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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If you own both 360 and PS3, tell me...

^ its cool. I was able to grasp the message he was trying to get across, although more predictions weren't needed.

Odd. Future. Wolf. Gang. Kill. Em. All. OFWGKTA Don't give a fuck!

Fuck Steve Harvey. FREE EARL!

Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be the GREATEST game EVER made!!!

I'd take a bullet for Square-Enix! 


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LordChris915 said:
twesterm said:
LordChris915 said:
twesterm said:
LordChris915 said:
twesterm said:
LordChris915 said:
twesterm said:


  • Modnation Racers
  • Last Guardian - Ico was alright, didn't like SotC - Give it a go, 50% chance you will like it.
  • Agent - know nothing other than the name - Fair enough.
  • 3D Dot Game Heroes - looks interesting, don't know if I want it yet -  get it :)
  • Demon Soul's - 2009 - not out in UK yet :)
  • MAG - don't like multiplayer games much - Thats no excuse.
  • Final Fantasy Versus 13 - don't care - Why?
  • Possibly Twisted Metal 3 - this was cool back on the PS1, don't care so much about it now - Why?
  • DC Universe - not getting an MMO for the console - Why?
  • The Agency - isn't this an MMO? - Yes....whats your point?
  • PS3 Motion Controller - don't care about this - fair enough.
  • Final Fantasy XIV - If I get this it will be PC - Bah, now your just avoiding the PS3.
  • The Last Rebellion - no idea what this is - Do your homework.
  • Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll - no idea what this is - See above.
  • The Getaway and Eight Days are still on the cards for a release some time in the future. - no idea what this is -  Also see above
  • War Devil - no idea what this is - And again.



  • Last Guardian -- No?  I only mildly liked Ico and SotC just bored me. 
  • 3D Dot Game Heroes -- I have my eye on it, it's just a game I'm on the fence about until I start seeing some reviews.
  • MAG -- That's plenty good excuse.  With L4D being about the only exception (and that's because I love killing me some zombies) I don't have fun in online multiplayer games (well, and MMO's being the other exception).
  • FFvXIII -- It just doesn't look like my type of game.  Not everyone wants every hyped game.
  • Twisted Metal -- Twisted Metal was fun because it was simple time waster, I doubt a new one would be simple and there are just better time wasters out there.  I only like driving games so much and if I want some kind of game like that, Mario Kart or Modnation will do fine.
  • MMO's on consoles -- can't hog the TV for that amount of time, not going to move my consoles around to play them on a monitor in my office.  Again, nothing about MMO's on consoles, just something I can't do.

Get Wifi :)

What would wifi help (which I have)?

My PS3 is still connected to my TV and just like I'm not going to move my PC from my office to my TV so I can play PC games on my comfy couch, awesome TV, and surround sound, I'm not going to move my consoles around to play them on my PC monitor.

It's a hassle I don't really care to deal with.

Play your PS3 MMO's on your TV, simple, there is no reason why you have to play a PS3 MMON with a PC monitor, they would defete the whole point of it being on a console. You can always get a keyboard and mouse for you PS3 if you feel so inclined (but you dont have to).

Seriously give it up man. Do you work for Sony or something? Do you own massives amount of stock in Sony? Is your life somehow benefitting by trying to get someone to buy a PS3 or more PS3 softwar? This thread was to provide which exclusives you believe are better. Not try to preach how you believe one console is better. Why would he use a keyboard and mouse for the PS3 when he has it for the PC? In what way would it be better than the PC? Seriously just stop.

you just seriously missed a shit load of games.


Heavy Rain
Modnation Racers
Gran Turismo 5
White Knight Chronicles
God of War 3
The Last Guardian

you fail.

if Gran Turismo 5 is out in 2010, PS3

if its not, 360

pearljammer said:

I'm a lot more excited for some PS3 exclusive releases next year, so I'd have to go with the PS3.

I'm incredibly excited about White Knight Chronicles, ModNation Racers, God of War 3, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Final Fantasy XIV and especially The Last Guardian.

On the 360 front, I'm less excited overall due to the lack of JRPGs in comparison. But I really, really can't wait to play Mass Effect 2 (though it's likely I'll be getting it for PC). There are others I'm somewhat excited for, but not so much as the others, it would seem. Plus there always seem to be some great XBLA games that I'm sure I'll love.

I gotta say... I'm really looking forward to all of the systems' releases next year. Mostly the PC. I cannot wait to play Starcraft 2.

Can't blame Microsoft for Japans bias to the 360. Thats the reason their JRPG's will be low next year. Besides 360 owners got screwed with PS3 owners getting better versions of the timed exclusive JRPG's the 360 got. Microsoft has it in the WRPG arena and those are stronger these days anyway. I understand your point though.

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taywah said:

you just seriously missed a shit load of games.


Heavy Rain
Modnation Racers
Gran Turismo 5
White Knight Chronicles
God of War 3
The Last Guardian

you fail.

