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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Capcom says 'never say never' with Street Fighter IV on Wii

I waiting for the PC version to come and hell yeah if Wii can handle it then I'm in.

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mjc2021 said:
The real problem is they would essentially have to rebuild the game from scratch due to the Wii hardware being so... inferior. The Arcade, PC, 360, and PS3 are all essentially the same game. The Wii requires special attention (i.e. $$$) and apparently Capcom doesn't feel its a worthwhile endeavor.

Since they're making a PC version they have to have some scaling ability to the engine, if it could scale down enough a port to the Wii wouldn't be that hard or costly, though if they had thought of making it from the start it wouldn't cost too terribly much as bard has stated while you're making a model when you've made the basic concept of the model before you make all the details for the HD model you take the basic model and save it there to be made into the Wii's less detailed model it would be an easy process.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

i hope they do put it on the wii .



please click  dragons and eggs


If they made it from scratch/talored for the Wii and not half-assed, then hell yes I would cough up the dough till I bleed to death!

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!

Oh, Capcom. You never cease to amuse me.

Wii/PC/DS Lite/PSP-2000 owner, shameless Nintendo and AMD fanboy.

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Primary Storage: OCZ Vertex 120 GB
Case: Cooler Master HAF-932
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Extra Storage: WD Caviar Black 640 GB,
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Display: Triple ASUS 25.5" 1920x1200 monitors
Sound: HT Omega Striker 7.1 sound card,
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Wii Friend Code: 2772 8804 2626 5138 Steam: jefforange89
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mjc2021 said:
The real problem is they would essentially have to rebuild the game from scratch due to the Wii hardware being so... inferior. The Arcade, PC, 360, and PS3 are all essentially the same game. The Wii requires special attention (i.e. $$$) and apparently Capcom doesn't feel its a worthwhile endeavor.

you  need to be more familiar with the concept of scaleable engines, such as the source or COD4 engines. If capcom teases constantly about a wii SF4 version(is the third time this year ), do you think ::A: capcom just like to tease.B:Capcom doesnt feels it worthwhile? I think you need to think in a bit logical way. Is very probably easy to port the game with some aesthetic changes(as they stated), without having to start from scratch(scale down SF engine-switch to TVC engine).As stated, its more expensive to devote balance and gameplay adjustments to new add one characters as in the pc version, as merely lowering engine, as SF4 is far less demanding than RE5, a game Capcom stated MIGHT come to Wii last week. And yes, they mentioned they plan to go the DR way for this year for those franchises.

For all that i care, the version might be already be in development and they arent ready to spill the beans just yet.

intro94 said:

lol, so you think porting a much more niche and lesser sold game like Dead rising was cheaper? they even acknowledged the posibility of RE5 last week. I think you are out of touch.When Capcom says its a possibility ,or in the case of RE5, a big chance, they are not saying:we are not willing to like you imply.They even used DR CTYD as an example. Porting SF4 would be much cheaper AND profitable than DR.And if they are willing to port a much graphically heavy game like RE5, this seems like a walk in the park to me.

Just because Capcom took the risk of putting Dead Rising on the Wii (and failed) that doesn't mean they want to do that with every HD game. When Capcom develops an HD game they can release it for the PC, 360, and PS3. They essentially develop 1 game and sell it to 3 core audiences. The Wii however needs a game to be developed specifically for it and it will typically sell the least amount of copies.

Also you guys always complain about Capcom for not putting their major games on the Wii. But companies like Konami, Namco, Square-Enix, 2K, etc also keep their greats on the HD consoles. Clearly a lot of developers find it risky to put games on the Wii.

MaxwellGT2000 said:
mjc2021 said:
The real problem is they would essentially have to rebuild the game from scratch due to the Wii hardware being so... inferior. The Arcade, PC, 360, and PS3 are all essentially the same game. The Wii requires special attention (i.e. $$$) and apparently Capcom doesn't feel its a worthwhile endeavor.

Since they're making a PC version they have to have some scaling ability to the engine, if it could scale down enough a port to the Wii wouldn't be that hard or costly, though if they had thought of making it from the start it wouldn't cost too terribly much as bard has stated while you're making a model when you've made the basic concept of the model before you make all the details for the HD model you take the basic model and save it there to be made into the Wii's less detailed model it would be an easy process.

I'm not a developer but it sounds like you're over simplifying the work that actually has to be done.

intro94 said:
mjc2021 said:
The real problem is they would essentially have to rebuild the game from scratch due to the Wii hardware being so... inferior. The Arcade, PC, 360, and PS3 are all essentially the same game. The Wii requires special attention (i.e. $$$) and apparently Capcom doesn't feel its a worthwhile endeavor.

you  need to be more familiar with the concept of scaleable engines, such as the source or COD4 engines. If capcom teases constantly about a wii SF4 version(is the third time this year ), do you think ::A: capcom just like to tease.B:Capcom doesnt feels it worthwhile? I think you need to think in a bit logical way. Is very probably easy to port the game with some aesthetic changes(as they stated), without having to start from scratch(scale down SF engine-switch to TVC engine).As stated, its more expensive to devote balance and gameplay adjustments to new add one characters as in the pc version, as merely lowering engine, as SF4 is far less demanding than RE5, a game Capcom stated MIGHT come to Wii last week. And yes, they mentioned they plan to go the DR way for this year for those franchises.

For all that i care, the version might be already be in development and they arent ready to spill the beans just yet.

Well its always a possibility Capcom will bring them to the Wii somehow. But as I mentioned Capcom isn't the only developer not bringing HD games to the Wii. Clearly its a risky endeavor.

the best part about SFIV was the presentation.. it will be interesting to see what capcom can do with it.. I wouldnt hold my breath though.. it will be an old port by the time it sees light of day

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business