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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bayonetta vs Dante vs Kratos

The_vagabond7 said:
Seriously, I'm betting every person in here saying Kratos has not played half way through Bayonetta. It's really like saying Iron man is just going to shoot Super Man with his missiles and machine guns and then Superman will be totally fucked, Iron Man ROXXORS! Kratos is not anywhere near as powerful NO WHERE NEAR as powerful as bayonetta. It is not a contest. If you think Kratos would win, it is because you are a Kratos fanboy and have not played Bayonetta. The power difference between the two is stark and blatantly obvious for anyone who has played bayonetta.

In the beginning of the game at least, Bayonetta is a complete wimp. She has trouble killing a witch who can walk on ceilings.

If I play as Kratos, I have much less difficulty than if I play as Bayonetta.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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So power has to do with Gameplay? Superman is in crappy games so clearly Cole from Infamous could take him out in a fight? Hell, Wario is unkillable in Warioland 2! It's literally impossible for him to die! He could beat anybody! Or Missigno from Pokemon, that bitch will just Glitch Kratos' game and corrupt his save file! Trying to use gameplay mechanics as a ruler for how strong a character is, is a very nonsensical way to compare characters.

From the fiction, the story of Bayonetta, and the things that she does in her story, compared to Kratos, his fiction, what he does, and is capable of, Bayonetta is VASTLY more powerful. Unfortunately the game is too new for me to go about listing her feats without it being spoilers, but seriously, it's not a contest. The Final Boss of Bayonetta is vastly more powerful than anything Kratos encounters in his fiction, and what happens to the boss is a display of power vastly greater than anything Kratos has done or will ever do. If you have not played and beaten bayonetta, then you do not have any idea what you're talking about and are just spouting fanboy drivel.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Kantor said:
The_vagabond7 said:
Seriously, I'm betting every person in here saying Kratos has not played half way through Bayonetta. It's really like saying Iron man is just going to shoot Super Man with his missiles and machine guns and then Superman will be totally fucked, Iron Man ROXXORS! Kratos is not anywhere near as powerful NO WHERE NEAR as powerful as bayonetta. It is not a contest. If you think Kratos would win, it is because you are a Kratos fanboy and have not played Bayonetta. The power difference between the two is stark and blatantly obvious for anyone who has played bayonetta.

In the beginning of the game at least, Bayonetta is a complete wimp. She has trouble killing a witch who can walk on ceilings.

If I play as Kratos, I have much less difficulty than if I play as Bayonetta.

El oh el he thinks that witch is weak, my soul is sad for you Kantor

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Kantor based on the two or three spoilers I've read, this argument can't be supported seriously unless Kratos actually murders Tartarus/Chaos, the primordial darkness which gave birth to all light and all life

So, uh

Since I think the game is going in that direction

Come back when GoW3 is out

Time to go buy Bayonetta

well, kratos does have zeus' lightning bolt, which is the strongest force in existence.

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Khuutra said:
Kantor based on the two or three spoilers I've read, this argument can't be supported seriously unless Kratos actually murders Tartarus/Chaos, the primordial darkness which gave birth to all light and all life

So, uh

Since I think the game is going in that direction

Come back when GoW3 is out

Time to go buy Bayonetta

I'll buy Bayonetta when they fix the crappy frame-rate and the insane amounts of lag, and it's down to £10 or so, so I can play on one button mode and see these so called feats that Bayonetta performs, because the gameplay is too painful for me to sit through ten hours of it (IMO).

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

The_vagabond7 said:
So power has to do with Gameplay? Superman is in crappy games so clearly Cole from Infamous could take him out in a fight? Hell, Wario is unkillable in Warioland 2! It's literally impossible for him to die! He could beat anybody! Or Missigno from Pokemon, that bitch will just Glitch Kratos' game and corrupt his save file! Trying to use gameplay mechanics as a ruler for how strong a character is, is a very nonsensical way to compare characters.

From the fiction, the story of Bayonetta, and the things that she does in her story, compared to Kratos, his fiction, what he does, and is capable of, Bayonetta is VASTLY more powerful. Unfortunately the game is too new for me to go about listing her feats without it being spoilers, but seriously, it's not a contest. The Final Boss of Bayonetta is vastly more powerful than anything Kratos encounters in his fiction, and what happens to the boss is a display of power vastly greater than anything Kratos has done or will ever do. If you have not played and beaten bayonetta, then you do not have any idea what you're talking about and are just spouting fanboy drivel.

I defer to those with knowledge of what Bayonetta does.

For now.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
Khuutra said:
Kantor based on the two or three spoilers I've read, this argument can't be supported seriously unless Kratos actually murders Tartarus/Chaos, the primordial darkness which gave birth to all light and all life

So, uh

Since I think the game is going in that direction

Come back when GoW3 is out

Time to go buy Bayonetta

I'll buy Bayonetta when they fix the crappy frame-rate and the insane amounts of lag, and it's down to £10 or so, so I can play on one button mode and see these so called feats that Bayonetta performs, because the gameplay is too painful for me to sit through ten hours of it (IMO).

I meant it's time for me to go buy Bayonetta

Might be time for you to rent it so you don't have to spend ten Euros on it

Kratos coz he's freakin badass
Dante from DMC 1 coz he looks cool
Bayonetta last coz she walks funny

Khuutra said:
Kantor said:
Khuutra said:
Kantor based on the two or three spoilers I've read, this argument can't be supported seriously unless Kratos actually murders Tartarus/Chaos, the primordial darkness which gave birth to all light and all life

So, uh

Since I think the game is going in that direction

Come back when GoW3 is out

Time to go buy Bayonetta

I'll buy Bayonetta when they fix the crappy frame-rate and the insane amounts of lag, and it's down to £10 or so, so I can play on one button mode and see these so called feats that Bayonetta performs, because the gameplay is too painful for me to sit through ten hours of it (IMO).

I meant it's time for me to go buy Bayonetta

Might be time for you to rent it so you don't have to spend ten Euros on it

Ten pounds is like 12 euros, but that's not the point.

I might as well just watch the final cutscene, because what's the point of playing through a ten hour game mashing one button to see a video? And considering how much I sucked at the demo, I won't be able to finish the game on normal. And like I said, WHEN THEY'VE FIXED THE PS3 VERSION. If they ever do. Then I might consider thinking about renting/buying it cheap.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective