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Forums - Sony Discussion - Does anyone here actually dislike Uncharted 2?

i dont like it at all.. i mean its just ok and nowhere near the A reviews that is getting

but i dislike similar games in general so dont count my opinion at all...

to me this game lacks originality and this is why should never get anything more than an 8 (im surprised EDGE gave it 9 but it was the pressure of the fanboys that caused that)

its pitfall meets indiana jones meets tomb raider and gears of war

all done before.. so an 8 is enough because of good execution

and also its good for the ps3 because so far the only good exclusive games on the system are metal gear solid and wipeout hd/fury (the only real system seller)

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I was probably the most likely member on this site to dislike it, but even I love it. I doubt you will find someone on this site who doesn't like it. Maybe Onimusha12?

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

I thought by now there'd be more a than a few threads about how crappy and overrated it is, but none so far as I know.

gameover said:

i dont like it at all.. i mean its just ok and nowhere near the A reviews that is getting

but i dislike similar games in general so dont count my opinion at all...

to me this game lacks originality and this is why should never get anything more than an 8 (im surprised EDGE gave it 9 but it was the pressure of the fanboys that caused that)

its pitfall meets indiana jones meets tomb raider and gears of war

all done before.. so an 8 is enough because of good execution

and also its good for the ps3 because so far the only good exclusive games on the system are metal gear solid and wipeout hd/fury (the only real system seller)


But that last out, bud.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Me....and only me. Hated the Beta MP(....ok loved the CO-OP modes), hated pt 1. Not worth more than a borrow at this point.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

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CDiablo said:
Me....and only me. Hated the Beta MP(....ok loved the CO-OP modes), hated pt 1.

Aha, so not the full game?

So far, we only have one person who's played the full game and said it was overrated (8/10 isn't really bad, but you get the idea), and this is somebody who says that WipEout HD and MGS4 are the only good PS3 exclusives.

This game is so popular, it scares me.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
badgenome said:
Kantor said:
badgenome said:

I fucking hate the fact that I haven't yet received Uncharted 2.

I hate people who don't own Uncharted 2!

Since I've paid for it, I technically do own it!

My country has a postal strike and I still got it a day early!

What's your excuse? >_>

I received my copy late because of that. Well guess what they did.

I'll give you a hint: The package came from New Zealand !


Was it really faster to sent the game first to New Zealand and then to Germany ? Surprisingly yes, because I received another package from that UK online store 4 days later, but I ordered it EARLIER than Uncharted 2 and this time the package was sent from the UK directly to Germany.

gameover said:

i dont like it at all.. i mean its just ok and nowhere near the A reviews that is getting

but i dislike similar games in general so dont count my opinion at all...

to me this game lacks originality and this is why should never get anything more than an 8 (im surprised EDGE gave it 9 but it was the pressure of the fanboys that caused that)

its pitfall meets indiana jones meets tomb raider and gears of war

all done before.. so an 8 is enough because of good execution

and also its good for the ps3 because so far the only good exclusive games on the system are metal gear solid and wipeout hd/fury (the only real system seller)

Guess you think KZ2, Halo 3, Mario Galaxy, Zelda, and every other game releasing deserves 8 then too?

I did read one review which said it was rubbish and completely overhyped, but often we get hit grabbing reviews like hat

gameover said:

i dont like it at all.. i mean its just ok and nowhere near the A reviews that is getting

but i dislike similar games in general so dont count my opinion at all...

to me this game lacks originality and this is why should never get anything more than an 8 (im surprised EDGE gave it 9 but it was the pressure of the fanboys that caused that)

its pitfall meets indiana jones meets tomb raider and gears of war

all done before.. so an 8 is enough because of good execution

and also its good for the ps3 because so far the only good exclusive games on the system are metal gear solid and wipeout hd/fury (the only real system seller)

I would believe you had you not said the red part. Do you think Edge gives a damn what the fanboys think? Look at what they gave Mario Kart Wii. And NSMB Wii. Hell, look at Killzone 2.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!