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Forums - Website Topics - New Poll - Which system had the best 2009?


How many Games did you buy this year?

less then 10 5 38.46%
10 to 20 4 30.77%
21 to 30 3 23.08%
31 to 40 0 0%
41 to 50 0 0%
51 + 1 7.69%

So it would be IMO:
best sales: DS (obviously)
best games: 360 (PS3 would be first if God of War Collection and Demon's Souls had made it to Europe this year)

So overall PS3 I guess.
Not as good sales as the Wii or DS, but it made a great comeback and it got quite a few "decent" exclusives.

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PS3 for sure, but DS also had a winner year, and maybe Wii if you take only the last three months of the year into account. X360 had a good year, not great, and PSP was just =/






no iphone?


PS3. Best Exclusives, best value for money, best projected future, best change in sales, owner of both game of the years.

Props to the 360 for trying to stay in there but just like 2008 this one goes to the PS3. 2010 will be a real battle between the two HD consoles, I see it being all PS3 until halo reach and then neck and neck till the end of the year.

Around the Network

Id say the PS3 because of Demon's Souls. That is all

1) PS3 (See above)

2) DS (Just the sales of the hardware alone should put it here, but even with the piracy its still selling games)

3) Xbox360 (Sales of the hardware might be down but damn can they move software)

4) WII (First/Second party support is great and console sales are damn good, they just have to figure the 3rd party thing out)

5) PSP (I love it but man has it been rough this year)


6) PC (Dragon Age is awesome on the PC but no SC2 beta this summer + Activision taking over blizzard = bad...very bad)

PS3 no doubt.

I voted PSP, don't get me wrong here... the PS3 did the best for the mainstream gamer in the long run for 2009... HOwever... if you own a PSP you'll know full well there were some really epic great games for PSP this year. I must admit games like inFamous, SW: TFU - Ultimate Sith Edition and Tekken 6 were amazing OH and DW6: Empires my fave game overall this year... but still...

Eh, i voted PSP but DW6:Empires really blows rest out of the water for me... Phantasy Star Portable was great and the sequel is already out in japan and should be coming mid next year but i dunno...

yay for overlooked games!

In conclusion... i'd still give it to PSP this year, because Dissidia: Final Fantasy is the only TRUE game you can play as sephiroth for real, so with that and how fun and great phantasy star portable was along with the PSP-Store on PSN getting a HUGE makerover with games, add-ons and other stuff, Sony really treated PSP well this year.

Cheers everyone, happy gaming!

Playstation 3

1. The games, no other platform this year delivered the same quality that the ps3 did, with Uncharted 2, Ratchet, Killzone, Demon souls, and so on.. add to that the fantastic Multiplatform titles such as MWF2, Assassins creed, Batman, and so on.

2. Sales, going from Basically nothing this year, to just exploding to the point that NINTENDO and MICROSOFT had to react with price cuts of there own, was just perfect, its gone from making people hate the ps3, to now saying it has a chance in taking 2nd place this gen.

Xbox 360

Although it didn't have a significant amount of heavy hitting exclusives, the games were there, BATMAN, ASSASSINS CREED, MODERN WAREFARE 2, FORZA, all good enough to be considered GOTY contenders. Sales wise, it has done very well, despite being down from 2008 sales.

Nintendo DS

games, sales need i say more?


games, thats what puts it above wii


Line up was horrid this year sorry it was especially compared to other platforms, SALES WERE AMAZING had a price cut, and it ended up boosting it well above the PS3 which really was eating a tiny bit of market share. New super mario bros wii was its biggest game this year, and perhaps the only big AA title it had this year. Early 08 was pretty good, but most of the year was bleh as well.. Hopefully it has atleast 10 times the line up it did in 2009 come 2010.



Well, as I don't really care much for handhelds, I'll vote for Playstation 3.
Although, I don't vote for it only cuz I love it, but because it's the only console out of the big 3 that has better sales than previous years. And I also believe that it's had better game exclusives than the counterparts.

Oh, and only Gran Turismo 5 alone will be enough for me next year to keep my vote :)

Currently Playing: Uncharted 2 & Kingdom Hearts 2
2010 Predictions: Click Me

Games on my "Must Buy" List:

Diablo III (PC)
God of War III (PS3)
Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)
Final Fantasy Agito XIII (PSP)
Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3)
Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
The Last Guardian (PS3)