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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Genres you wish would just die off

let me guess OP... are you a mature FPS gamer? I dont want to sound rude, but I would most deffinatly dont want any genres to go out. The bigger the game industry is the better. Siure, I dont like kiddy simulatros, but that doesnt mean that they dont have their role and place in the industry

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hunter_alien said:
let me guess OP... are you a mature FPS gamer? I dont want to sound rude, but I would most deffinatly dont want any genres to go out. The bigger the game industry is the better. Siure, I dont like kiddy simulatros, but that doesnt mean that they dont have their role and place in the industry

What does your gaming tastes have to do with maturity? If a platformer/minigame collection makes money for a company to develop a good game then yeah, by all means. I don't mind that.

I don't really want any Genre to die but some need to step it up:

WRPG's: Unoriginal and usually boring gameplay (Oblivion, Fallout, BioShock)

MMORPGs: Really bad gameplay mechanics (All of them)

JRPG's: usually boring gameplay, an ass load of melodramatic cliches (A lot of them)

FPSs: Usually the exact same repetitive game as the last one with better graphics and new weapons. And way too many of them! (Call of Duty: WW; MW2, Halo, a shit load of others)

I am the Playstation Avenger.



All you do is shoot, kill/destroy something, move forward.


All you do is shoot, kill/destroy something, move forward but in the third person.

Peripheral-based rhythm games

The best rhythm games don't even use peripherals. (See Rhythm Heaven, Elite Beat Agents)

Pixel Art can be fun.

FPS ,because they are becoming boring, have too short campaigns and their stupids plots like MW1 and 2.

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Well I don't want any of them to die out but I would like

WWII shooters to decrease or stop altogether. We get the point, it was a great war with truly evil bad guys.

Movie based video games, They normally suck and are always too short. excludes games in movie universe but do not follow the plot of movie.

Online dependant games, In particular games that have a story mode that is short as all hell and then have an online portion. Basically MW2 which from all accounts seems a waste of money unless you have xbox live account or a PS3.

However TF2 is one of my favorite games as was CS in the day so I understand the appeal of the online depedant games


Just because i dont like them they should die

lol at this thread

First I will say that I don't like this thread. Why would you want a genre to die?

Second, how in the world can you say that there are too many platformers? If this was 1990, then you might have a point, but last gen platformers were almost dead, on life support. This gen there are a few more, but still not as many as in the past. We actually need more. For some reason I just think you are angry about NSMBWii success.

I don't want any genre to die, but there are a couple that I would like to calm down. I agree with the party/mini games. There are too many now. I would also like to see less FPSs. I like to play them once in a while, but there are just too many, and they are becoming repetitive.

We need more adventure, action/adventure games like Uncharted.

MMORPGs, Fitness "Games" and Mini Game Collections

simple... fps

its just the same boring arse run and gun.. i like to see my player rather then look at the gun all day, plus it gives me motion sickness lol