It was a list of games that he wanted. 

iLLmaticV3 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
iLLmaticV3 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
iLLmaticV3 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
CaptainHavok said:
Looking back, it was 360 for a long time. That was mostly due to a lack of market penetration.

Since then, I think PS3 is pulling ahead and their increased console sales will only help.
PS3: Uncharted, LittleBigPlanet, Alpha Protocol, Mod Nation Racers, Gran Turismo, DCUO, God of War, plus some exclusive content
360: Mass Effect, Left4Dead (Valve's own laziness to blame there), Halo, Lost Odyssey, Killzone, lots of timed exclusivity

Microsoft is more than willing to pay for exclusivity, though now they have a hard time getting more than timed exclusivity. Sony as a rule won't pay for exclusivity, though they have implemented some workarounds like buying developers. This still means we'll see more exclusivity on the 360. Ultimately, it depends on what you like to play. 360 is still more FPS friendly, PS3 is more broad.

The PS3's year was 2009 no doubt but 360 is no doubt the 2010 winner in this one. The two biggest games that Sony will have are God of War 3 and Gran Turismo, whilst Microsoft has Halo Reach, Fable 3 and Mass Effect 2. I have both systems but even though GT5 should have the greatest sales next year its not enough when integrity of games come into play and the most replay value is realized.

You can see into the future!?

Geez! Wish I had that power! I love how 2010 didn't even start and people are saying which console will have better games.

This is ridiculous!

I'll make a bet with you right now that Halo Reach will get more online hours than any PS3 exclusive next year including M.A.G.

I would make that bet, but the reality is Halo is a beast that can't be stopped when it comes to online.

I have no clue why, but thats just how life is. Thats not what bothered me with your post, we don't even know what is coming out most of the end of next year for both consoles.

It would make sense if at least we all waited and see what both consoles have to offer.

Edit: We are gamers, not psychics

The reason I stated that is because the 360 has the most games that have the most hours of gameplay will be on the 360 and will include variety unlike what Captain Havok stated. The 360 and PS3 are about equal in variety even though the 360 is still stronger when it comes to shooters, but he made the 360 look like it has nothing besides shooters which is so untrue. Mass Effect 2 no doubt will have over 60 hours of gameplay. Final Fantasy XIII itself will sell better than Mass Effect 2 but its highly doubtful that it will get RPG of the year. The 360 has the strongest RPG's, Shooters and loads action games and the strongest MMO's coming out exclusively next year. The PS3 will have Heavy Rain (which I personall cannot wait to play), God of War 3 which I will pick up after playing the God of War collection, and GT5 will be the top games. Mag has no chance of posing a threat to Halo Reach and PS3 and no RPG the PS3 can muster can take a the hit Mass Effect 2 will deliver. Heavy Rain and Alan Wake will duke it out next year no doubt. I cannot wait to hear what Rare has up their sleeve though. E3 2010 will be amazing.

Okay, I understand. But I do believe the RPG genre will turn in Sony's favor next year, they have quite a line-up.

My apologies

I was missing JRPG's for the PS3's lineup but the 360 was screwed this year by the Japanese horribly. No need to appologize, this site is full of miscommunication. As long as we understand each other we're cool. :)

Yakuza 3 and White Knight Chronicles > Other PS3 Games

PS3 Games > 360 Games

360 Games > PS3 Games (excluding Yakuza and White Knight Chronicles)


Huge fan of Mass Effect as well!


Own both Ps3 and 360

the game i'm looking forward to the most is Heavy Rain, after playing indigo prophecy again and again i can't imagine how great Heavy Rain will be.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
pearljammer said:

I'm a lot more excited for some PS3 exclusive releases next year, so I'd have to go with the PS3.

I'm incredibly excited about White Knight Chronicles, ModNation Racers, God of War 3, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Final Fantasy XIV and especially The Last Guardian.

On the 360 front, I'm less excited overall due to the lack of JRPGs in comparison. But I really, really can't wait to play Mass Effect 2 (though it's likely I'll be getting it for PC). There are others I'm somewhat excited for, but not so much as the others, it would seem. Plus there always seem to be some great XBLA games that I'm sure I'll love.

I gotta say... I'm really looking forward to all of the systems' releases next year. Mostly the PC. I cannot wait to play Starcraft 2.

Can't blame Microsoft for Japans bias to the 360. Thats the reason their JRPG's will be low next year. Besides 360 owners got screwed with PS3 owners getting better versions of the timed exclusive JRPG's the 360 got. Microsoft has it in the WRPG arena and those are stronger these days anyway. I understand your point though.

Yeah, you know me. I'm not huge on console WRPGs (I'm more into games like Diablo, Torchlight and Champions of Norath). Mass Effect has made me a believer though and I should be starting Dragon Age soon.

Though, I must admit, I haven't been keeping an eye out for them, but what does the 360 have coming in terms of WRPGs this coming year? I'm aware of Fable 3, but I'm not the biggest fan of the series.