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Forums - Sales Discussion - I believe the USED market may hurt the 360 and PS2 come the holidays

Khuutra , were you just downgraded in rank on vgc? I thought your name was blue


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angrypoolman said:
Hey, don't get me wrong, I love the PS3 and 360. I don't want them to die, or go anywhere. I just want it to be very clear who is in charge here. As long as Sony and Microsoft are put in their place, everything will be fine. Nintendo has earned their rightful spot as number #1 and I am doing what is in my power to keep them there. That, to me, is more important than some developers for 360 and PS3 getting a few extra copies sold. Maybe if sales for those companies slide enough, they will wise up and side with Nintendo, and develop better games for their system.

Your actions are probably the dumbest thing ive ever heard since your company makes their money on used sales, so hopefully your branch closes and you can go ask Miyamoto if he will pay your bills.

Let me get this straight. He thinks Microsoft is screwing the industry, yet his gamer score is over 28,000 points? Irony at its greatest.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

MontanaHatchet said:
Wow Angrypoolman, that may just be one of the most immature and fanboyish things I have ever heard.

Do your freakin' job right. You're not paid to have a console allegiance, and your petty efforts don't do a thing to change Nintendo's fortunes. It's just pathetic.

Oh come on Monty, I do my job great. GameStop makes a living off of used sales, so what do I do? I get them some used sales. At the expense of Ps3 and 360 of course, but that is what GameStop wants us to do. I was one of the best workers there because I was the only one with any enthusiasm for sales, whether they be new or used.

And if what I am doing makes no difference, then I don't see why you would care.

leo-j said:
Khuutra , were you just downgraded in rank on vgc? I thought your name was blue

You haven't glanced at my name in three or four months, eh?

I haven't been a Contributor for a while.

Around the Network
Khuutra said:
angrypoolman said:
Hey, don't get me wrong, I love the PS3 and 360. I don't want them to die, or go anywhere. I just want it to be very clear who is in charge here. As long as Sony and Microsoft are put in their place, everything will be fine. Nintendo has earned their rightful spot as number #1 and I am doing what is in my power to keep them there. That, to me, is more important than some developers for 360 and PS3 getting a few extra copies sold. Maybe if sales for those companies slide enough, they will wise up and side with Nintendo, and develop better games for their system.

What the Hell is this? Why do you let your agenda affect other people's buying decisions?

Because... I want Nintendo to be on top...

You are actually responding to the answer to your question.

angrypoolman said:
Khuutra said:
angrypoolman said:
Hey, don't get me wrong, I love the PS3 and 360. I don't want them to die, or go anywhere. I just want it to be very clear who is in charge here. As long as Sony and Microsoft are put in their place, everything will be fine. Nintendo has earned their rightful spot as number #1 and I am doing what is in my power to keep them there. That, to me, is more important than some developers for 360 and PS3 getting a few extra copies sold. Maybe if sales for those companies slide enough, they will wise up and side with Nintendo, and develop better games for their system.

What the Hell is this? Why do you let your agenda affect other people's buying decisions?

Because... I want Nintendo to be on top...

You are actually responding to the answer to your question.

You are the Howard Roark of video game sales.

angrypoolman said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Wow Angrypoolman, that may just be one of the most immature and fanboyish things I have ever heard.

Do your freakin' job right. You're not paid to have a console allegiance, and your petty efforts don't do a thing to change Nintendo's fortunes. It's just pathetic.

Oh come on Monty, I do my job great. GameStop makes a living off of used sales, so what do I do? I get them some used sales. At the expense of Ps3 and 360 of course, but that is what GameStop wants us to do. I was one of the best workers there because I was the only one with any enthusiasm for sales, whether they be new or used.

And if what I am doing makes no difference, then I don't see why you would care.

Well since Nintendo sells the most software out of the three, you'd actually benefit Gamestop the most by selling used games for Nintendo systems.

And I care because what you're doing is one of the dumbest, pathetic, and most fanboyish things I've ever heard.



I still think Pool is having a joke. He can't be serious....

MontanaHatchet said:
angrypoolman said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Wow Angrypoolman, that may just be one of the most immature and fanboyish things I have ever heard.

Do your freakin' job right. You're not paid to have a console allegiance, and your petty efforts don't do a thing to change Nintendo's fortunes. It's just pathetic.

Oh come on Monty, I do my job great. GameStop makes a living off of used sales, so what do I do? I get them some used sales. At the expense of Ps3 and 360 of course, but that is what GameStop wants us to do. I was one of the best workers there because I was the only one with any enthusiasm for sales, whether they be new or used.

And if what I am doing makes no difference, then I don't see why you would care.

Well since Nintendo sells the most software out of the three, you'd actually benefit Gamestop the most by selling used games for Nintendo systems.

And I care because what you're doing is one of the dumbest, pathetic, and most fanboyish things I've ever heard.

oh my god

