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Forums - Sony Discussion - Tales of Vesperia (NA version) is coming soon.....

Kamal said:
Anyway, he said everything was ported anyway, he just needed to do some additional add-ons because of the content. Nothing much. He told me about the new character (Patty) before I even mentioned it.

Have you even checked the PS3 version? It's a good amount of stuff still. Not as much as before, but substantial.

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Blood_Tears said:
Strike24 said:
Deidara89 said:

I am the only one thinking Kamal is a troll?


Troy Baker never talks about unannounced games (or localization). Then, other English Vesperia VA already told they are working on other projects and Namco has never called them back.

Why does Troy tell a simple boy about something "secret" (for now)????? It' s unblievable, and what Kamal is doing to people like me (with only PS3), who are waiting for this announcement, is only an horrible thing.

I won't rule it out as possible false info, but these things do happen. That doesn't even signal a release for sure if it is true. There have been projects scrapped before even while VAing. A Febuary release is pretty close to impossible unless they are already done the game, then we would of heard something by now. Chances are if one is coming over, expect it around July/August, considering they seem to have a habit of releasing American about a year after the Japanese one. I think the 360 version was the only one to break away with this, considering they were in competition with SO4 at the time (which if anyone actually played it, the port is not exactly something to brag about. My god is the Script and Voice Acting in that game terrible.)

This apparently happened once before, with someone from the Namco tales boards saying something similar. He/she wasn't too good with the details either, and again no video camera proof. Baker sure loves talking to hear himself talk, but he seems adversive to any kind of internet contact. That's why Joe J Thomas is much easier to keep in contact with.

What puzzled me was that Troy mentioned Namco needing to get a trademark for it. I think he was talking about the Movie at the time, but Namco has a habit of trademarking everything after the Eternia/Destiny mess up.

Long story short, take it as a possibility. Last time I checked, Voice Actors don't release games.

wow, you really don't want this game to come to NA do you?   Last time i checked, "Strike24" and his 8 game posts on a forum didn't stop games from releasing.

As for the game, it's pretty much a lock to come to NA..

*Slow clap* I see you have plenty of worthwhile info to bring to the table. Show me where I said this game wasn't coming, or I didn't want it to. Go ahead.

Deidara89 said:

I am the only one thinking Kamal is a troll?


Troy Baker never talks about unannounced games (or localization). Then, other English Vesperia VA already told they are working on other projects and Namco has never called them back.

Why does Troy tell a simple boy about something "secret" (for now)????? It' s unblievable, and what Kamal is doing to people like me (with only PS3), who are waiting for this announcement, is only an horrible thing.

Well, he's done it before.

I mentioned that. It is a long time member of the Namco Tales boards that reported that story a couple months ago. Thing was, it was done on a broader scale.

Which is curious, considering why would a Voice actor be running around telling people about an upcoming game? That could hurt his future if he keeps doing it deliberately.

it will come in the US before or after FF13... so either early 2010 or mid 2010

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I think people in doubt should ask themselves this, how do he know about the character Patty before I even asked him. This only add's credibility to what happened.

Troy: " We had to go back and add additional voices because of the new character, what's her name again"

Stating it was a "she" only further concrete's that.

"Life is but a gentle death. Fate is but a sickness that results in extinction and in the midst of all the uncertainty, lies resolve."

badgenome said:
Deidara89 said:

I am the only one thinking Kamal is a troll?


Troy Baker never talks about unannounced games (or localization). Then, other English Vesperia VA already told they are working on other projects and Namco has never called them back.

Why does Troy tell a simple boy about something "secret" (for now)????? It' s unblievable, and what Kamal is doing to people like me (with only PS3), who are waiting for this announcement, is only an horrible thing.

Well, he's done it before.

On gamefaqs (forum attended also from Strike24) they say this is denied, so it' s a fake news... I have never found the link, but they insist so...


Ask Strike24

There's a user from Tales forums that asked him back then as well and got a similar answer. (FireG or something if you want to check)

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


Strike24 is an hater, one of those guy's who did previously hope that SO and ToV wouldn't make it to the PS3, and is now hoping that ToV for the PS3 doesn't make it to the US.

Deidara89 said:
badgenome said:
Deidara89 said:

I am the only one thinking Kamal is a troll?


Troy Baker never talks about unannounced games (or localization). Then, other English Vesperia VA already told they are working on other projects and Namco has never called them back.

Why does Troy tell a simple boy about something "secret" (for now)????? It' s unblievable, and what Kamal is doing to people like me (with only PS3), who are waiting for this announcement, is only an horrible thing.

Well, he's done it before.

On gamefaqs (forum attended also from Strike24) they say this is denied, so it' s a fake news... I have never found the link, but they insist so...


Ask Strike24

It wasn't really a fake news. What happened was that FireG from Tales forum got to talk with Troy and got similar confirmation. He spread the news to AbyssalChronicles & Tales forum. After a while, gamefaqs user got irritated of waiting and kept asking FireG for more and more detail. He got fed up and didn't respond to gamefaqs user inquiries anymore.


He complained about it in Tales forum though, so gamefaqs user who happened to read that felt hurt and decided to consider FireG's news a fake. Hopefully TC  does not suffer a similar problem in the near future.