. We don't submit an answer until the end of the final challenge, I think, because the "Submit Answer" option is still disabled.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Hrm, anything new here? I haven't gotten my picxaminer results yet