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Forums - Sony Discussion - Valve has no plans working on the PS3.

Valve games are just.... okay-ish , the best one in my opinion is TF2.
half life is pretty overrated for what it is.
i dont know about Xbox but Valve games are always best on PC for the crazy mods people make on them.

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Xoj said:

yet you know hybrid processor , as number crunching its the future right? IBM have the fastest super computer IBM roadrunner. it's made of clustered of cell processors.

in some gen they will have to jump up because multi core, multi spu, processor can have a clear perfomance advance over only multicore ones, hell the next xbox maybe a hybrid processor based.

Not really, the closest thing to a hybrid processor they will touch follows a GPU model anyway. The bread and butter X86 CPUs have very little to do with high performance computing, supercomputers and the like. Theres absolutely no reason to expect the next Xbox will follow the Cell path and they can always cross that bridge when they come to it. They probably have their hands full with DirectX 11 between compute shaders and tessellation.


With ALLLLLLLLLLLLL of the games we keep hearing about that the PS3 has on tap...what does it matter that ONE developer isn't interested in investing MILLIONS to get a competent team to work of ps3 games? It's a business decision, and EA can always get somebody else to port a game, if they feel it's worthwhile. People need to give it a rest...and stop asking the dude the same damn question every 2 working the ps3....what's this Pinky and the Brain?

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Xoj said:
Squilliam said:

They don't expect to see a heterogeneous processor in their bread and butter PC operations, so no I doubt that they have any real need to learn anything from the Cell. Explicit DMA? I don't see that as a requirement for a multi-core X86 processor.

Their calling is in developing rather innovative games in the FPS realm, they used a generic engine in their first game but I doubt we would have seen anything of the likes of Portal without them developing an engine. I also doubt they could support the mod community as well if they didn't have anything to offer them (for free).

Missing the PS3 isn't a great shame at this point. The Xbox 360 can support 3-4 big shooter games in a year but the PS3 cannot. We saw how Gears of War 2 and Left 4 Dead thrived alongside Call of Duty whereas Resistance 2 suffered for coming out next to Call of Duty: World at War. Also at this point they can spend more time making the game more fun than worrying about getting a PS3 SKU up to speed.

Finally, I doubt that Valve are really feeling down at themselves or anything. Its like Epic games really, I mean Epic and Valve are so regretful... The sales for their games have been dreadful or not. I doubt they could have released L4D 2 within a year if they had a PS3 SKU for example.


yet you know hybrid processor , as number crunching its the future right? IBM have the fastest super computer IBM roadrunner. it's made of clustered of cell processors.

in some gen they will have to jump up because multi core, multi spu, processor can have a clear perfomance advance over only multicore ones, hell the next xbox maybe a hybrid processor based.

(Damn ya Squilliam x2, I was just about replying his post about difference of asymmetric and symmetric multiprocessing and of course replying this one. :) )


Have you ever heard a thing called GPU? Last time I checked it can crunch floating point numbers much faster than even the incredible CELL. So theres really no need for other floating point coprocessors. If developing gets any harder than it is already, it would pretty much destroy whole industry. On the other hand if it gets easier more can be done in less time and games can evolve more. So what would it be, crappier and more costly games or better and cheaper games?(If developing time is same of course...)

I feel... like it makes sense.

It's like when Epic says they aren't going to work on the Wii.

There are a ton of good reasons Valve not to.

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Zlejedi said:
Seihyouken said:
Why would I want to play a Valve game on anything other than a PC?

Yeah that's a good question. I still laught at the proud x360 owners who are so happy they can play they dumbed down, low visual quality, bad controls version of proper Valve pc games :D

Do you also laugh at PS3 owners who play multiplat FPSs for playing the "bad controls version"?

Meh, I'll live.

4 ≈ One

Jereel Hunter said:
Zlejedi said:
Seihyouken said:
Why would I want to play a Valve game on anything other than a PC?

Yeah that's a good question. I still laught at the proud x360 owners who are so happy they can play they dumbed down, low visual quality, bad controls version of proper Valve pc games :D

Do you also laugh at PS3 owners who play multiplat FPSs for playing the "bad controls version"?

UT3 have mouse and keyboard support . ;).

I don't really care since I don't play any type of shooter.

Or Portal.

Squall_Leonhart said:

Destroyer_of_knights said:
Not necessarily lazy, but one could say that their not skilled or intelligent enough to take the challenge that PS3 brings. ;)

Also, I thought a majority of programmers liked to be challenged, well the skilled one's at least.
This explains why there such advancements in software tech....the other portion of programmers that don't like the challenge...well they'll go the way of the dodo, so it's either adapt or die bitch!!!

I agree completely! It is the developers that 'go the extra mile' that make each console generation that more exciting than the last. I mean people were beginning to see a plateau in the graphical quality of Wii games and then Capcom came along with Monster Hunter 3 and shocked everyone, thus raising the bar of graphics (not taking into account story etc etc) and this in turn will make other developers push to get the most out of the console.

I mean in PS3 terms Sony studios are by far the furthest ahead in getting the console to do wonderful things, a la Uncharted 2, but this is obvious since they made the damn thing lol. But 3rd party studios like Konami (with MGS4) and even Ubisoft (with Prince of Persia, that game was just gorgeous) show that with a bit of effort, games on the PS3 can not just look fantastic but also get the sales needed!

Squall_Leonhart said:
Does anyone care anymore? Really? They have just shown that they are either incredibly lazy developers who refuse to have a challenge when it comes to making games (like you would imagine most games developers would relish) or they are just awful in that they can't get games to work on the console and now refuse to even try!

I mean look at the quality of the games coming on the console and already on it, it is far from impossible to make games for it so imo Valve = fail


I dunno if you guys are incredibly lazy, or not intelligent enough to understand how businesses run, but I'll break it down for you - companies create games to make money, not to cater to whoever wants them. Now, Valve is a small development company. And guess what? Developing for additional platforms requires more resources than they have. Studies have shown that companies that focus on maintaining profitability, rather than attempting to grow and grow are more likely to survive and profit. And that is what Valve is doing, working with what they know and making money - not spreading themselves thin by doubling their development staff in an attempt to penetrate more markets.


I also love how you, in the same breath as you agree that they are lazy, praise Sony's first party studio's and Konami for a single platform title. It's almost as if a developer is only lazy/unintelligent if they choose not to program for your favorite console. Investing notably more effort into a console that yields lower sales doesn't seem to be the brightest decision to me, but what do I know, I only develop for PCs, I must be unintelligent too.