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darthdevidem01 said:
lazyrider said:
Amazing how all 3 consoles are practically tied to each other. Having said that, Wii and the HD twins couldn't have a more different momentum.

Wii has been going downhill for a while now and though WSR is a major success, and most likely has had a positive effect on HW sales, Wii just keeps on falling (though just 4% from last week). Holidays will be interesting with several potentially big games coming (WF+, NSMBWii, etc...).

PS3 is on a high thanks to Slim/price cut while should grow again next week. We will see at what level it gets comfortable at the end of Sept before holidays hit .

360 is the biggest surprise for me cause I din't expect the price cut (came late and only on Elite I believe) to push sales up 30%. MS is having one fine year, no really big highs, but no real lows either.

What a generation (sales wise!).

this is the MOSt interesting gen sales wise

Nothing at all is predictable

Xbox 360's sudden rise was unpredictable - Agreed, there weren't many (including me) who thought the price cut would have such an impact

Wii's sudden YOY falls were unpredictable - This one I disagree with, a great number of users have stated that would will happen (me too), it only took a year or so longer than most expected. Selling fast? Check. Staying power? Remains to be seen through price drops and other measures.

PS3's sales itself are like a rollercoaster - Hmm, somewhat, but they have been consistently low after the first six to twelve months on the market