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lol, well shio, let's assume graphics are completely equal on consoles and PC.

Why don't you give me a list of the many other advantages PC gaming has over console gaming.

And then, why don't you tell me the advantages console gaming has over PC gaming.

Go ahead. There are a lot of advantages of console gaming.

Why don't you list them?

Surely, if you aren't a biased 2 dimensional poster, you must admit that console gaming has SOME advantages.

List them. I mean, if you can't, you would be pretty ignorant of the only thing you ever talk about on this forum, wouldn't you?

Can't you see the argument from both sides, without spinning everything in an attempt to make PC gaming look better than it actually does, with spun stories, bullshots, and every other dirty trick you can come up with to boulster your argument?

Truth is, when you just quoted me, everything you said was completely moot. You disproved nothing I've said, and you didn't even do a good job of denying it. Everything else you've said was completely biased, and everyone who reads it will see right though it. You are starting to remind me of PaulWarren. It would take a lot more than those few little red lines, amounting to a proverbial "Nuh un!!!" to margianlize my last post.

Let's hear from you.

What is wrong with PC gaming, and what are the advantages of console gaming?

Perhaps you don't know them all, and I can help inform you, and change your opinion. Or is your mind already made up, no matter what the facts say?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.