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ioi said:

@Words of Wisdom

The difference in your comparison is that you have to pay for the game to start with so to then pay for extras on top that are already in the game but "locked" is totally unreasonable and greedy.

In this case you aren't paying for anything to begin with but having the option to pay a small amount to access data that has a certain value that until now has been provided for free.

To compare the two is absurd. As Seece rightly says, people should be thankful that such open access to this data has been provided for free for so long.


It would be like opening store, charging nothing for every item in the store for 4 years and then people start complaining and accusing you of being greedy when you start selling half of the items for 5 cents (for items that should cost say $1 each). I don't understand this attitude that access to high-level services should be free - how do you expect companies to fund these services?

Thats what im saying. I wont pay for anything, mostly because i glance at a few games i care to follow and then obviously the main hardware and top software.

But im hopeful the transition will be smooth and lead to possibly more accurate data since you could probably invest more in the tracking and site.

Im surprised it took so long to be honest. Bring it on.