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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why Xbox 360 is losing appeal to new customers.

vgaddict said:
Jedidiah-Rose said:
Does anyone remember Playstation 3's first year? When I imagine most of you as well as most of the gaming press absolutely slated the Playstation 3 because..."it arrived late".

You praised the consistently dying and god awful 360 for coming out in late 2005 why exactly? If anything that showed Microsoft's failure with the original Xbox.

Still,with all that bad press,the Playstation 3 sold 8-10 million in it's first year,under the incredible flack it was taking left right and centre.I would say that it was taking as bad a rep as the 3DO back in the early 90's,if not worse.
Yet it sold that much,because it was a Playstation console.Thus that is power of the Playstation brand.
It's iconic,15 years they've been around consistently selling.Their controllers are iconic,never changing always there for the person who knows those controllers like the back of their hand after playing with one in the last generation.

Xbox FAILS because it's a weaker brand than Playstation.That's it in a nutshell.

For years I've talked,argued and generally debated over games with thousands of people online.The one thing that has been made clear in all of my discussion is that 8/10 of the people I talk to say they wanted a PS3 over the 360 or Wii they had already,but it was just the price putting them off.

As the PS3 continues to get cheaper,you'll find the 360 failing to keep it back,and fall to third place.
Then I will be profoundly happy if Microsoft gets the message,and f*cks off.


So true.

I'd add one of the problems the 360 had from the start and still has today is if you're not on shooters you have very few reasons to buy a 360 over a PS3.

Its main exclusives are Halo and Gears games which are... shooters. They have great multiplats but PS3 has them too, plus PS3 has great exclusives from every genre (Team ICO games, god of war 3, heavy rain, lbp, mgs 4 are the kind of games you can't find on 360). Lack of valuable exclusive content compared to Sony is what kills the 360 right now.


Nah my man. Youre forgetting Forza and Fable as well. Halo and Gears are its main exclusives because of its high sales annd ratings, but theres a list of good exclusives of different genres on the Xbox too.

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NPD numbers state the opposite. :)

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

maximus22 said:
The 360 is the cheap alternative to PS3 and always has been. As long as the 360 is at the same price point as the PS3, it will sell less. Don't get me wrong, I love my 360 for it's great exclusives; but the fact is the PS3 is a better console hands down.

I own all 3 current consoles and to me the 360 is the best gaming machine by far. Live utterly destroys PSN, there's far more content on there, almost always available earlier and regularly cheaper, there's a lot more downloadable games available and every single one has a demo. Cross-platform games are still performing better on the 360 too. There's no forced installs, but you can install any game you like in full. You can log in with multiple gamertags at once and use multiple headsets online. Every single game has achievements etc. In terms of gaming related features, the 360 is far better than the PS3 and much more consistent. Both have good exclusives, so if you only buy one, you're always going to miss out, but if I had to keep just one console then I'd wave goodbye to the PS3 and Wii without a second thought.

Doesn't seem like the 360 is losing appeal based on Microsoft's statement that this November was the best in 360 history.


In a statement released following this month's NPD results, Microsoft declared that November 2009 was "the company’s best-ever November for [U.S.] game sales," with $514 million in Xbox 360 game revenue.

Combined with hardware and accessory sales, which contributed an additional $324 million, the month was also deemed to be "the best November in Xbox 360 history" overall.

A significant part of that was the overperformance of Infinity Ward's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox 360 versus PlayStation 3, with the Xbox 360 version outselling its competitor by 2.25 to 1. This corresponds to 4.20 million units on Microsoft's console compared to 1.87 million on Sony's.

Along with games like Assassin's Creed II, Dragon Age: Origins, and Left 4 Dead II (which, with the exception of the latter, also released on PS3), Microsoft said that third-party games sold more on Xbox 360 in November than on PlayStation 3 and Wii combined.

The company also said its Xbox 360 Modern Warfare 2 Limited Edition Console "flew off store shelves," but did not break down Xbox 360 sales between that package and other available SKUs. NPD's reported sales of the game do not included bundled copies.

Finally, the company boasted that players spend more than 5.2 million hours playing Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer mode on Xbox Live during the game's first day of availability.

No just because of the recent ps3 sales boost, doesn't mean it lost appeal.




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you cant get anymore bias then this entire thread . Seriously .

Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords 

Attoyou said:
you cant get anymore bias then this entire thread . Seriously .

Thanks for your self confession. 

nightsurge said:
Attoyou said:
you cant get anymore bias then this entire thread . Seriously .

Thanks for your self confession. 

Right behind you


Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords 

One thing i dont get is why do people discount a pc/360 game cause its non exclusive. Its not on the wii or PS3, so doesnt it deserve the exclusive treatment. I mean unles PC is a console i dont think it mattes. It is "console" war. Just saying

Dallinor said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
The 360 isn't losing it's appeal. Microsoft never expected the 360 make it as far as it has gone. They played their cards right this gen despite RROD, but besides that they are worthy of some sort of applause for keeping the gaming alive until Sony got their act together. Now we can enjoy great games on both systems. Microsoft's job isn't to constantly hold peoples attention, it's job is to survive having less worldwide demand than anything Sony puts out. It has done a great job of staying in peoples hearts and minds good or bad.

I would say it is to some degree.

Especially LIVE. At the start of this gen Sony launched a very incomplete and sub-standard online system. Over time things have vastly improved, up to the point now that we have threads arguing over which system is the superior. LIVE stands as one, if not the key selling point for MS's system, they've said so all along. If gamers are now questioning the value of their key selling point, with the competitor offering a similiar service free of charge, consumers desire and appeal for the system will lessen.

I'm not sure about MS expecting the 360 not to make it this far. Their gameplan with the original Xbox was to quash Sony, and although they failed in that regard, they entered this gen at full sprint, their second chance, launching early and organising plenty of exclusives. I believe it's MS's vision statement to reach the top of this industry.

All of this is based upon your opinion and have nothing to do with the cycle of the 360's life thus far. The 360 has had sustained sales, whilst the PS3 recently experienced a bump. 2010 could spell much higher sales with the release of Halo Reach in December no less so do not jump to conclusions. Secondly there is nothing wrong with Live and unlike Sony Microsoft makes it clear that online gaming is a service and not a right. Thus you get quality when you pay for the year itself.

Microsoft didn't expect the 360 to make it as far as it has gone. I read it in interviews earlier this year. Natal and the fleet of 360 games are the 360's best hope to fight back against the PS3 in 2010. Microsoft has already admitted that they are holding on for the rest of 2009 while Sony enjoys it sales and then they will have theirs in 2010. I believe them. Sony's only massive bump next year will be in Europe and mainly because of Gran Turismo 5.