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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Apparently the wii is done in twelve months tops

I rather it be the end of the mountains of shovleware on the Wii. That shit takes up way to much shelf space at the game stores. I can never find games i want on the Wii, because friggian 300 versions of Petz are blocking me.

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Oh god. This is the best podcast ever. It's like every idiotic fanboy thing about the wii for the last 3 years.

"I don't have any numbers to support it, but casual gamers don't buy games, and the wii has halved in sales every week in the last six months. All the casual gamers need to upgrade to 'real' gaming, which is exactly like games that I like. Nobody's going to buy a stupid gay dumb wii when the glorious, amazing super awesome PS3 is only a little more expensive. I mean, regardless of previous sales history, I'm going to assume every single person who bought one of the 50 million wiis is broke and stupid."

Wii has more 20 million sellers than PS3 has 5 million sellers.

Acolyte of Disruption

I love to watch people make predictions, fail those predictions, and then make the same prediction again but the deadline is moved. Pretty soon the generation will end and I could see "the FAD has ended! Finally! It isn't the highest selling console any more! Now the NintendoX/MicrosoftX/SonyX are beating it!," "I told you so."

I think 12 months is far too soon.

The Wii is losing momentum, but not to the extent that the people at GT believe.

Also, with the unpredictable nature of the market right now (partially evidenced by the unbelieveable success story of the Wii), all it takes from Nintendo is another solid "casual" IP and BOOM they're back. Wii Music may not have been that flash, but no doubt they've got another "Wii" titled game in the think tank (not just Wii Fit Plus).

They'll probably suffer (I don't think they'll lose) this holiday season, but in terms of core games, they've got a pretty bright future and all it takes is 1 casual title to bring in those who have not latched onto the Wii craze yet.

I can't believe some of the stuff they say, are they serious? It's hilarious.

They claim everyone has stopped buying the Wii, because last month's NPD shows it only outsold the 360 by ___...?
A $100 Wii pricecut would see a little bump the first month, but nothing long term...
The Wii is doomed. (While the whole thing praises how massive the PS3 is going to be...)

It really doesn't matter how much you hate the console, these statements are way off.

@Dodece: There isn't much else to say, but stick around for the holidays, we'll see how well that prediction plays out.

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If they think they can ham up the market like they have, then yeah. Cuz there will be a certain point when they hit the barrier ( my guess is at about 85 million) but by then, they wouldn't care cuz they been printing money all this time. 12 months is too soon. try 2 1/2 years, when the focus will be on teh other two. Even then I doubt the 360 and the Ps3 will catch up.

I wonder what Malstrom would think of this...

Some people seem to forget the Wii target different markets, the Xbox and the PS3 are just going to kill each other, they might take some of the wii audience, and the wii is probably going to start getting lower sales from 2010 and on, but even so the sales are still going to be higher

Nintendo is the best videogames company ever!

Dodece said:
If I say it I am gonna get a whipping, but I am going to say it anyway. So I am going to take off my hat and all the little freaked out fanboys can wail on me all they like until they are blue in the face. Yes they are fucking right, and for those bitching about it you are fucking wrong. I think it really is time for people to pull their heads out of their asses.

The console is a one trick pony in a one developer town, and its a bad joke. Being played for the most part on the owners, and mind you I got a Wii when it launched. You thought you were going to see a new Nintendo, and all you got for your trouble is the same old Nintendo. Worse yet they haven't been terribly loyal to their original fans which have been left laying face down in the gutter.

They said it then and they were right. The Wii is a fad and it is a toy. That is why nobody is all that interested in talking about it on these forums. Even the owners just sit quietly at the back of the room. Ignoring the unpleasant truth that nobody cares anymore. The console is slumping, because the novelty is wearing off, and that is all it ever had was the novelty. It sure as shit never had a spectacular line up, or fantastic features out of the box. The only games that sell worth a damn are family games.

So yeah by the end of next year you will probably see the Wii selling well under the other two consoles on the market. Doesn't mean they will outsell the console in the end, but then again it will not really matter will it. The console will have just run out of steam and died. Not even being able to make it to the finish line. Not sure if that is a victory or not.

Anyway yeah I uttered the blasphemy. So do your worst. I could care less I gave up on Nintendo a while back, and frankly don't care to see another console from them ever again. I ain't bashing I am telling you how it is.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"


oh thats such a cutie doggy woggie, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


whats wrong with you

all I ever see is you spewing out PS3 & wii doom posts

Ok, so I decided to listen.

I don't know why though, its just the same "core" ideology that you have to have realistic hair on your character's chin in order for it to be a mature good game.

At least they gave props to Conduit and Madworld. Too bad they are ignorant about all the other upcoming great games.