Conegamer said: I wonder, when is the next Vita game which could reach 100k FW?
If Phantasy Star doesn't do it, nothing currently announced will, I don't think.
I don't think PSO2 will, but if it did, it would actually be kind of amusing. Because it's a completely free download, so anyone buying the game is obviously making a conscious choice that they're looking forward to the game so much, they're willing to pay for it at launch. Obviously, there's some advantages - some people may prefer having it on a game card; there are various bonuses and exclusive stuff from buying the package. But still!
I don't think Soul Sacrifice will do it either, but the fact it's being bundled with a pretty nice custom Vita may help it.
Otherwise, games like Legend of Heroes; One Piece & Gundam are also on PS3, things like Atelier; Dead or Alive & Ninja Gaiden are late ports, while games like PhotoKano & Valhalla Knights are just niche.
So barring PSO or Soul Sacrifice exceeding expectations, nothing. Just have to wait for some Miku-or-better style announcement in the future.