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Forums - PC Discussion - When will pc graphics start to really outpace console (this gen) graphics?

lol, well shio, let's assume graphics are completely equal on consoles and PC.

Why don't you give me a list of the many other advantages PC gaming has over console gaming.

And then, why don't you tell me the advantages console gaming has over PC gaming.

Go ahead. There are a lot of advantages of console gaming.

Why don't you list them?

Surely, if you aren't a biased 2 dimensional poster, you must admit that console gaming has SOME advantages.

List them. I mean, if you can't, you would be pretty ignorant of the only thing you ever talk about on this forum, wouldn't you?

Can't you see the argument from both sides, without spinning everything in an attempt to make PC gaming look better than it actually does, with spun stories, bullshots, and every other dirty trick you can come up with to boulster your argument?

Truth is, when you just quoted me, everything you said was completely moot. You disproved nothing I've said, and you didn't even do a good job of denying it. Everything else you've said was completely biased, and everyone who reads it will see right though it. You are starting to remind me of PaulWarren. It would take a lot more than those few little red lines, amounting to a proverbial "Nuh un!!!" to margianlize my last post.

Let's hear from you.

What is wrong with PC gaming, and what are the advantages of console gaming?

Perhaps you don't know them all, and I can help inform you, and change your opinion. Or is your mind already made up, no matter what the facts say?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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shio said:



lawl? the current generation of consoles can barely handle HDR lighting, how are they even close to eachother?

There's a pretty difference between GT4 and Crysis. You must be blind for not seeing it.



Assuming we both meant GT5...

I must be blind then.

(Crysis Very High)

Unlike your shots, mine aren't even cherrypicked. They come up on the first pages with a good search.

Now, I'm not saying that there isn't a graphical difference between PC and console. It's rather significant. I'm just saying that the difference is embellished, hardly generational, and unimportant.

Using graphics as a crutch to prop up a poor PC gaming argument isn't gonna work for much longer anyway, so I can just wait you out.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Barozi said:

MMORPGs = hardcore.

Once again your credibility goes down the toilet shio.

Say that to the millions of MMORPG players that each lost thousands of hours in just 1 game. In pure design, MMORPGs are the closest to "harcore", because in order to compete with the best you are forced to lose hundreds of hours just to get in a position where such thing is possible, regardless of the skill. You have a need to band with a guild or other groups of dozens and, with a strategy already in hand, to coordinate with them in order to achieve the objectives.

Halo 3? Just shoot the bastards. Great strategy there!! And skill?! You're playing with a damn gamepad?! Just let the auto-aim do the work, there's no need to aim it yourself.

I ask to everyone: Why run with 1 leg behind my back, when I can just run with both legs?

I must be blind then.   -   I guess so, I see it saying GT4 not GT5 as the images says to be.

And Crysis is a pre release version :O

shio said:
Barozi said:

MMORPGs = hardcore.

Once again your credibility goes down the toilet shio.

Say that to the millions of MMORPG players that each lost thousands of hours in just 1 game. In pure design, MMORPGs are the closest to "harcore", because in order to compete with the best you are forced to lose hundreds of hours just to get in a position where such thing is possible, regardless of the skill. You have a need to band with a guild or other groups of dozens and, with a strategy already in hand, to coordinate with them in order to achieve the objectives.

Halo 3? Just shoot the bastards. Great strategy there!! And skill?! You're playing with a damn gamepad?! Just let the auto-aim do the work, there's no need to aim it yourself.

I ask to everyone: Why run with 1 leg behind my back, when I can just run with both legs?

Oh I already asked a couple of them and they agree with me.

I've lost 1000 hours in Pokemon games for Gameboy and they're surely not hardcore.

Around the Network

I know we're talking games - at least by implication - but people need to remember PCs - and very high end one's at that - are used in many other graphically intensive ways.

It is very unlikely that consoles are going to get near that technical capability even next gen, but the key points I believe are:

1 - the HD consoles are close enough, and the cost of really pushing PC is high enough, that without feeling sure they will see millions and millions in sales developers will shy away from keeping pace with the technology

2 - for the remainder of this gen, and next gen for sure, I expect HD consoles to be the focus (or increasing focus) for all 'high end' developer such as id, Epic, Crytek, etc. - the developers who have formerly pushed the envelope

3 - unless MMOs and other titles take of on consoles the PC will remain a force, and will probably still see decent support on RTS and FPS

Now, I still probably spend 60% plus of my gaming on PC, and prefer it for FPS/online to console, but the reality of the current market can't be denied.

