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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FOX News : MW2 allows 8 Year olds to become TERRORISTS!!!

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I'm a republican.... and I still can't stand Fox News, or any news station for that matter. When it comes to things like this they just want controversy because that's what gets views. They don't care if it is completely bogus or overreacting.

Why is an 8 year old playing this game! Don't blame the kids for playing the game, blame the parents. It's all the parents fault. I was in Gamestop when the remake of Conker just came out for 360. A mother and her child (who couldn't be more than 9 years old) went up to the counter to purchase Conker. The mother asked for the game and the Gamestop worker told the mother what kind of content was in the game, and that it was a M-rated game. He said that there was blood, gore, violence, storng language, use of drugs and alcohol, etc in the game. He then asked if this was ok with the mother. The mother turned to her son and asked him if it was ok. He obviously nodded yes and the sale was made. So don't blame video games for kids playing M-rated games, blame the stupid parents.

"If new things are so great, where have they been the whole time?"

theprof00 said:
irstupid said:
ha i love the bashing for fox news. some huge slanted democrats here i guess. funny how all the other stations are in trouble right now in ratings because the american people have finally realized how slanted and bullshit they are, and not reporting news or quickly throwing news aside because it may paint a certain party member in bad light. so they are watching fox news. and the government is trying to figure out a way to get the veiwers to watch the other new stations again even thought about bail out.

now if that doesn't sound like its biased news if a station is kept afloat by a government funding. huh i wonder if they may be presenting the news in how the government wants it to be told. and no i don't watch much news at all, so don't watch any of the stations.

but wtf guys, didn't watch and i'm sure as all news does they blow it out of proportion and sway facts a bit if not a lot. But fact of matter is, this game will be owned by millions of underage kids. you play as a terrorist whether undercover or not. you can kill innocnet people in the game.

sorry but i personally find that worse than any coffee house or sex in any video game. They should have to pull all games from shelves and do what the german game did, if you shoot an innocent its game over. I've played games that have it where you shoot an innocent or innocent person dies its game over start mission over. And that would be better. Does an undercover person going around killing innocent people send a good message? hell no, it shows that if your doing it for a reason killing innocent people is okay. Say wha tyou want about csi, or other shows on tv, they never have the good guys killing innocent people on purpose.

Do you have proof that news stations are in trouble and have taken government funding?

EDIT: Ad funding is down industry-wide, if you didn't know. My question is, do you have proof of what you are saying? That the drop is caused by what you say it is.

i didn't say they are taking funding.  since obama hs been in office fox news ratings have only been going up constantly and the government even tried to do something abou it, which cause fox news ratings to go up even more.  ha morons, if you try and stop something of course people are gonna watch it to see why the government wants to stop that station from reporting news.  But the government is trying to figure out a way to get the other "Many" news stations ratings up, because they are slanted in their favor.  hell obama even has guys come to his new confrences and has preapproved questions that they ask him.  So he has been prepared and knows how to answer the question.  lol   Hell if you want some proof all you have to do is type in a search engine  "news ratings since obama".      Heck i don't even watch news besides the local news or espn.


but enough about politics, didn't want to get into that.  THis is about the story, and whether or not fox news is the most biased slanted in either direction, or if they are perfectly neutral does not matter.  there are still the facts pertaining to this game that should be reported and maybe even taken steps on.


1. millions of kids will have own it. rating system means shit and won't stop it.  we all know this.

2. you KILL INNOCENT poeple at an airport (doesn't matter if undercover or not.  hell almost worse since undercover.  then you are instilling morals into the kids or even adults saying if you are doing it for a reason killing innocent people is okay.)

Sorry but there is no twisting those things to favor in the games defense.  Oh wait it has a message before mission that says you can skip due to it being contraversial material huh?  yea like that is gonna keep anyone from checking it out.  just as above with news stations, when obama and the government tried to get people to not watch fox news it made more and more want to watch it to see "why they shouldn't".  its human nature, no one is going to skip it until seeing it first.  only people that might are poeple that won't have boughten the game in teh first place.  those crazy environmentalist, abortionists, antiwar people, religionist, or whatever else are those weird extreme people. 

It's interesting how society only recognizes the immersive power of video-games when it comes to violence. 

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The big issue with most TV networks ( Fox News being the worse) is that they give their viewers exactly what they want to hear...
They have this audience they know very well and focus on the news they know this audience will like....

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
The big issue with most TV networks ( Fox News being the worse) is that they give their viewers exactly what they want to hear...
They have this audience they know very well and focus on the news they know this audience will like....

um if fox news if the worst and giving viewers what htey want to hear why are their ratings going up when the almighty savior obama is now in office.  isn't he the second coming and going to save the world, economy, end war, and all that.  hell he even won the nobel peace prize and was nominated when only in office for like 2 weeks.


but all forms of media do things in order to please viewers and get ratings.  that way they get money.  the same way some review sites review bad to get hits and thus money, and/or review good because of being given money by company that made game or site is heavily advertised by that game. 


But I would take any form of media, whether swayed due to sponsoring money, trying to be controversial, please audience or whatever you want to say over the news being controlled by the government.

Because 8 year olds should have M rated games why again? It's pretty much parental failure if they are allowed to play this game anyways. Of course obviously Fox isn't going to see it that way as it is obviously the fault of the makers instead of the parents. Wow for a network that sure loves to criticize Obama for big government, they sure do love pushing this neo-fascist agenda.

However, I knew this was going to come up because fundamentalist conservative Christians never miss a beat to limit freedom of expression. Thank goodness Madworld wasn't advertised heavier because who knows what they would have said about that game.

coolbeans said:
theprof00 said:
coolbeans said:

*Sigh* I honestly hope your joking about your edit now to be honest.  You can say whatever you want about the guy but it's the same old, same old smear campaign that's been done multiple times.  Of course you can prove "some shit" to be untrue, then again with journalism these days you never know. 

I'm sorry, that's what he does.

Except people catch most of the BS and prove him wrong.

Like, how many people marched on washington.

"Grassroots" organizations

Saying Obama came up with "czars", then using that to link him to communism.


 Feel free to elaborate or show those have been disproven, bro.  It seems more like people want to catch BS and falsely articulate it to be so.  Could he have possibly be counting ones viewed from around America as well? Say those who maybe grouped up in major cities and done live streaming? I don't completely follow the whole "grassroots" organizations but I'm guessing community organizations Obama has worked for in the past, elaborate.  I don't recall him saying Obama came up with "czars" but he's clarified many times that while some of the czars hired are radicals doesn't necessarily mean that links Obama to being one.  If anything he believes him to be a Marxist or a Communist but doesn't articulate that because some of his czars or advisors are he's one as well. 

wow you really don't care to look this stuff up?

I'm not going to do it, it's not my job to inform people about politics.


badgenome said:
Worse than that, it allows 8 year olds to put money in Bobby Kotick's pocket.

At least they're not putting something else in another part of Bobby Kotick.

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