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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Sports Resort could learn a thing or two from Wii Fit plus.

I think it would only have worked if they intended WSR to be a full replacement for Wii Sports which is not something I think they were willing to do. Wii Sports has the name and the recognition and perhaps they were unsure how the public would embrace the kind of motion controls that are in WSR. Also it would also have meant packaging WM+ with the standard system.

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Pyro as Bill said:
WSR has a luxury tennis court but the dog has taken the tennis balls.

i feel glad they at least explained that in the game.

SaviorX said:
I honestly don't know why. Makes sense to do that.

Just Nintendo being Lazy again...........

This pretty much.


@thread topic

What is that awful smell? Oh yeah, it's a shitstorm brewing.

I think the difference is that Wii Fit Plus is meant to be a complete replacement of Wii Fit, while Wii Sports Resort is not meant to be a replacement of Wii Sports.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Funny how Nintendo is always the lazy one with the polished games.

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thornstrom said:
WSR is a full price product, Wii Fit Plus isn't

WSR costs $50 for a game and Wii Motion Plus.  So it is a $30-$40 product, not full priced.  Actually, it is under $40 now on including shipping and taxes (well, if you are in a state like New Hampshire where videogames aren't taxed).


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Galaki said:
Funny how Nintendo is always the lazy one with the polished games.

I think most people have been saying that as a joke ever since that IGN article was posted.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)


Literally every Wii owner has Wii Sports. If WSR included everything tha WS had, then WS would be obsolete. It's in Nintendo's best interest to make the two games appear as separate entities.

maykissthebride said:
Pyro as Bill said:
WSR has a luxury tennis court but the dog has taken the tennis balls.

i feel glad they at least explained that in the game.

really they say that in the game?? When? I have WSR but never noticed it....
