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Forums - Sony Discussion - I'm writting a letter to SONY!!!!!!!

Nightwish224 said:
First off, never address a letter with "to whom this may concern."

It should be: Dear sir or madam, You do not know the gender of your reader nor whom you are speaking to, so it is "to whom this may concern". This is especially if you are writing to a business. Where did you take your composition courses?

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jneul said:
^^ oh no fanboy alert.
sorry to hear about that, i hope you don't stop being a sony customer, you will miss out on so much, anyway tell them that you are a loyal fan since ps1 days and have had no problems with any of there previous products, that should stir them up somewhat (even if it's not true).
at least i know if my ps3 ever dies on me i can say that, both my ps1 and ps2 are still working perfectly and my ps3 is poorly, poor thing, but i will buy another one, just beause normally sony products are so reliable, i think it's just a problem with all the release consoles, they all will die sooner or later especially if you play on them lots.

Question. What am I am fanboy of? I have a PS3 and a 360 and love them both. I just stated that my co-workers Blu Ray died recently. You on the other hand have proven you are a fanboy. I don't love any system exclusively.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Nightwish224 said:
First off, never address a letter with "to whom this may concern."

It should be: Dear sir or madam, You do not know the gender of your reader nor whom you are speaking to, so it is "to whom this may concern". This is especially if you are writing to a business. Where did you take your composition courses?

I think he's covered both genders under "Dear sir or madam," so unless the person is neuter (or hermaphroditic I suppose), he's in the clear there. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with either one, but I'm not an expert in letter writing.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
jneul said:
^^ oh no fanboy alert.
sorry to hear about that, i hope you don't stop being a sony customer, you will miss out on so much, anyway tell them that you are a loyal fan since ps1 days and have had no problems with any of there previous products, that should stir them up somewhat (even if it's not true).
at least i know if my ps3 ever dies on me i can say that, both my ps1 and ps2 are still working perfectly and my ps3 is poorly, poor thing, but i will buy another one, just beause normally sony products are so reliable, i think it's just a problem with all the release consoles, they all will die sooner or later especially if you play on them lots.

Question. What am I am fanboy of? I have a PS3 and a 360 and love them both. I just stated that my co-workers Blu Ray died recently. You on the other hand have proven you are a fanboy. I don't love any system exclusively.

yeah im a sony fangirl and proud of it, atleast i admit i'm a fangirl lol.

it's the future of handheld


The official Vita thread

Yakuzaice said:

Seems like you should have taken up this crusade last gen.  The PS2 was much less reliable and only had a 90 day warranty.

Not sure where you live but in the US it had a 1 year warranty. All electronics such as computers, game consoles, etc. have to have atleast a 1 year warranty backed by the manufacturer. 

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I think the problem with the PS3 is that most of the technologies associated with the hardware are relatively new and therefore it is hard to judge how long the life of certain parts of the PS3 would last.

Hopefully they would fix this issue for you.

phinch1 said:
any help at all please :)

Whats so bad about paying to fix it?

You can always just sell it to someone you know and get a ps3 slim, if its a 60gb with BC you will get more than its worth for it.

if you dont want to part with your BC then just pay to get it fixed, you may as well because the other option is not getting it fixed and letting your £300 go to waste, its not like you hate PlayStation, you just had a bad run in with customer services.

Suck it up and get on with your life!


To all the people telling me to just pay it...............No there has been a few people in this thread saying they got it repaired for free outside the warranty and i will at least try before last resorting to selling it as faulty on ebay

To all the people saying sell it and get a slim, like iron man said, Don't buy an ealry adopter for anything.... what if in 2 years time all the problems start showing on the slim, it might not at all, but know one knows how it will pan out yet

and binary solo, i like your thinking, thats exactly why i came here, people of vg (most of you anyways) cheers for the help.

phinch1, I have a housemate in your exact situation, it'll cost him £99 to fix that he's not willing to pay, although he's less angry then you. He can't find his receipt which doesn't help. I would recommend paying but many have already said that and it'll just be white noise. I do like the angle of complaining though, it recently got me a new suspension and 10% back in vouchers on a new bike.

But one key thing, change the last line in your letter, if you sound like a lost cause they won't help you.

Hmm, pie.

The Fury said:
phinch1, I have a housemate in your exact situation, it'll cost him £99 to fix that he's not willing to pay, although he's less angry then you. He can't find his receipt which doesn't help. I would recommend paying but many have already said that and it'll just be white noise. I do like the angle of complaining though, it recently got me a new suspension and 10% back in vouchers on a new bike.

But one key thing, change the last line in your letter, if you sound like a lost cause they won't help you.

lol am i really coming across as angry? I'm not an angry person at all, i might sound it in the letter i guess, ive still got my recipt but it is out of warranty, I will change my tone in the letter i think.