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I know we're talking games - at least by implication - but people need to remember PCs - and very high end one's at that - are used in many other graphically intensive ways.

It is very unlikely that consoles are going to get near that technical capability even next gen, but the key points I believe are:

1 - the HD consoles are close enough, and the cost of really pushing PC is high enough, that without feeling sure they will see millions and millions in sales developers will shy away from keeping pace with the technology

2 - for the remainder of this gen, and next gen for sure, I expect HD consoles to be the focus (or increasing focus) for all 'high end' developer such as id, Epic, Crytek, etc. - the developers who have formerly pushed the envelope

3 - unless MMOs and other titles take of on consoles the PC will remain a force, and will probably still see decent support on RTS and FPS

Now, I still probably spend 60% plus of my gaming on PC, and prefer it for FPS/online to console, but the reality of the current market can't be denied.

However, what we need to see on consoles, IMHO, is more of the mod/editing community that exists on PC. With the ability to use a K&M there is no reason UT3, for example, couldn't have shipped with an editor on PS3 (or 360, but I'll go with PS3 as PSN is less restrictive that Live currently for custom levels, etc. - at least according to some Epic comments as I remember) and allowed for a full modding community right on the console.

Anyway, the core of this argument is simple - technically a PC is capable of supporting superior graphics, there is no 'ifs and buts' around that.

Quoting low end PCs in meaningless. You have to look to the upper end, otherwise it's like saying car's aren't that fast because you're refusing to consider Ferrari's in the equation.

However, I suspect we're going to see fewer games exploiting the potential and instead we're going to see more and more PC titles looking like the PS3/360 version with an extra 10% or so of additional gloss.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...