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Forums - Website Topics - VGChartz Standard and Premium Memberships


What if VgChartz starts charging a monthly fee to view sales numbers?

I won't pay. 334 75.57%
I'll pay. 23 5.20%
I'll go to BugriChartz instead. 85 19.23%

We can now watch the weekly top 200. We can also select any game at the Charts section and look at its sales chart for 400 weeks.

Will we need to pay for this in the future?

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Game sales are very entertaining to watch, but no where near worth paying for.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

Even though I will most likely never pay. I thought of a good idea.

The ability to buy other member's a subscription. Deviantart does that.

ioi said:
Chrizum said:
We can now watch the weekly top 200. We can also select any game at the Charts section and look at its sales chart for 400 weeks.

Will we need to pay for this in the future?


For free you'll be able to see the top 50 games per week/month/year per region. You'll be able to see the current LTDs and first ten weeks on game pages and you'll be able to see graphs (but no numbers) on the compare games page. You'll also be able to see top 30 preorders, and top 30s on the new milestones and weekly records pages. You'll be able to view totals on the world totals page and sort by publishers / console etc.

For a standard membership, you'll be able to see the top 200 games per week/month/year as well as being able to filter by console and publisher and see top 50s filtered. On game pages you'll be able to see a full history of sales per game, you'll be able to see top 100 preorders, top 100s on the milestones and weekly records pages. You will also have access to new tools such as year on year comparisons where you can pick a date range and compare to the same period last year and the year before with fancy graphs, regional software percentages, attach rate tracking, "legs analysis" and so on.

For a premium membership you get full access to all data and a number of industry-centric tools such as revenues, publisher tracking (see how EA is doing month by month vs last year), advanced forecasting (looking ahead 3 months), full forecast models for all upcoming games, anticipation metrics, genre analysis, game metrics to analyse and quantify why games sell, hardware projection models and so on. Very specific tools aimed at investory, analysts and publishers and allowing them to better predict the future market (and decide what decisions to make in order to maximise profits for themselves or their clients).


Like I've said (a million times) standard memberships won't appeal to most people and premium memberships to even fewer, but the interest is out there and the only way to justify the creation of these tools and collection of the data necessary to power them is to charge premium rates for their use. I hope this (finally) makes sense!

In other words, we'll have to pay to use features we can use now for free.

Well, that sucks.

Mr. Walton, how come you answer the same questions over and over but won't answer mine? I feel ignored

Here they are again, please answer:

Okay, my questions still:

1. Any idea of a release date for VGC 3.0? Will it change the look of the site? Will it include a feature that I've bothered Talonman about for at least a year now?

2. How will confidentiality of the data work? Am I not allowed to discuss games out of the Top 50? Will this create a bridge of knowledge between those who don't have memberships and those who do?



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Words Of Wisdom said:
ioi said:
Oh man, does nobody read the thread!

The subscription / membership will be to get MORE data, you will still be able to see most of the basic data each week along with all LTDs for FREE.

It's really not going to be much different to how it is now, it just offers people the chance to view more data and have more comparison tools at a small cost. What's the issue?

It's like paying for microtransactions where the data is already there but the publisher/developer wants to charge the player more.

I'll pass.

No it's called providing a service, ioi was nice enough to make all this data free for the past few years.


My posts make this site better.

If anyone is paying it's going to be VgChartz.

ioi said:

@Words of Wisdom

The difference in your comparison is that you have to pay for the game to start with so to then pay for extras on top that are already in the game but "locked" is totally unreasonable and greedy.

In this case you aren't paying for anything to begin with but having the option to pay a small amount to access data that has a certain value that until now has been provided for free.

To compare the two is absurd. As Seece rightly says, people should be thankful that such open access to this data has been provided for free for so long.


It would be like opening store, charging nothing for every item in the store for 4 years and then people start complaining and accusing you of being greedy when you start selling half of the items for 5 cents (for items that should cost say $1 each). I don't understand this attitude that access to high-level services should be free - how do you expect companies to fund these services?

Thats what im saying. I wont pay for anything, mostly because i glance at a few games i care to follow and then obviously the main hardware and top software.

But im hopeful the transition will be smooth and lead to possibly more accurate data since you could probably invest more in the tracking and site.

Im surprised it took so long to be honest. Bring it on.

kowenicki said:
Barozi said:
I heard all VGC members with over 5000 posts will get free access to all charts, numbers and new features

I think the rumour was 10,000   or contributors....

I guess I better start spamming then. I've been here 2+ years and I still haven't hit 10k.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


Got a retro room? Post it here!

ioi said:
1. No idea of a release date yet, hoping 4-6 weeks but these things always run over. The site(s) will look completely different to how VGChartz is currently. I don't know what feature you have asked TalonMan for so I can't comment.

2. You'll be able to determine how much a game sold last week by how much the LTD went up after an update - it's not that the data is "secret" rather that we make it hard for (industry) people to readily access it so they are encouraged to sign up for a data membership to help support the data collection more directly and reflect the "value" that can be extracted with full data access.

I think what Montana is trying to say is: when subscribed, is it ok to post sales data on the forums that is only viewable if subscribed?