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Forums - Sales Discussion - Piracy not theft because its a copy..

vlad321 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Piracy is a form of theft you are stealing their intellectual property even if you are not stealing a physical copy of the disc. Now as for causes of it is something else entirely. The prices they charge in many cases and in many places are outrageous. When I was in Israel I saw Ratchet and Clank Future Quest for Booty in disc form for what would be the equivalent of $100 yet it's on the PSN in the US for $15. This is one clear example of a game being way over priced since its not a full game just a short one yet in Israel they would be paying the same price as they would for regular for games which is still $40 more than games are in the US

Intelletual Property is a joke. You have no idea how flawed it is.

This happened a few years ago. John Carmack, being abadass as he always is, alone comes up with some new algorith. However some other company also came up with it at basically the same time. They patented it first so Carmack kinda screwed. Please tell me oh wise person, to who does the intellectual propety belong to then?

Face it, Intellectual Property laws are a joke, and defining anything by them is also a joke.

When I was making basic things for my 3D engine I found out something uhm... stupid.

"The use of polygon strips in products distributed in the United States prior to December 4, 2014, may be subject to a patent owned by General Electric Company."


I wonder do people use triangle strips in their commercial programs without permission of General Electric, if they don't they will be using much more resources than they would be using with triangle strip. Well, I didn't care about that patent and I did implement triangle strips in my engine. Screw them, I am not going to handicap my engine because of some stupid patent.

(I do know what vertex buffers are. Didn't know back then.)


Concept is quite easy to understand. Instead of using invidual triangles coordinates you just send continuos strips coordinates. Lets take an example...


Triangle strip would be

ABCDEF , thats 6 positions you have to send.

Without strip and using just invidual triangles it would be

ABCBCDCDEDEF, thats 12 positions you have to send.

So thats 50% less stuff...


As you can see more theres triangles in strip less you have to send. How many triangles there are in new games? Answer is a lot!


For example in Gears of War, Xbox 360, 2006
Wretch - 10,000 polygons with diffuse, specular and normal maps
Boomer - 11,000 polygons with diffuse, specular and normal maps
Marcus - 15,000 polygons with diffuse, specular and normal maps

( )



Fortunately we will get DLC (hopefully) soon enough so used games and renting games will be gone. And... piracy isn't theft. :)

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FayeC said:
Piracy isnt theft. Its copyright infringement. While both are crimes, one is a crime due to the fact that we live in a society controlled by the wealthy.

A provocative, inflamatory and wholly correct statement... I like it!

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

coilnightmare said:
Piracy is horrible, But let's see it from another perspective...

Here, where I live (Brazil), most people buy piracy games. You might ask why people do not buy the original ones.
As most of you might know Brazil is a poor country when compared to USA, Japan and most of Europe. It's obviously why lots of people do not buy original products (games and others stuffs). They simply cannot afford.
Here, we're usually late when it comes to technology, not only because most of it we import, but also cause taxes are ridiculously high, in some cases, higher than 100%.
PS2 is the most used console here cause people cannot buy any of the newer ones. Today, a new PS2 costs 300 dollars. Wii is 750 dollars, ps3 750-1000dollars and xbox360 800 dollars. The prices of the games are also outrageous. Any new game is usually 299reais (160 dollars).
Just for you to know, the minimum paid salary is 250 dollars/ month. People kinda consider 1000dollars/ month a good one. You'd have to choose whether you'd prefer to eat or to buy games.
I really would like to see everybody buying the games, supporting developers and companies, but how would you do that ?

I think the best way it could be done is support native Brazillian solutions for consoles. They are expensive because your country has a very stiff import tax of 25% or more on goods. It would be good if your country abolished such archaic tariffs. The other way to do it is to take the Sega model and license the console(s) to Brazilian manufacturers for a small licensing fee - which would allow the console to be much cheaper than it is now.

Likewise, the games are expensive due to your horrible taxation method. If your government changed this, then the prices of games should go down to a much more effective level of 100-150 reais.

The other method is to just buy online PC games that circumvent such taxes. There are many PC games available for $10-$20 (22-30 reais).

Ultimately, and unfortunately, the load of burden is on your governments choices of protectionist policies. I think that console makers should try much harder on working on a Brazillian market, but unfortunately, it's just not big enough to warrant such drastic measures such as licensing  a console.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

I agree pirates have so much excuses.




You'd like to think there was a difference between downloading a PC rom and the english translation of Mother 3 because you can't understand Japanese, and downloading UFC Unleashed on 360 because you don't feel like paying, but legally there isn't. This, among a few other examples is why I feel piracy is not as black and white as twesterm will eventually come into this thread and make it seem. Love ya T!


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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Piracy is far too good of a name for people that steal video games.

Real pirates are only second to Robin Hood and his merry men as the coolest thieves ever.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Piracy is the equivalent of repeatedly breaking into a movie theater without paying.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
Piracy is the equivalent of repeatedly breaking into a movie theater without paying.

Not really. You take up a seat in that theater. Or at the very least, you take up space in it. Game Piracy doesnt work that way. They only thing that is "taken" is the user's desire to purchase the software, a desire that no one can prove existed to begin with!

FayeC said:
Kantor said:
Piracy is the equivalent of repeatedly breaking into a movie theater without paying.

Not really. You take up a seat in that theater. Or at the very least, you take up space in it. Game Piracy doesnt work that way. They only thing that is "taken" is the user's desire to purchase the software, a desire that no one can prove existed to begin with!

Very well, getting onto a plane, sitting in the cargo hold (there's plenty of room left over), and saying "I wouldn't have flown on this plane if I had to pay!"

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I find it interesting to see so many people scoff at the idea of piracy not being theft when from a legal definition it is, in fact, not theft.

You do not have the right to never be offended.