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Forums - Sales Discussion - I believe the USED market may hurt the 360 and PS2 come the holidays

No angrypoolman, any harm to the gaming industry is bad, I understand your love for nintendo, and your opinions, but if we don't support the entire industry, it will just end up limiting the amount of creativity from every company, all 3 makers have gambled, and have been very successful up to this point in the gaming industry. Sony opening the market to a mature audience, and microsoft opening up the importance of online gaming, and nintendo introducing full on motion control.. all very important things that all companies have been very successful in doing.


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Hey, don't get me wrong, I love the PS3 and 360. I don't want them to die, or go anywhere. I just want it to be very clear who is in charge here. As long as Sony and Microsoft are put in their place, everything will be fine. Nintendo has earned their rightful spot as number #1 and I am doing what is in my power to keep them there. That, to me, is more important than some developers for 360 and PS3 getting a few extra copies sold. Maybe if sales for those companies slide enough, they will wise up and side with Nintendo, and develop better games for their system.

I buy my PS2 games also used, but Wii and DS games new, just because I want to support Nintendo. With all their games from SNES to Wii they made me so happy, so it makes me happy to give them my money. Oh, there are some PS2 games which I like as well, but they are not so memorable as Nintendo games like Zelda, Metroid, Fire emblem, etc... And in almost ever non-nintendo-game I see the Nintendo influence, which makes me wanna give the money Nintendo and not the developer who made this!

Raido said:
I buy my PS2 games also used, but Wii and DS games new, just because I want to support Nintendo. With all their games from SNES to Wii they made me so happy, so it makes me happy to give them my money. Oh, there are some PS2 games which I like as well, but they are not so memorable as Nintendo games like Zelda, Metroid, Fire emblem, etc... And in almost ever non-nintendo-game I see the Nintendo influence, which makes me wanna give the money Nintendo and not the developer who made this!

Hell yea. I like the way you think, brother! =]

Yeah i hate the used game industry i always buy new.




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Wow Angrypoolman, that may just be one of the most immature and fanboyish things I have ever heard.

Do your freakin' job right. You're not paid to have a console allegiance, and your petty efforts don't do a thing to change Nintendo's fortunes. It's just pathetic.



angrypoolman said:
Hey, don't get me wrong, I love the PS3 and 360. I don't want them to die, or go anywhere. I just want it to be very clear who is in charge here. As long as Sony and Microsoft are put in their place, everything will be fine. Nintendo has earned their rightful spot as number #1 and I am doing what is in my power to keep them there. That, to me, is more important than some developers for 360 and PS3 getting a few extra copies sold. Maybe if sales for those companies slide enough, they will wise up and side with Nintendo, and develop better games for their system.

What the Hell is this? Why do you let your agenda affect other people's buying decisions?

MontanaHatchet said:
Wow Angrypoolman, that may just be one of the most immature and fanboyish things I have ever heard.

Do your freakin' job right. You're not paid to have a console allegiance, and your petty efforts don't do a thing to change Nintendo's fortunes. It's just pathetic.

this is why I absolutely adore your posts..




Jesus Christ, it's like you're the video game retail version of a supervillain!

Or the video game retail version of the hero from an Ayn Rand novel.

angrypoolman said:

When I worked at GameStop, I made sure to sell all PS3 and 360 games used. The only games I would sell new are Nintendo games. It was easy.

Nintendo customer: "Ah, it's only five dollars more, plus you get the comfort in knowing it new and has never been played before."

HD customer: "It is basically the same thing as a new copy, it's only five dollars cheaper. Plus, if you don't like the game, you have seven days to return it!"

This is partly the reason that Wii software sells.

lol you're kidding right? You're partly the reason for the software success of the Wii...I'm sure you made a huge difference in the console wars. As for the main topic, they sell used consoles for every console and handheld out there. They've been doing this for a long time and the effect wont be any greater or worse than before. When I worked at Gamestop people were scared to buy used 360s because the chances for the RROD was much higher.

Oh and just so you all know, he's not doing anything bad or evil. You're supposed to push used game sales at Gamestop. Be happy he did it for at least one company, most employes don't do it for any.