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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FOX News : MW2 allows 8 Year olds to become TERRORISTS!!!

Because 8 year olds can totally walk into a store and buy a 17+ game for themselves...

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This is why I don't watch the news on tv anymore. Not just Fox News, any station. Fox News may be biased and slanted right, but that doesn't mean that all the others don't have their own biases and slants which are equally partisan. I worry about the state of humanity if people think this is really just a one sided thing.

coolbeans said:
theprof00 said:
coolbeans said:

I've done "my job" already.  Which is why I've highlighted all of those you've mentioned because any simple research I've done shows accusations 1 and 3 are wrong on your part (and 2 if what I mentioned was what your talking about if not you still need to elaborate).  Once again, I'll do your homework all you have to do is say the word.

becks estimate for the rally was twice what the majority is saying, not to mention that there were other rallies there that day.

Tea parties were not grassroots, and niether are most of he groups he calls grassroots. They are corporate sponsored and organized events.

the first czars were under reagan, a republican.


I know the facts, I'm just not going to root around for all the links for you. Especially when you probably wont care either way



Simply amazing is all I have to say to that last sentence.........

They weren't twice as much but they were overestimated for sure THEN AGAIN as I stated earlier there could've been an accounting for the live streamed audience for those who may have not been able to make the march to washington.  Then again I don't recall him ever using X numbers in Washington and Y numbers through live streamed audience so fudging the numbers happened to a certain extent.

The first ones to have mislabeled them not being grassroots but as "astroturf" came from Nancy need I say more.

Glenn Beck has already stated this 

I'm figuring the facts to the best of your understanding are a bit miscontrued, hopefully I could help but perhaps your level of care could also come into question as well.


Glenn beck said that "I went to get some numbers checked professionally and according to the university of..i don't know, there was 1.7m people there"

The very highest estimates are 2m, the minimum is 70k, and most commonly the estimate according to other professionals was 800k. Additionally, there was another rally there that day of some 40-70k people.

And that refutes the point? Don't understand that logic, but ok. Guess you wouldn't care anyway.

Yeah, after critics came down on him. I can't find the EP where he talks about it for the first time.

Sigh....It's rated M for a reason. If the game ends up in an 8 year olds hands, blame the parents for not knowing (caring?) what their kids play.

Fox News loves to talk about anything terrorist related. It gives them a hard-on.

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Ail said:
The big issue with most TV networks ( Fox News being the worse) is that they give their viewers exactly what they want to hear...
They have this audience they know very well and fabricate the news they know this audience will like....

I've changed your sentence for accuracy

Does the "story" in this game ever give you a valid reason to side with the terrorists at the airport? My friends are just telling me the plot is a joke and relies entirely on you actually being a terrorist... and ... sunspots.

Fair and Balanced strikes again.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Considering the only way to actually be a terroist would require you to actually do something in reasl life. This doesnt cut it so i don't see any terrorists

coolbeans said:
theprof00 said:

Glenn beck said that "I went to get some numbers checked professionally and according to the university of..i don't know, there was 1.7m people there"

The very highest estimates are 2m, the minimum is 70k, and most commonly the estimate according to other professionals was 800k. Additionally, there was another rally there that day of some 40-70k people.

And that refutes the point? Don't understand that logic, but ok. Guess you wouldn't care anyway.

Yeah, after critics came down on him. I can't find the EP where he talks about it for the first time.

*Sigh* Dude, your arguement is only diverting south.  You have the estimate from 70k (lol) to 2.3 million (no way) and anyone who's not a liberal blogger basically figured the estimate of 1-1.5 mil is the most plausable.   What point am I refuting? That 40-70k different crowd make up the difference of a mil+ march on washington or is this another "smear" to just put the whole "I wouldn't care anyway" gambit that's doing nothing for your side of the arguement?

70k is the estimate of the parks service, (yes these guys aren't nowhere near close)

2m is rush limbaugh estimate or something (again nowhere near close)

1.7 is the glenn beck estimate (nowhere near close)

and 800k is the majority of professional counters. I already said that, why are you acting like I didn't? (That's a rhetorical quesiton btw).

The 40-70k other marchers are between 5-8.5% of that total 800k number.

Whatever, this is a really trivial thing to argue about. He was wrong, but nobody cares how many people were there anyway, I certainly don't.


And yeah, you don't care. You don't care about the "astroturf" groups even though there are extensive links proving them. And you don't care because of nancy pelosi.