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Didnt Famitsu said that in Japan the PS3 sold 50k in that week ?? I dont get it. Also Famitsu said that the PSP sold 20k in Japan. The other consoles have better number that those in Famitsu (with exception of the wii).

Weird, isnt Famitsu supposed to have numbers closer to reality in JAPAN than this site (at least that is what I thought).

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well done sony , keep it up

Cypher1980 said:
PS3 holding up very nicely. Sony may have at last found the sweet spot.

Wii Slipping ever so slightly but price cut due.

360 OK numbers if you ignore PS3 resurgence. ODST release confuses tho.

DS OMG Monster can anything stop the runaway train.

PSP OMG Monstrous can anything save the handheld abortion.

PSP is most succesfull non Nintendo handheld. Your pont??

rafichamp said:
well microsoft just toke off another 50 bucks for the elite, so a $150 price cut equaled a 12k increase in America, who ever thinks this is good is just ***************

You would be suprised by how many can turn those sales figure into a fantastic x360 their worlds.

At least the PS3 fanboys had it's high price as an excuse until a month back.

IMO x360 is not doing that badly.


I don't really think we can take much from any of these numbers.

- 360 just had the Halo 3 expansion release. Also that $50 rebate can't attribute much since it wasn't advertised at every store. Plus it was only in the US.

- Wii is about to get a price drop so of course their numbers are going to be low.

- PS3 had a price drop close to the holidays akin to the 360 last year. Their numbers shouldn't relly go down much.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


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And to think... so many people though the PS3 would be under 200K after the second week of slim sales...

4 ≈ One

 NeoRatt said:
Sony is staying strong in Europe.

360 is back on top of PS3 in North America... Price cut, slim, Uncharted 2 hype, just wasn't enough.

Expect Wii to be back on top next week...

Question is how will that affect the other two consoles...?

Wow... By 7k units.

The 360 small price cut, and the MASSIVE Halo 3 ODST hype, just wasn't enough to have a good enough effect.

PS3 over 200k until 2009 end.

PS3 very strong, flection from prevoius week dropped below 10%, is perhaps Autumn 2009 plateau for it >220K?
Despite most Halo fans already having a XB360, I expected a little more help from ODST, considering its huge SW first day and week sales. I didn't predict anything, IIRC, but I thought 170+k, even 180+k, was possible, and I wrote somewhere else that this was one of a very few chances for XB360 to beat Wii WW this year. Next chance, Forza 3 release.
Observation: PS3 is doing as second better than what XB360 was doing last year in the same period, but XB360 too is doing better as third than PS3 was doing. Anyway, PS3 performance is more notable because XB360 just had a cut last year and just had another now.
So, whoever happens to pass by Ballmer's office cheer up, chair launch should be warded off, but don't lower your guard and beware of stools!
Wii low, it's normal, they announced this week's cut, I expect the current week to be ~400k.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

CGI-Quality said:
Everybody looking not too shabby IMO. PS3 holding on strong, 360 up in NA thanks to the rebate and a slight ODST spike (as I predicted), the Wii calm before it's post-price cut sales storm rains in!!!

The industry is REALLY about to get interesting.

What makes you beliving Wii price cut is going to do wonders?

Imho it will be lot closer to X360 increase in sales than ps3 slim increase.