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@ Ajescentif that was to me i wasnt talkin about the agent i was talking about a different IP The Agency


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Tenkin said:
Everyone seems to ignore the MMO's when they list games whaat about The Secret World or The Agency ?

The only MMO I'm considering for consoles is FFXIV. The rest usually thrive more on PC.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

No, it was referring to Mao's list, I'm too lazy to quote so by the time I type, the message I'm referring to has been bumped.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

CGI-Quality said:
Lord Flashheart said:

@CGI the point was that MS fans are in the minority and this site is mostly Sony fans.
Quickly becomming N4G 2.0

Why does any of that matter? If this site was 100% Xbox Supporters i'd still come here. I think all of this "we're on one side while y'all are on the other" crap is ridiculous.

Jeez people, it's an electronic device. Why does it matter that others support another?

Agree with this statement 110%. People they are electronic devices since when does that mean you have to pick a side and be negative toward all the other "sides". Either say something positive or dont bother posting. Everyone is entitled to their opinion so dont drag on eachother because you have different opinions. We can all Agree to Disagree!

Long Live SHIO!

pitzy272 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Lord Flashheart said:
Ajescent said:
In defence of this thread, ps3 have done something similar with regards to that "drunken" thread a while back. No harm in 360 fans liking their line up the same way there's no harm in ps3, wii, pc fans liking their own. The harm comes when people try to say ours is better than yours without any proof.


It gets tiresome having to read just that from PS fans in most 360 threads.

Well, other fans of other consoles do it no matter where. It's not just one set of fans.

THANK YOU CGI! Jeez ppl, I'm a ps3 guy but I'm not gonna pretend like ps3 fanboys don't act like childish, one-sided idiots sometimes. So why are you xbox guys acting like this same behavior doesn't exist among u? I've seen it about equal on both sides. Anyways, on topic...I will admit that the 360 line-up for 2010 (if all the games release in 2010) is def more impressive than their 2009 line-up. Well, let me be completely fair, it's an impressive line-up even without comparison to 2009. Anyways, as impressive as it is though, these still just aren't my kinds of games. I'm not into RPG's at all (so no ME2 or Fable III), I'm not into the SC series enough to buy Conviction (plus, bought double agent for $14 and still feel like it was a waste of $) even though Conviction does look like it's going to be a quality game; Crackdown 2 doesn't interest me, period; but lastly, Alan Wake...yes, this game looks like it's gonna be cool. It still would probably be just a rent for me, but looks good nonetheless.

And as far as the "anyone not agreeing with the OP's opinion is lying and biased" crap, what are you guys? Why is your opinion okay but any other genuine opinion is blasphemy? Sony has an excellent line-up for 2010 as well: MAG, Heavy Rain, White Knight Chronicles, ModNation Racers (not gonna be a platinum hit, but may be fun), God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Agent (Rockstar games exclusive game for ps3), Twisted Metal PS3, and Last Guardian. This is a heck of a line-up, idc who you are. You may not be into some of the games, but at least recognize that Sony has a lot of quality games for 2010, even if they're not to your particular liking. To be honest, the first 6 months of 2010 are kind of dry for me as a gamer. Although I recognize that there are a lot of solid titles releasing, almost none interest me personally. Heavy Rain is the only game that I will pick up, and that will most likely be a rent (and if it impresses me enough I will buy it). God of War III looks epic and from what I understand it will be groundbreaking in several areas, but it's not for me. As for the rest of 2010, even though I'm not a hardcore racing gamer, I am considering purchasing GT5 just because it looks like it's going to be say the least. Twisted Metal PS3 will almost def be a purchase for me, that series is awesome fun. Last Guardian intrigues me, and will def be a rent, possibly a purchase depending. And I already mentioned Alan Wake.

So both consoles have great 2010 line-ups! Let people have their opinions. Don't be so one-sided and biased and try to force your opinion on other people. You have to be willing to give a game a fair chance before judging it.

Damn good post my friend. 2010 is gonna ROCK regardless of what console you own!

Long Live SHIO!

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This thread consist of


1.  vs 


2.What game is XXX


3.XXX line up is better than XXX's line up.





Have you ever  beaten a survival mode on a game?

Yeah there's really no trolling going on in this thread....makes me wonder how we got on a 100 post plus "discussion" on how there is so much trolling.

yo_john117 said:

Yeah there's really no trolling going on in this thread....makes me wonder how we got on a 100 post plus "discussion" on how there is so much trolling.

Check around. It happens all the time and it is always the same people arguing the same thing over and over.

"Man is born free but is everywhere in chains" - Rousseau

Yep, quite a few times. Got all 69 stars on spec ops in MW2 as well.
It wasn't about trolling in this thread but in general on here. You haven't been reading have you? ;p

Chairman-Mao said:
360 has a really good lineup but I don't think it matches PS3's.

From an average gamer's perspective 360 has (that is console exclusive):

- Mass Effect 2  AAA will sell 2-3 million
- Halo Reach    AAA mega game 10 million
- Splinter Cell Conviction AAA will sell 2-3 million
- Fable 3 AAA will sell 3-4 million
- Alan Wake AAA will sell 2-3 million
- Crackdown 2 AA will sell 1-1.5 million
- Kingdom Under Fire II
- Metro 2033

That's about all the games that are mainstream. So very impressive lineup. But PS3 has:

- God of War 3 AAA will sell 3-4 million
- Heavy Rain AA will sell 1-1.5 million
- MAG AA will sell 1-1.5 mill
- White Knight Chronicles niche, bad reviews
- Gran Turismo 5 AAA mega game 10 million
- Final Fantasy vs 13 not 2010
- The Last Guardian  not 2010
- ModNation Racers  never heard about it
- Agent not 2010

And games that aren't confirmed but could be 2010 are Resistance 3, Killzone 3 and Twisted Metal PS3. Slight chance for Resistance 3 to come, but then we might as well speculate on unannounced 360 games like Gears 3

Really it comes down to taste. I really like the look of GT5 and ModNation Racers; all that interests me on 360 is Splinter Cell and Crackdown 2 to some degree.

^ lol, let me correct that for you.

And personally, since you mentioned it, all that interests me on PS3 is GT5, and possibly Heavy Rain to some degree.

* Note: AAA means a game that gets 90% on Meta or Gamerankings. AA means good reviews but below 90%.