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Forums - Sony Discussion - Metal Gear Solid 4 ot Killzone 2 - Which has better graphics?

killzone 2, better shaders animations lightings and particles.
msg4 have better art style and characters, especially the textures.

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Killzone 2 for me.... That thing is totally awesome!

I'm surprised ANYBODY can say MGS4. MGS4 looks great, but Killzone 2 completely blows it away.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Killzone 2 easily.

killzone 2





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stewroids said:
KZ2 has a lot of technical issues while MGS4 is very polished so I say MGS4.

..... Explain.....

4 ≈ One

Killzone 2

game wise i'd say MGS is the better one.
Pure graphics- kz2 no doubt

Killzone 2 hands down. No competition, except for character models.

I really don't like MGS4s looks... so artistically, KZ2 by a long way, it's a very good looking game (though I wouldn't call it beautiful)

technically I have no idea, and don't care either.