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Forums - Sales Discussion - NA Sales UP! -- PS3 DOMINATED Home Consoles!!

tedsteriscool said:
I'm enjoying the fact that so many people are getting defensive and calling the OP out. Taking this thread seriously is the real joke.

For an old guy like me, it is hard to tell when some teenagers are making a thread with big bold words...


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

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Soriku said:
GameAnalyser said:
DirtyP2002 said:

well... dominating seems different to me, but hey, it's your thread :D



cud u put it out straight on how different dominating seems to u? that it we are informed of what dominating really means when it can't get anymore different...

Dominating = big gap. not a big gap. It's a good increase for sure but isn't dominating anything.

Actually no:

an act or instance of dominating.

2. rule or sway; control, often arbitrary.

So it means to "rule" over, even if it is for an instance

How do we decide who rules, lets say whoever sells the most in the week "rules"

so this week PS3 DID dominate.....according to this websites definition of domination

by however little, rule it did


Either way tedster is on the mark (even though the websites definition is imo correct), its quite disturbing to see how defensive people have become due to the word DOMINATE......guys put away your pitch forks & chill out.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

OK, Now I'm really interested in next week. Will the PS3 sales really increase that much, just because Slim will be "officially" released?

Darth, words have different meanings in different contexts. The word dominate in the context of competition does not mean "to rule". Think about that next time you look to cherry pick a definition.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

darthdevidem01 said:
lazyrider said:
Amazing how all 3 consoles are practically tied to each other. Having said that, Wii and the HD twins couldn't have a more different momentum.

Wii has been going downhill for a while now and though WSR is a major success, and most likely has had a positive effect on HW sales, Wii just keeps on falling (though just 4% from last week). Holidays will be interesting with several potentially big games coming (WF+, NSMBWii, etc...).

PS3 is on a high thanks to Slim/price cut while should grow again next week. We will see at what level it gets comfortable at the end of Sept before holidays hit .

360 is the biggest surprise for me cause I din't expect the price cut (came late and only on Elite I believe) to push sales up 30%. MS is having one fine year, no really big highs, but no real lows either.

What a generation (sales wise!).

this is the MOSt interesting gen sales wise

Nothing at all is predictable

Xbox 360's sudden rise was unpredictable - Agreed, there weren't many (including me) who thought the price cut would have such an impact

Wii's sudden YOY falls were unpredictable - This one I disagree with, a great number of users have stated that would will happen (me too), it only took a year or so longer than most expected. Selling fast? Check. Staying power? Remains to be seen through price drops and other measures.

PS3's sales itself are like a rollercoaster - Hmm, somewhat, but they have been consistently low after the first six to twelve months on the market


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Star Scream said:

Does this ... thing.. have hard time chewing ... or ... does he speaks to much ?


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

PS3 did great job, i hope it legs will stay long.In the case that Nintendo did nothing.

Star Scream said:

Wii Master will not be pleased...

Excellent sales for PS3/X360 and a big bump for PSP - good!

Huge YOY drop for Wii...

No I am not dissapointed because this is not basically outselling it cause there is like a 1.7K gap. Huge...

It would be outselling it if it was like atleast a 5k gap and that still aint dominating cause what does wii have no price cut, no colors while 360 and ps3 both got a 100 dollar drop so its like nothing vs 100 dollar drop yet the wii sells only 1.7k less. Thats amazing....


But I am a little disappointed for the yoy wii drop but hey its still selling extremely well cause 200K per week WW is amazing which means around a Million/Month which is excellent as it is now 3 years old....


And I don't expect the Wii to stay this low, It will go back up to around 100K in US weekly and 90K in Others and 25k in Japan...The wii will only stay low for 2 more weeks so week ending 12th September will be the last time PS3 is close to the Wii. Also 360 won't be that close either as Week Ending 5th September will be the last week it is close to the wii and it will be back down to around 50K as usual on week ending 12th september and onwards.... 

But nonetheless great job sony awesome jump for ps3 although they should have brought out like gt5 right now along with the price cut to get the ultimate jump...


darthdevidem01 said:
Soriku said:
GameAnalyser said:
DirtyP2002 said:

well... dominating seems different to me, but hey, it's your thread :D



cud u put it out straight on how different dominating seems to u? that it we are informed of what dominating really means when it can't get anymore different...

Dominating = big gap. not a big gap. It's a good increase for sure but isn't dominating anything.

Actually no:

an act or instance of dominating.

2. rule or sway; control, often arbitrary.

So it means to "rule" over, even if it is for an instance

How do we decide who rules, lets say whoever sells the most in the week "rules"

so this week PS3 DID dominate.....according to this websites definition of domination

by however little, rule it did


Either way tedster is on the mark (even though the websites definition is imo correct), its quite disturbing to see how defensive people have become due to the word DOMINATE......guys put away your pitch forks & chill out.

that's sounds like well explained...hope the others are convinced too.

dolemit3 said:
76k? that's all for a brand new uber hyped product? Very disappointed to say the least.

No, the PS3 Slim launch numbers out next week.