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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GT GotY Awards 2009: Game of the Year

Well I surely did not play Uncharted 2 but I sure know Demon's Souls is a tad better than MW2...

Modern Warfare 2 is good, very good actually. Nice single player, although short, and the still addicting online a nice spec ops addition.

But Demon's Souls just kills Modern Warfare 2, in my opinion.

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FreeTalkLive said:
Not a single DS, PSP or Wii Nomination. Not Wii Sports Resort or NSMB Wii. Oh well, I'll still continue to think that Scribblenauts was the handheld GOTY, Wii Sports Resort was the home console game of the year and Plants Vs. Zombies was the PC game on the year.

That's how it always is, and will remain for most sites this year. 08 and 09 were the years that those three platforms may as well have not existed for most gaming sites.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I get encouraged by the fact that whilst reviewers aren't the best they are at least more professional than this thread. It is possible to set aside even your own personal preferences and give GOTY to something else on more objective merits. Liking a game and disliking another does not make one >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than the other.


lol, these fans went crazy over there, it's getting nasty.

To be fair, they had no choice, they rated Uncharted 2 lower and criticized it for its lack of originality, they had had to go with a game that's  so fresh and brought so much into FPS.

 Next Gen 

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psrock said:
lol, these fans went crazy over there, it's getting nasty.

To be fair, they had no choice, they rated Uncharted 2 lower and criticized it for its lack of originality, they had had to go with game that so fresh and brought so much into FPS.

Yea they went with the most innovative game of the generation


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psrock said:
lol, these fans went crazy over there, it's getting nasty.

To be fair, they had no choice, they rated Uncharted 2 lower and criticized it for its lack of originality, they had had to go with game that so fresh and brought so much into FPS.

The GT forum is a scary place...

Former something....

psrock said:
lol, these fans went crazy over there, it's getting nasty.

To be fair, they had no choice, they rated Uncharted 2 lower and criticized it for its lack of originality, they had had to go with game that so fresh and brought so much into FPS.

Mr Khan said:
FreeTalkLive said:
Not a single DS, PSP or Wii Nomination. Not Wii Sports Resort or NSMB Wii. Oh well, I'll still continue to think that Scribblenauts was the handheld GOTY, Wii Sports Resort was the home console game of the year and Plants Vs. Zombies was the PC game on the year.

That's how it always is, and will remain for most sites this year. 08 and 09 were the years that those three platforms may as well have not existed for most gaming sites.

seems about right to me, imo, i dont think any wii/ds deserved a goty mention

leo-j said:
Hypocrites, the biggest hypocrites I have ever witnissed when it comes to reviewing games

"No matter what the game, if the game doesn't bring something ground breakinly new and innovative, it will not receive anything higher than what Uncharted 2 received(93)"

2 weeks later: Call of duty: Modern warfare 2 : 97

Do I agree with the award, no I certainly do not, can I do anything about it? No, its there opinion, and I certainly do not respect it, after there GRID COMPARISON (somehow the PS3 version looked worse than the PS3 version oh wait I mean 360 version...) the stupid XMEN COMPARISON (how funny that the ps3 has 360 buttons), and there biased comments on there awards throughout the entire freaking generation

"Lair is our biggest dissapointment of 2007, and we can only hope there is more to come from the ps3"

"Uncharted is the best looking game on console, and sets itself well above 360 games, BUT COD4 wins best graphics either way"

" After dominating the gaming scene most of the generation, the XBOX 360 takes a break, and the PS3 takes a year of good games (hell they did give the ps3 best software last year, did they completely blank there mind out or what?) "

All of that just really makes me not like them at all..

Am I ranting? Actually yes, I know it may have little to do with the award, but I just wanted it to be said. They act as if Uncharted 2 has no multiplayer at that video, when it has one of the most addictive and best third person multiplayer experiences of the generation.


Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords 

not surprised. GT has nice videos, but their reviews sucks ass. the biggest let down of the year is not goty. mw2 could've been so much more, activision and iw just wanted an easy way to get some major cash. and people bought into it.