However, what we need to see on consoles, IMHO, is more of the mod/editing community that exists on PC. With the ability to use a K&M there is no reason UT3, for example, couldn't have shipped with an editor on PS3 (or 360, but I'll go with PS3 as PSN is less restrictive that Live currently for custom levels, etc. - at least according to some Epic comments as I remember) and allowed for a full modding community right on the console.

Anyway, the core of this argument is simple - technically a PC is capable of supporting superior graphics, there is no 'ifs and buts' around that.

Quoting low end PCs in meaningless. You have to look to the upper end, otherwise it's like saying car's aren't that fast because you're refusing to consider Ferrari's in the equation.

However, I suspect we're going to see fewer games exploiting the potential and instead we're going to see more and more PC titles looking like the PS3/360 version with an extra 10% or so of additional gloss.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

JOhnyBravoos said:

I must be blind then.   -   I guess so, I see it saying GT4 not GT5 as the images says to be.

And Crysis is a pre release version :O

...I meant GT5 obviously.

Anyway, this is the first photo I get with a "crysis very high" search.

In fact, I have a gaming PC that runs Crysis on Very High at over 40fps.

You want me to post a screen I took personally? I figured that might make myself seem biased.

Here is crysis from my computer 1080p very high.:

Here is the very first image off google for the search Crysis(Very High)

Here is the first result for Gran Turismo 5

Calling that a generational difference is nothing short of a morbid unsatisfying joke, with no punchline. :O

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Barozi said:
shio said:
Barozi said:

MMORPGs = hardcore.

Once again your credibility goes down the toilet shio.

Say that to the millions of MMORPG players that each lost thousands of hours in just 1 game. In pure design, MMORPGs are the closest to "harcore", because in order to compete with the best you are forced to lose hundreds of hours just to get in a position where such thing is possible, regardless of the skill. You have a need to band with a guild or other groups of dozens and, with a strategy already in hand, to coordinate with them in order to achieve the objectives.

Halo 3? Just shoot the bastards. Great strategy there!! And skill?! You're playing with a damn gamepad?! Just let the auto-aim do the work, there's no need to aim it yourself.

I ask to everyone: Why run with 1 leg behind my back, when I can just run with both legs?

Oh I already asked a couple of them and they agree with me.

I've lost 1000 hours in Pokemon games for Gameboy and they're surely not hardcore.

Define Hardcore :P


If by commiting an outragous amount of time spent playing something then I guess so.

If by pornographic means then, I doubt it.

Here's a concept: it's not about what games you play, but how you play them.

But at any rate, I wasn't aware that PC graphics weren't already dominating console ones?

Wii/PC/DS Lite/PSP-2000 owner, shameless Nintendo and AMD fanboy.

My comp, as shown to the right (click for fullsize pic)

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1090T @ 3.2 GHz
Video Card: XFX 1 GB Radeon HD 5870
Memory: 8 GB A-Data DDR3-1600
Motherboard: ASUS M4A89GTD Pro/USB3
Primary Storage: OCZ Vertex 120 GB
Case: Cooler Master HAF-932
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Extra Storage: WD Caviar Black 640 GB,
WD Caviar Black 750 GB, WD Caviar Black 1 TB
Display: Triple ASUS 25.5" 1920x1200 monitors
Sound: HT Omega Striker 7.1 sound card,
Logitech X-540 5.1 speakers
Input: Logitech G5 mouse,
Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 keyboard
Wii Friend Code: 2772 8804 2626 5138 Steam: jefforange89
Peterisyum said:

I can remember that, for me last gen, it was the difference in quality between the xbox and pc versions of half life 2, that game looked like a watercoloured painting done by a 3rd grader on xbox, on pc it looked phenominal, so when do you guys think we will see this difference so obviously, and what game might show it? Im starting to think that crysis 2 will be the first to show that the console technology is starting to age. so about 2011 is my guess for when a pc game will look a gen better than the consoles

Clearly you do not have a high end PC and compared between it and a console version. The difference is already extreme, any multiplatform game out there looks years better on PC.

If Gran Turismo 5 were to be release on PC the environments would be much more detailed, a much more varied crowd in the stands, and just better in every single aspect.